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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

  2. And the COVER Still a little bit to go, until this BEST album will be released. Anyway I really like the jacket cover! Also I made a list of which track is from which album/single. From those singles/albums 01-> 2014.08.06 「戦国Neverend」 02-> 2013.03.09 「我が名、麗麗なり」 03-> 20??.??.??? 「」 (anybody an idea when this song was released?) 04-> 2012.08.18 「四神演武」 05-> 2017.05.03 「N・G・Y」 06-> 2012.08.18 「四神演武」 07-> 2013.03.09 「我が名、麗麗なり」 08-> 2012.08.18 「四神演武」 09-> 2015.05.20「うたかた百鬼夜行」 10-> 2015.11.09 「ファイナルポコペン」 (Live limited release) But I doubt that the songs are re-arranged or re-rerecorded.
  3. BrenGun

    SARRMATH will hold their first anniversary live at 10/12. at the end their will be an Calmando Qual session encore. silent, r's and Nue will also be a part of the event. more details see the website.
  4. Also the band updated their YouTube with some fun videos Also stupid note, 耀-you- is still 16 years old, he will turn 17 on September 9. (He is really that young, not a joke) And they will hold his birthday event at September 8 at NAMBA Mele
  5. BrenGun

    I ended a friendship. I feel broken. But can't deal that he doesn't feel the same. Just hurt too much. hopefully I can forget about it anytime soon.
  6. you cannot, only phones who are bought in Japan are supported. (you also need a phone to login at the website)
  7. Can't download it via my mobile.. are ya kidding oO So it's Japan only. lol
  8. BrenGun

    Oh sorry, my wrong then... o.o // (I thought it was posted on the official blog...) So then the other lives are scheduled as LIPHLICH, 4 members? _________ Anyway, I tried to translate his message, can have some slight translation mistakes, and keep in mind, English isn't also my first language. Also I checked the band twitter back just now. And it also seems as written here that there was a silence since February until April 8th, and then after April 8th, there was again nothing announced. However they played their oneman live at 6/13, but not much tweets before and after... ____ To all or fans, We are sorry that the album for July is delayed without giving any announcement. To be honest, We are currently in a very difficult band situation. It's about Wataru. Already since last year Wataru has trouble with facing LIPHLICH. Since then until February this year, we noticed that it was necessary for Wataru (and for everyone) to take a little break for 2 months. That's why we did hold the O-EAST live on April 8th. However since that live the situation turned downwards into a bad direction, even if we talked with each other in the studio. the situation became steady. It doesn't affect not us alone, but also staff and stakeholders, All releases and our future schedules got messed up. I already know Wateru for 15 years and he actually isn't such person. That's why I'm worried as much iritated too. I can't talk more about it, because it's our personal matter. But for Wataru, him being a person, bassist, artist, LIPLICH member, I have fully faith in him. But now I feel that for Wataru everything* has become a burden. In the worst case, we will take a break or disband. The current schedule is: ・8月19日 高田馬場AREA 久我(Kuga) SOLO ・8月25日 umeda TRAD  ・8月26日 名古屋E.L.L   ・9月9日  東京湾レディークリスタル ・9月22日 福岡博多湾マリエラ ・9月24日 神戸港オーシャンプリンス ・10月6日 大阪湾サンタマリア ・10月14日 横浜港マリンシャトル ・11月23日 タッキーバースデーライブ ・11月25日 こばやんバースデーライブ 8/19 will be a SOLO live. (久我(Kuga) solo live) Aside from this (live) LIPHLICH will play with 4 members For 11/23 and 11/25 details will be yet announced. I don't know when and if Wataru will speak for his own. However he has to face himself and we have to face him. Whatever happens, I guess I be on his side. We are thinking about the future of LIPHLICH and Wataru, How our future looks like cannot be told yet. We are very sorry, to worry all our fans, Please keep an eye on us. *everything: expectations, love, responsibility, worry, disappointment.
  9. BrenGun

