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    echo got a reaction from yakihiko in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    Alright so Sunday was actually a pretty shit day for me. I lost my phone somewhere and not really sure when or where it happened. And to be perfectly honest, I only went to go see Anfiel cos @hiroki asked me to haha so after having a mostly shitty day, I wasn't really that excited to see a band I've only seen once at a taiban. I was pretty excited all week, but after freaking about my phone for the whole last half of my shift at work, I was kinda just over it.
    But I went anyway.
    And I'm so glad I did!!!
    I got there like literally 3 minutes before it started. I was pretty surprised at how full Blaze was to be honest. I wasn't sure where to go cos all the rows had been made already, and it didn't look like there was all that much space left. But I made my way over to kamite (I entered from shimote) cos I remember not being able to see Hal from shimote very well lolol and some girl let me stand next to her <3 
    HAALLLLLLL <3333333333333
    I remember the week before the live I had been listening to Anfiel just to get their music in my head and I really liked unfil. Like from that song, I could finally understand the appeal of Shogo's voice and then it just grew on me more and more. I remember when I first heard him on a PV or something I was like "meh, too nasally," but like despite that, the tone of his voice is super nice.
    Hearing him sing live only reinforced those thoughts.
    Overall though, I actually don't know Anfiel music very well. Other than unfil, when I listened to it, I was just like "oh this is nice," so I couldn't recognize a lot of the songs when they played it, but they were all REALLY GOOD LIVE <3 Like I was trying to remember what they sounded like so I could go check later, but gave up after the 5th song I really liked cos there's no way I'd figure it out haha I'm listening to their setlist now to help me remember what it was like live haha
    So the first song was Lamplight=melody. I actually hadn't even listened to this yet even though I bought it before the live haha, but I'm glad I heard it live the first time! I was still kind of in a weird mood cos of my phone, but like seeing Hal drum just makes me happy <3 And Shogo just sings everything so earnestly! It was enough to make start to forget that I even had problems <3333 I really like the groove of Lamplight=melody like… it's just. So. Pleasant? <3 The more I listen to it the more I love it.
    I really love how Shogo's voice sounds in trigger!! And the change in music when it goes from the heavier sound to the kinda light, clappy sound? I love it so much?? <3333 I think before the live I liked parts of trigger, but after experiencing it, I really appreciate it!!
    I think 迷い姫 was when my mood started to really change, though. Idk something about that song or maybe just the build up to the song? Like somewhere in the middle of this song, I was kinda like "okay fuck it, I'm here. This is great. I'm going to fucking enjoy it." Like why worry about something you can't fix when you could be enjoying what's right in front of you <3 And like, how can you NOT be happy when you see Hal drumming?? HE'S SO HAPPY! And like Shogo is obviously enjoying everything so much too? Okay sorry I kind of only cared about Shogo and Hal this live cos I don't even really know the other members LOL <3
    Lava was really fun live too!! Like I'm really glad it went Red&Black ⇒ Lava? That transition worked really well. Like Red&Black made me continue with my mood change, but Lava kept me in a good place? And then I think I was just "fuck it" about my bad day the rest of the live by that point haha something about the punctuation of the "up to me" part of the song really hit me I guess? Idk <3 Maybe the meaning of "anfiel" is really "AN FEEL" (fail Engrish <3) as in YOU FEEL SO MUCH WHEN YOU LISTEN TO THEM???
    L.O.L.S, despite the title, def sounds good live. The guitar sounds so good in it!!! And I like the staccato feel of Shogo's feeling in parts of the song like, it really pierced me? And the chorus and the instrumentals, and the everything? I feel like this song can just make me forget about everything else <3
    パロニリア is kinda weird for me. Like. I like it, but I don't. haha I feel so weird listening to it, but I like it? haha But it's definitely better live haha <333
    I really liked the punctuation beats of リオ if that makes sense. I think recorded I didn't like the background electronic/synthesized music sounds on parts of the song, but live it was less apparent. 
