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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. I'm tired of America and it's bullshit. I'm going to move to Sweden.
  2. http://www.naturalnews.com/030051_FDA_o ... farms.html Celery? It's allegedly because of the food outbreaks with salmonella. Well guess who's fault that is? Agribuisiness. Spinach doesnt get e coli from being grown organically. It gets e coli from factory farm runoff! What they're "protecting" people from is nothing. It's all about money, and control. They're scared of people wanting to eat healthy. Shit high fructose corn syrup is going to be labeled as "corn sugar." They WANT everybody to be unhealthy, they want people in debt for health care, they care not for our quality of life. It's absurd.
  3. Maiku

    I love books. I feel that reading a book, no matter what kind, is the most personal form of entertainment. If it's a novel you have a movie going on in your head. If it's non-fiction it's either the same or you're learning something valuable. Reading is great and the best form of entertainment available. :'D So I ask you, what are you reading? I am currently reading Desperation by Stephen King while chugging coffee from my favorite purple mug. :]
  4. Maiku

    I agree. The sample of this song is terrible. Listening to it gives me a headache. I feel the same way as you about Cross Game. (Atmosphere and Mugen Electric Eden are my all time favorite Alice Nine songs from their recent work. I liked them so much I even bought both versions of the single.) At first I thought Senkou was pretty good but the title song got old after the fifth play and the other songs just feel like they are missing something. I dunno. I don't have much faith in any PSC band. I can only imagine what Alice Nine Jr-I mean ViViD will be doing when they go Major next year.
  5. Lemonade Music Video: tu3EcAHdHlE This is CocoRosie. I like their beards. Do you like their beards? Anyway, they've been around for a like 5-6 years or something. They were ranked 16th most influential artist of the the decade. They've been touring and making music non-stop since their debut and are amazing. Their music is often categorized as Freak Folk and they incorporate tons of styles into their music from opera to blues to hip hop. The group was started by two sisters, Bianca (Coco) and Sierra (Rosie) Casady. Sierra was studying to be an Opera singer in France at the Conservatoire de Paris. Well, until Bianca showed up and they recorded their first album in the bathroom of a small apartment. They just released their 4th album Grey Oceans. Rainbow Warriors Music Video: (Actually, since this band originated in France they should be moved to European... @_@ Total brain fart.)
  6. Maiku

    @Chianti: You look more like an anti-hero in some cyber punk graphic novel. xD So cool. @Champ: That tree looks like it ages well. :'D My dad cut down my favorite tree. For some stupid reason like "If it falls it'll crush your room and you." I, however, was pretty sure if that would happen it would just be because the tree happened to love me just that much. ;^; Most recent pic:
  7. Maiku

    Alice Nine Stargazer: preview.
  8. Maiku

    Added more. Complete first chapter. 8D
  9. Maiku

    Ahahaha. xD Maybe.
  10. Maiku

    LOL Probably she got butthurt because no one wants to fuck her :') That is what I assume. xD Considering she is of lumpy body shape.
  11. I love them. :'D They are so fun and their music is so perfect.
  12. Maiku

    Hooray! :'D And yeah. She was a little ridiculous about it. Saying that slutty girls don't really exist. Pffft.
  13. Ahaha fuck off. I wasn't commenting on anything other than the fact that the movie for One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was no where near as good as the novel.
  14. Maiku

    Cry More - An amazing blend of metal, rock, and pop that I just can't get over. When I first listened to the song I thought I was going to hate it. Then after the bits of quick screaming rapping it got to the angelic vocals that Mao seems to have perfected. I just... Is this really from Sadie? Aahahaha. It's so amazing. The song is all FASTPACEDHARDCOREWTF and then has this crazy pop rock ballad interlude followed by the chorus that just adds a ton more energy to the song and makes me want to start dancing. Then after the first chorus that weird ass "Hey Baby" screaming shit comes in. At first I thought it ruined the song but then it just kept making me laugh because the song picks right back up with the pop rock ballad angelic vocals and then returns to the energetic fun chorus. I just can't get over this song and the PV is gorgeous. From the title I had expected a lame ass depressing song but what we got is just some amazing combination of musical styles that makes love with your ears. Rating: 5/5 BURST ZERO - Awesome metal song. The Engrish in it is hilarious but I still love it. The guitar and drums make me so fuckin' hard. UGH. This single just gets better and better. Awesome song to head bang to. Fuck. It just makes me want to head bang and throw my fists at shit. The song opens up instantly and then just ends abruptly. Fuckin' love it. 4.5/5 Little Prayer - The title is so gay... which kind of fits with the song anyway. It's odd but lovely. Mao is really getting better with his vocals. I totally wouldn't expect this song after hearing BURST ZERO. It's just amazing and I love the piano that goes on in it. The whole song is just so beautiful. I really have nothing else to say about it. I don't know how I feel about the hip-hoppy rap 3/4s of the way through. But ... I love this song. 5/5 Sadie came out with a single that doesn't disappoint. I feel like they are really coming into their own. Anyone who still throws out the lame opinion that Sadie sounds like Diru can just drop it completely. Overall Single Rating: 5/5
  15. Fuck Jack Nicholson. The book was better. Also, I'm only interested in this band because of the name. 8D
  16. They are so amazing. My friend showed me them the other night even though they've been around for a year or two. Any other fans here? What do you think of them? I love them and can't get enough. You might recognize the singer from Ima Robot.
  17. Maiku