    Yeah, Also I guess this means: 8月19日公演のみ、僕1人で弾き語りライブをやります。 それ以外はLIPHLICH4人での公演になります。 11月23日と11月25日公演の詳細については追って発表します。 8/19 will be played with us alone. (So I'm guessing with 3 members) <- wrong 8/19 will be a SOLO live. <- (correct) Aside from this (live) LIPHLICH will play with 4 members For 11/23 and 11/25 details will be yet announced.
  10. BrenGun

    It seems that Wataru told them not really want to continue with the band and that he doesn't really want (yet) to speak about it. However because of this they are considering a disbandment or a break if the current problem doesn't resolve. The live of August 19th will be performed without Wataru. However the dates after will be with all 4 members. So, they are still in contact.
  11. they play this September again... But only sometimes a live, no new releases.
  12. kiwi knows English And if you would ask Rui in English he might would understand too.
  13. I would say, email kiwamu to get an answer. or if rui answers ask him via twitter or email or whatever. (^_^)/
  14. BrenGun

    I'm really picky in choosing bands to support. I listen to a song once, and if they didn't put inside what I like, I simply won't listen again. whenever they are loved by many or not. But still some bands I check every release in hope that they deliver something amazing, and that can take a couple of years. But I usually can hear that with listing only to 1-2 songs. But I totally don't care about looks at all. A band can look hot and horny but if they cannot play their instrument then I also don't care about them. But now days I almost do not listen to visual kei, most band pour out the same boring sound, I usually support bands with members around or over 40ties...
  15. BrenGun

    Also a good point, however some products made by recording labels stands long or even lifetime isn't. But let's call it: Pushed by recording label.
  16. The 国立少年-クニタチキッド- thing whatever it was has been canceled. 【お詫びとお知らせ】 「国立少年-クニタチキッド-」発売中止のお知らせ 平成30年9月に発売を予定させていただいておりました下記の新商品につきまして、諸般の事情に伴い、発売及びMV撮影を中止とさせていただくこととなりました。 ・国立少年-クニタチキッド- 発売直前のご案内となってしまい、楽しみにお待ちくださっているお客様には多大なるご迷惑をおかけいたします事、心よりお詫ぴ申し上げます。 何卒ご理解頂きますようお願い申し上げま 平成30年8月 怪盗戦隊ヌスムンジャー一同
  17. you gonna need a proxy. I won't buy it. My dept is aleeady 18,000 So won't ask my friend for more 😂😂😂😂 but its truly something nice if you don't own much form them.
  18. Migimimi sleep tight will release 2 new singles (digital) at 8/8 and 9/5 The single which will be released at 8/8 is named 『OYSTER GIRL / Hi-NRG BOY』 And the OYSTER GIRL is fully in English! ・iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/migimimi-sleep-tight/1123494997 ・Spotify: The 9.5 single is named: SLEEPY SUNSET / The Bike, more info soon! https://twitter.com/infoMigimimi http://migimimi.com/
  19. As we know Merry Badend will disband after their live at 8/17. However on 9/5 the band will drop an BEST CD + LIVE DVD to close their story. the release is called "メリーバッドエンド(Merry Badend)" and will be 5000yen(tax included). Also you only can buy it at the webshop only. Also if you go to their last outdoor event at HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA you can get 1000yen off. (tax-free & free shipping) 【LIVE DVD Tracklist】 2018年6月30日名古屋ell.FITS ALL (2018/06.30Nagoya ell.FITS ALL) 『審判の日-Day of Judgment-』(『Shinpan no hi-Day of Judgment-』) 1.Absolute 2.Eraser 3.神厄性書 (Kami yaku sei sho) 4.遺書 (Isho) 5.羊 (Hitsuji) 6.Caucasus 7.Why? 8.デウス=エクス=マキナ (deus = ex = machina) 9.神ツ実 (Kami tsu mi) 10.鬼サンコチラ手ノ鳴ル方ヘ (onisan kochira te no naru hou e) 11.サクラメント (Sacramento) 12.Mの憂鬱 (M no yūutsu) 13.G.D.F 14.失敗作は夢を見る (shippaisaku wa yume o miru) 15.もう無理。(Moumuri.) 16.君が世は (Kimi ga yo wa) EN.誓約 (Seiyaku) 【BEST ALBUM Tracklist】 1.SE 2.サクラメント (Sacramento) 3.Why? 4.Absolute 5.Mの憂鬱 (M no yūutsu) 6.シンデレラ (Cinderella) 7.遺書 (Isho) 8.狂化-EX- 9.鬼サンコチラ手ノ鳴ル方ヘ (onisan kochira te no naru hou e) 10.神ツ実 (Kami tsu mi) 11.デウス=エクス=マキナ (deus = ex = machina) 12.羊 (Hitsuji) 13.kiss me girl and your old one 14.君が世は(Kimi ga yo wa) 15.G.D.F 16.もう無理。(Moumuri.) 17.誓約 (Seiyaku) 18.失敗作は夢を見る (shippaisaku wa yume o miru) 19.神厄性書 ((Kami yaku sei sho)) 20.終焉 (Shuuen)
  20. BrenGun