    equal. is such a pleasant song!!! Okay I was just listening to it again and like it's so pleasant and then just suddenly part of it hit me like a wall. Like certain parts of Shogo's voice in this song REALLLYYY remind me of Masashi and I literally cannot. This song has so much feels <33333333333333333333333333 I just cannot. I'm sorry I can't really describe it to you. I cannot with this song right now. <3
    虹色絵本 was kind of weird for me. I think this was the only song that sounded a bit off to me. Like the piano didn't match the beat or something. I'm not sure but it kinda threw me off haha and then 本懐 after it with a similar-ish sound. I mean it's good to put songs like that together in the middle of a setlist before bringing the energy up again. I think those two are just not the type of music I'm into, but it was still nice to listen to live. Like you can really feel the groove when it's live <3
    Step bye step on the other hand. I FUCKING LOVE <3 I think when I first heard it, I was like okay, this is good. But my love for it only grew after hearing it live <3 I really like the beat and guitar in it. And like the fast bits that Shogo sings. Okay actually, I think I just like this type of song haha Just listen to it. It's great. If you don't like it, listen to it again. And again. And again. And you will eventually love it <3 This song just makes me happy? <33
    Also. モノポリー. Wtf. Just listen to it. If you like bass. Listen to it. If you like music. Listen to it.  The energy is so good too! And the melody! Everything about it? Like it's good recorded, but it's SO GOOD LIVE <3 Okay sorry, I think I'll say that about every song, but it's true? Like you're missing out on so much if you don't experience Anfiel live <33 But seriously I really like the rise in this song in the chorus? The hook? idk music terminology haha but w/e it is, It makes me feel so much? <333
    Hearing 賛否両論ストラテジー right after モノポリー was really good too! Like they're similar but not and just, go into each other so well. I feel like Anfiel really thought about their set list <3 And I really like how in this song they acknowledge all the members! <333 And that they'll actually point to the next member who has the solo so you will look hah a<3 This whole song is just so uplifting to me? Like okay idk what the lyrics are about cos I haven't looked yet, but like just the music makes me feel like doing shit. like I just feel so motivated? Haha <33333
    I really like the rise and fall in Shogo's voice in Sense of wonder <3 Like, it's impossible to explain, but it's just so perfect? And you can see it on his face when he sings like, he feels everything he's singing? Throughout the live he kept saying like "these are our thoughts, please listen to the lyrics/what we have to say" etc. when he was introducing songs. Tbh, it's hard for me to understand lyrics when most vocalists are singing, but Shogo definitely made me feel something <3
    After Sense of wonder, Shogo was like "oh should we play that song?" and like asked/told all the bandmembers and asked the crowd if it was okay if they could play one more haha <3 The bandmembers looked kinda surprised at the sudden change in set list too haha I'm glad I could hear it though! I think aqua is the type of song that I don't normally pay much attention to, but you can really feel Shogo's emotions in it? idk like okay but you can hear/feel shogo's feelings in everything he sings I think. Like I didn't really notice it when I was just listening to it at home or w/e, but his energy and emotion is so intense? <3 Also, Yukito's guitar solo <3
    Okay so like I loved most of the songs in the main set and learned to appreciate the ones that I was meh about before, but omg the encore <33333333333333333 I literally love ALL OF THE SONGS <3
    ポイズン・ヒーロー wtf. Like why didn't I love this song more before?? They just started playing it and I was like wtf this song is great??? I think it must sound diff live than recorded cos I'm listening to it now and it def doesn't invoke the same emotions, but fuck. It's so good!! I can't even explain what it is about it that I love? Like it's so weird, but so good?? And definitely much better live. I guess it kind of has a similar-ish feel to パロニリア?  I feel like this song gives me a strange rush of adrenaline haha
    And okay, determination and unfil are DEFINITELY some of my favorite Anfiel songs. I LOVE how Shogo's voice sounds in them. I really like the guitar in determination too. I love the blend of really nice melody into heavier sounds. Shogo's voice is so good in determination!! Okay clearly, this live made me fall in love with his voice so hard haha <3
    And unfil. I cannot. I think it's my favorite song from them? <3333 or idk if it's my favorite, but it's definitely left the strongest impression on me for some reason. It's weird cos like I don't think this is the type of song I typically fall in love with? But just I love the stop-go feel of this song and how Shogo's vocals punctuated on beat is so intense? <33 plus like parts of the song just have really good beats? Like this song makes me want to go running or something. I don't know. Haha And hearing it live just gave me chills <3 Every time I hear this song now, I just. cannot.
