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Everything posted by TheZigzagoon

  1. TheZigzagoon

    Ayyyyy Ruka is back!
  2. TheZigzagoon

    I was literally gonna comment Tokyo Drift by Teriyaki Boyz as I used to listen to it so much as a kid! I mean my signature has the best lyric from it xD
  3. TheZigzagoon

    I actually really like that song!
  4. TheZigzagoon

    Peace and Smile Carnival 2005 DVD, featuring the best performance of 'Carry' by The Gazette available on DVD imo
  5. Anyone here play competitive Pokémon? 

    1. saishuu


      you might wanna try Facade over return for Snorlax as there's a chance it might get burned. try giving Mence the Lum Berry and Koko the Life Orb. you could play around defensive sets for both Vaporeon and T-tar as they're both quite bulky in SpDef and see which one works best. good luck on the tournament!

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @saishuu Facade Snorlax is interesting! Would it get STAB and boosted from stat boosts? I might do Lum berry Mence and Life orb Koko as it seems like a sensible idea! I was thinking having Vaporeon hold leftovers, and Tyranitar hold Assault Vest :) Thank you! And thank you for the advice! 

    3. saishuu


      it does get STAB from Facade! sure it's weaker, but it helps when you're aflicted by status. you're welcome, btw!

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  6. TheZigzagoon

    Everything is fine except the pacifier, that's the stuff of nightmares
  7. So in less than 3 weeks I'm covering Filth in the beauty at a convention.


    Can I scream/shout/growl?



    Am I nervous?



    Am I fucked?

    y  E  Ss

    1. TheZigzagoon


      @Mihi @-NOVA- it's just a vocal cover, and it will most likely be recorded. The song will be missing huge chunks I guess but oooooh welllllll XD 

    2. -NOVA-


      Good Luck :) Thats really cool !!! :headbang:

    3. TheZigzagoon


      @-NOVA- Thank you! 

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  8. TheZigzagoon

    Enjoy! That album is a treat for the ears!
  9. TheZigzagoon

    Meh it's nothing we haven't heard before but it's still decent nevertheless, I'll buy it!
  10. TheZigzagoon

    I love this post! Thanks for the hard work on it!
  11. Of course man! My comment was aimed at the OP on Tanuki, not you B O I
  12. I get that, it's the way the original poster on Tanuki put it with "I don't want Screw fans telling me they feel bad for [Byou]". Like, how can you not after reading some of that stuff (I understand that stuff may be false info but still)
  13. Yeah dummies, we need to make more bandomen jack off in a room full of people and beat them if they don't cum, otherwise how else would they learn respect JEEEEEEZ
  14. Can someone make a separate thread about Ruka getting beat up with a chair or link me to some place I can read about it? I want to know this juicy gossip
  15. TheZigzagoon

    That's odd, where's Mathilda's slot?
  16. I wonder if the new vocalist likes pizza and hide and seek as much as the last 🐸☕
  17. TheZigzagoon

    The fact that this is a thing just tells me how immature some bands are. Does this actually happen?
  18. TheZigzagoon

    I reckon each member are taking turns to see who can record the wettest fart on mic And it'll probably be better than all the material they put in to this album :^)
  19. TheZigzagoon

    No way! What an absolute unit!
  20. TheZigzagoon

    If your grandparents don't know the furi does the vocalist have a shit fit?
  21. TheZigzagoon

    Thank you! Memes are to be made
  22. TheZigzagoon

    I sense a sudden disbanding around the corner, shit can only hit the fan so many times before a band calls it quits
  23. TheZigzagoon

    Fellas do you think Mr. Tickles penis is wobbly like his arms?
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