    Red - This song affirms that GazettE is getting poppier for this era in their career. I don't see it as a bad thing but it is more boring than what they've done before. Especially after the amazing-ness that was DIM. The song makes me feel like it's Shiver Ver. 2.0. I really can't get into it. The lyrics are cliche, pretentious, and uninteresting (Let's sing about how I'm fuckin' this girl and don't love her and have the overused Red Thread as the overall theme) and I'm not digging what Ruki does with his vocals. Overall I feel that the song lacks soul and has no substance. It's still a pretty solid pop rock song if that's what you're into. Rating: .5/5 Vermin - Ruki's voice is annoying and keeps me from enjoying the music, but it's better than Red. Rating: .7/5 An Unbearable Fact - Reminds me of Naraku. Mostly just the guitars and the use of the piano. I'm so tired of Ruki's voice by this point in the single that I can't give it a good enough review or even listen to the song with complete attention until Ruki stops his boring vocals. The solo is probably the best part about the song. Rating: .9/5 Over all rating: .6/5 This uber-pop rock era needs to end soon. C'mon GazettE...
  18. EDIT: Oshi- got you confused with the other guy. :x Either way, the last thing in this post stands. You're saying this to me when you literally just contradicted yourself entirely! You go around saying that ,"Everyone knows Iron Maiden blows" (which they don't), then you say that "Just because it's 'your' opinion doesn't mean you have to keep yackin' about it. Who gives a shit if it's your opinion? To me that is just making an excuse so you don't have to feel bad if you offend someone with what you say." Honestly. You've been arguing with me on how Reita has terrible basslines and you've yet to realize that you've been "yackin'" the same bullshit throughout every post you've made within this topic. Don't tell people not to do things if you're going to go and do them. Point is, Reita is not terrible bassist, his basslines are good enough to carry the song's weight, and also, Visual Kei music isn't all just about the looks. Because you've said that, you completely missed the point. LOL. Not the other guy. And the thing about opinions, I was pointing out how ludicrous it is to end every argument someone makes with "but that's my opinion." Why? Because it's redundant. Notice how you realize my post, even if you confused me with some one else, was my opinion but I did not state that it was my opinion. It's just my opinion. Why state that it is when it's so obvious? LOL. Bakteeri, you may argue that VK isn't all about looks because all other genres are also about looks but VK is about looks to the highest extent. They care more about being fashionable than Lady Gaga. Not that I'm complaining. I'm 100% convinced that VK is the most vain and look driven genre of music in existence. I mean look at how these boys are basically trannies. And what's so wrong with fapping to pretty transvestites? You some kind of prejudiced bitch? I mean, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't fap to a tranny no matter how pretty it was. (Like that Ruki fellow.) I like dick and muscle. But I don't think people that are into that shit are retarded. It's just what gets them off. And I'm not bawwing that VK music is pointless and I really could care less about how any of them fuckin' looked. Cause I still listen to Vk and I'm here aren't I? But what I'm getting at, is that it's pointless to bitch about bad VK music when the musicians are so ostentatious.
  19. Maiku

    Dear Prophet, Dat scruffy chinned fellow who smokes cigarettes and looks cool (ALLATTHESAMETIME) is the love of my life.
  20. Firstly: There's a HUGE difference between off and of. Learn it. Secondly: Everyone knows Iron Maiden blows. Thirdly: You really think GazettE fans are smart enough to be able to tell a good bass line from a bad one? Listen up dude. The GazettE isn't about music or good music. It's about lookin' good and getting girls to buy your album. Just like the whole of visual kei. Which is, I know, disgusting. I'm sure you are probably aware how mindless the GazettE fanbase is. They don't care. As long as the GazettE keep looking good and putting out "edgy" and "catchy" songs people will fall at their feet and call them gods. And Reita is obviously NOT the best bassist in the world because he CAN'T write decent bass lines. And because I feel like I should address everything you've posted: Just because it's "your" opinion doesn't mean you have to keep yackin' about it. Who gives a shit if it's your opinion? To me that is just making an excuse so you don't have to feel bad if you offend someone with what you say. Maybe if you put some effort into not caring what people think about you and your opinions you wouldn't have to point out that your opinions are your opinions.
  21. I'm interested too. They are pretty great. And they look bangable.
  22. Maiku

    Forget drowning this girl. I say we cut her with razors until she is covered in cuts and then we just set her on fire.
  23. Most people don't like Shiver because it's not "dark" it's just because Shiver is a shitty song that sounds terrible and generic.
  24. Maiku

    Maybe I do. xD Not quite sure. LOL.
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