    Finally arrived!! Even tho, I already had them digital before the release date 😛
  21. BrenGun

    In that case you are right. Still there are bands who drop out 2-4 gigs a month. sometimes on a weekday otherwise at the weekend and on holidays. And some guys also work hard to get 3 days off once in a while. But even with an okay career you can be serious in a band, it just depends on how flexible your bandmates are. And of course it depends on how greedy you are towards money. But not all visual kei bands do instores tho. And we know, without a good job you only can live from money FROM fans. And that's also what lot's of vkei dudes do. living on fan money and gifts.
  22. BrenGun

    True that, but yet why can so many bands with 5 members keep on going even with 5 different options? Somehow there should be a kind of good communication and just only 1 or 2 people who really composing things... But I never hear my bandman friends complain about each other music taste. Maybe it's also a matter of egoism? That if everyone created a song and you vote together which song is better and that you simply get annoyed if your song never will be chosen to turn into a song? Please explain it a bit more how you deal with it... I guess you are or was in a band? I mean, why the heck would you give up a band so fast which you have created, is different musical opinion really enough to break a band? or is it just a "small" thing which can be added to "other" stuff? Yes, if a band joins a label they get a contract which they should hold on, bands also can kicked off a label if they don't sell enough CD's or maybe even don't get enough visitors to their gig. Also yes, young bands don't often know anything about the system and notice later on how difficult it actually is to be a bandman. The reality to be in a band is different and more difficult.
  23. BrenGun

    Yeah kind of true but, I doubts it's the main reason. If you start a band you would be stupid to join a band with someone with a totally different view and taste to music. Of course we also do see it happen that a band announce themselves and then shortly after they will disband. btw, The reasons I wrote I point to VK and not for other genres, other genres often last way longer or even (almost) lifetime. While with VK dudes give up way more fast. I know many rock/punk bands and a bunch of them had so many member changes and always kept going without even to take a BREAK. No guitarist, alright next gig playing without, or even sometimes they already found someone to fill in. Yes, exactly Laziness is also a good point how you say it. Promotion also takes lot's of time and sometimes even if you pour in time you still gain no fans or fans who don't even join your gig.
  24. BrenGun

    I know enough bandman with a real job and being in a band. So it's not an excuse. Some bands aren't popular, far from that. At least most bands who disband within 2 years only have a few fans.... But not gaining many fans within an amount of time can give frustrating. and yes that can give different ideas. But yet, if a band gets popular fast, not everyone can deal with it. ~~~~~~~~ but maybe jealousy inside a band can be a reason: Aka one guy is way more handsome and get all the chicks. ( ̄▽ ̄;)
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