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Manji 卍

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Posts posted by Manji 卍

  1. 2 hours ago, VkBrutaliaN said:

    i guess thats it... - i keep revisiting them just because i have hope they'll convince me to like their music again but STILL after so many releases their first live limited maxi single will ALWAYS remain their best release to me and also the only one i really care for.

    truth. actually the first two live limited (4 tracks in total) were awesome.and then they simply started to deliver bland tracks

    this is slightly better than all we've seen so far

  2. 17 minutes ago, platy said:

    I don't think it was his choice, it was the label's. It's a trend that I've noticed a lot in vk. I like masks and such, but not on this guy.

    got you. personally ,it was very nice to see him wearing different masks on MV's,etc

    however, he's very good looking with long hair and glasses  but this time,it looks terrible.imo

  3. 19 minutes ago, platy said:


    You mean when they used to hide his face with random shit because he isn't a skinny, pretty boy?

    what? who said that the masks and the other stuff on his face were because of  he was ashamed of his body?

     that's the first look of him that i didn't like,and i miss the masks

  4. 1 minute ago, Komorebi said:

    I didn't say it was bad. You are the one who said the last single sounded too polished and worried about the production. Is sounding polished a bad thing?

    I said that I wanted the production of the last two albums,then you asked if I wanted to hear a bad production. What does it means? To me it was a bad thing. Between the guitar tone of Satsui and Hentai,Satsui was way more enjoyable. 

    But,again...a matter of personal taste.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    So... you want to hear bad production?

    That wasn't bad at all, the first full albums were well produced .if you think so, then it's a matter of personal taste

  6. Their names for albums and artworks always had this "whatever" feeling...my only concern is the production,I don't want it to sound like Hentai or the last single, it was way too polished,I want these new tracks with the production of the last two albums.


    (Edit: SaZ used to have a badass looking,now look at him, man...)

  7. They should start to include acoustic versions of their tracks on the B side of the singles or something like that. I can imagine many of their songs with this kind of arrangement

  8. all the heaviness on the last tracks were truly pleasant,but i'm hoping for tracks with clean vocals only 

    cuz his clean voice is enjoyble and it deserves to be more explored with no screams ( 浄土の花 for example)  


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