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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by chocobuzz

  1. chocobuzz

    Yessssss I'm so ready for this!!!
  2. chocobuzz

    I like the song, it's very catchy. I like their overall look too, though the vocalist's makeup looks somehow kinda weird.
  3. So I found the kanji lyrics from their blog and I was wondering if someone here would be kind enough to romanize and maybe even translate them for me. ^^ Thanks in advance! Here's the kanji: 二枚舌 作詞 遼 作曲 遼 編曲 ヴァージュ 何カトイツモ綺麗事並ベ お安イ正義ヲ振リ撒イテ 不都合アレバ逃ゲ癖発揮デ ドッチガ本当ノ顔デスカ? ア~キライダ! 善者ブッタ 偽善者失セロ キミハボクヲ恨ンダ ボクハキミヲ笑ッタ 腐ッタソノ目ヲシッカリコジ開ケ タマニハ己ヲ見ツメナサイ 裏デハ他人ノ不幸ガ好物 汚イ心ハ満タサレマスカ? ア~キライダ! 善者ブッタ 偽善者失セロ キミハボクヲ恨ンダ ボクハキミヲ笑ッタ 幼稚ナ理想、意味ヲ成サナイ 曲ガッタ悪モ白ニ染マッタ 悲シイ顔シテ素顔ハ隠シテイクノカ? ゴ都合主義デ理性ヲ保ツ 縋ッテバカリデ愚カダッタ心ノ無イ者ヨ 失ウ前ニ悔イ改メヨ ア~キライダ!偽善者失セロ ア~キライダ! 善者ブッタ 偽善者失セロ キミハボクヲ恨ンダ ボクハキミヲ笑ッタ 幼稚ナ理想、意味ヲ成サナイ 曲ガッタ悪モ白ニ染マッタ 悲シイ顔シテ素顔ハ隠シテイクノカ? ゴ都合主義デ理性ヲ保ツ 縋ッテバカリデ愚カダッタ心ノナイ者ヨ ボクハモウ見抜イテイルヨ 吐キソウニナル タダ皮肉ニモ曲ガッタ悪スラ降リ掛カッタ 被害者ヅラシテ本性ハ隠シテイクノカ? ゴ都合主義デ理性ヲ保ツ 縋ッテバカリデ愚カダッタ心ノ無イ者ハ 表面上ダケハ素敵デシタ
  4. chocobuzz

    Sounds pretty good, I like it!
  5. chocobuzz

    Last night I had a dream I was at McDonald's and I ordered a happy meal but the guy there somehow managed to completely fuck it up and it made me very sad. Then I woke up sad and hungry. I want my happy meal.
  6. chocobuzz

    goddamnit ;~; why did this have to happen...
  7. chocobuzz

    Wow that sounds nice. I like it.
  8. chocobuzz

    Wow, I really wasn't expecting this T_T
  9. I'm really looking forward to this too. The previews sound just awesome!!
  10. chocobuzz

    I somehow mysteriously managed to lose my other knitting needle once again. I accidentally dropped it on the floor and after some frustrated whining I finally crouched to pick it up but I didn't see it anywhere anymore. I looked under my couch and my chair and my desk to see if it had rolled somewhere there but I didn't find it anywhere. What the hell. There's gotta be some weird black hole or something in my apartment where all my stuff always disappears... Not cool.
  11. Wow, pretty damn nice. Especially that last one. It's really something I just wanna listen to nonstop until my ears and brains blow up or something lol
  12. chocobuzz

    I've been playing FFXII The Zodiac Age for a couple of weeks now and oh I'm loving it. I've played the original FFXII on PS2 some years ago and this new remastered version is pretty much everything I've ever wanted. FFXII is actually one of my favorite Final Fantasy games (yeah, judge me all you want but I genuinely find the combat system really fun, the characters well-made (well except for Penelo I still can't stand her she's so damn annoying) and the story interesting XD) and finally getting a pretty amazing-looking remaster of it has made me very happy. Though I really need to mentally prepare myself for the fight against Yiazmat again when I get to that point (if they haven't changed it for this version and made him easier anyhow, I'm not actually sure). I remember the fight took me eight freaking hours when I played the original game on my PS2 and when I finally beat him I swore I'd never ever fight him again lol. Seriously, whoever thought it was a good idea to give Yiazmat fifty million HP deserves a kick in the butt.
  13. chocobuzz

    They haven't really impressed me all that much yet but I think they have a lot of potential so I'll still be eagerly waiting to hear some new stuff from them. I hope they'll surprise me positively haha
  14. chocobuzz

    I kinda expected that with a name like that they'd be wearing some kinda red outfits and devil's horns and tails and tridents and there would be flames and all kinda cool shit in the background lol So yeah I guess their look's a little boring but I'm still looking forward to hear what kinda stuff they'll actually make.
  15. Aah those previews sound so goooooood.
  16. chocobuzz

    The music video is so cute and funny >3< The song itself isn't that bad either. I might need to start following this band more lol
  17. chocobuzz

    Really not my type of stuff but it still somehow managed to get stuck in my head... How do I get it out?
  18. I'm super happy about this!! <3
  19. chocobuzz

    Do they honestly think this is a good idea?
  20. chocobuzz

    I finished watching the first season of Mr. Robot a while ago and just started watching the second season. I really loved the first season so I had kinda high hopes for the second one, but... meh. I watched like five episodes of it and then just gave up, the whole show just became so boring and uninteresting and weird. Which is kinda sad, I liked the first season so much.
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