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Posts posted by Azaeroe

  1. I was homeschooled until the age of fourteen, at which point I passed an examination which allowed me to enter uni three years before some others, four years before most. I only achieved this because my father raised me alone, very strictly and pretty much educated me himself in many fields, he being an academic, himself. I suppose there is some level of cognition also necessary, but I won't boast about that. I just completed my first semester of Aegyptology and Classics and I have to say, the modern university is a joke. I plan on dropping out and visiting Sued-Tirol in order to make connections and become a poet.

  2. 9 hours ago, Jigsaw9 said:

    Reading Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima currently, and struggling with it a bit, lol. The protagonist is an asshat and not much exciting happened throughout the first 100 pages but I'll try to finish it.

    I found the lawyer interesting and the part about how modern Japanese law was formed - out of an amalgamation of Vedic and Roman law. As for the asshat comment, did you mean the protagonist's pretending to have visited a geisha? Also, do you plan on reading the whole of the tetralogy? I did not.

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