    They played timeless last. Honestly, this is not my favorite song. Not to say that I don't like it. Like it's super pleasant? But musically, it's not my first choice. That being said, something about the lyrics really hit me on certain parts. I was pretty surprised actually cos I didn't think I'd care so much? Like obviously the fans liked it, and I was like okay, and then BAM wtf? haha And I was pretty sad that I didn't know the lyrics so I couldn't sing along with everyone. Shogo looked so happy that everyone was singing for them!! <333
    Overall the setlist was really smart imo. I don’t know the songs very well, but they definitely took me on a ride with them? And it made sense? The songs they played together really complimented and built on each other. Like I was constantly thinking "wait this song is good. No wait, THIS song is so good?" haha <3333 
    And like throughout the live Shogo just looked so happy haha he would randomly go back to Hal and just his arm around him <3333 Or look out at the fans with so much emotion <3333 And Hal drumming!!! <33333333333
    I can't remember what was said when, but during one of the MC's Shogo was like "thank you so much for helping us get to our 2nd anniversary. It wasn't just good things, there were a lot of tough times too… like a certain someone being hospitalized…. *pointed look at Hal*" hahaha <33 He made Hal say a few words and Hal started out all serious about being hospitalized and Shogo was like "wait, wait that's too heavy!!" So then Hal took on a really casual posture and tone of voice and was like "Yeah w/e but I'm the only drummer for Anfiel!!" And I think there was no response? Or something I forget, but then he was like "wait what? Do you mean you preferred Charlie???" haha (Smileberry's Charlie stood in for him while he was hospitalized). Lolol And like there was a lot of awkward pausing like Shogo was looking at him and Hal was like oh am I supposed to talk more? Kind of thing haha <333 Oh and Hal announced later in the evening that his sickness was just, I think the English is enteritis? Basically he prob just had the runs for a few days haha and Shogo was like "he lost 5kg!" and Hal was like "yeah! 5kg!" and Shogo was like "wait really???" and Hal was like "lol idk, but people have been telling me I lost weight" lolol
    During one of the parts where Shogo was getting the crowd pumped up, he came to kamite and had us yell and went to shimote and they yelled too, but like not as lout as us and he was like wtf you can't lose to kamite!! haha I wonder if Yukito fans are just louder? haha Okay but Shogo's really good at getting the crowd pumped haha idk he just makes you wanna yell for them lol And in one of the songs, I forget which one... whichever one has gyakudai, I think like he was falling into the crowd? Or being pulled into the crowd? I was in the back and he's so little it was kinda hard to tell haha <333
    Shogo was really repetitive in the end like "this is our first step" and a lot of things about aiming for their 3rd anniversary at an even bigger venue! <3 They all seemed so motivated and hopeful for the future! I really hope they can make it!! <3333 and just the way Shogo would stop and look at the crowd sometimes as if he was just taking it in and loving everyone <3 Like I'm pretty sure he really loves what he's doing and sincerely loves his fans <3 He must've said "first step" and "3rd anniversary" about 34983720873 times haha
    Mizuki seemed really emotional? Appreciative? Too. Like in the encore Shogo had each of them say a few words and when they all said their piece Mizuki kinda took the mic again and started talking more and Shogo looked at him like "what you're saying more?" lol <3 And at the very end after they had all walked off stage, Mizuki lingered and said a few more parting words of thanks before finally leaving the stage.
    Even Natsume was feeling the love? When it was his turn he was like "I love you all" and Shogo looked at us and back at him and was  like "wtf did you hear that???" haha Like I don't know their personalities much, but it seemed like Natsume never speaks so it was kind of a big deal? Lol <3
    Seriously though, they really love their fans so much!! Like this was only my second time seeing them and I really want to support them so much!! I feel like I've known them for son long and I really haven't at all haha <333
    And now I'm listening to Anfiel at home and like, is it me, or do all songs sound better after experiencing it live and/or falling in love with the band? Most of the live I couldn't even see anyone other than Yukito cos there were some tall people in front of me, but you could still feel the energy and emotion of it all <3 Like I wasn't even that spazzy after the live, maybe a little, but definitely not as much as I usually am haha but like it really helped me get over my problems and make me feel better <3 I think it's amazing that a band I had no emotional attachment to prior could change how I feel in just a couple of hours? I think if it had been any other band after the day I had, I would've just been wishing for the live to be over so I could go home already, but I was actually wishing for it to be longer <3
    And like, Shogo does so many interesting things vocally. Like he doesn't have that super strong belt-out-the-lyrics voice, but there are so many subtleties and nuances that are so much more interesting. When I first heard him I honestly didn't think he was anything special vocally, but his voice is like all those small things that you never notice much when they're there but definitely notice when they're gone. Or like when a cool breeze blows by at just the right time. Or when the sun is just warm enough to feel good, but not so hot as to make you uncomfortable. It's like the epitome of "just right?" <3333 It's so comforting and pleasant <3333
    In conclusion, if you don't like Anfiel cos they are "too happy" or you're one of those people who "likes all the dark, heavy stuff and doesn't do kira/happy" then really, you're just missing out. Like why be angry when you can have all the feels? Don't get me wrong, I like my heavy music too, but idk. it's not like Anfiel doesn’t have heavier aspects to their music. Really, they're just well-rounded. <3 honestly, I think anyone could find a song they like from Anfiel's discog though? Like don't just judge them by a PV you saw. If I had done that, I would never have experienced this live? And I wouldn't have fallen in love with them? And my life would've been a little emptier without me even knowing it? So like.. Just go listen to them. And if you still don't like them, go to a live? Go to a oneman? And you will understand <3
  2. Like
    echo got a reaction from kawa35 in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    Not sure, but in the Line chat with Omi, he said they'd be releasing a long version soon! Maybe after their live this Wednesday? I'll let you know if they announce anything!!
  3. Like
    echo got a reaction from Mihenno in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    Alright so Sunday was actually a pretty shit day for me. I lost my phone somewhere and not really sure when or where it happened. And to be perfectly honest, I only went to go see Anfiel cos @hiroki asked me to haha so after having a mostly shitty day, I wasn't really that excited to see a band I've only seen once at a taiban. I was pretty excited all week, but after freaking about my phone for the whole last half of my shift at work, I was kinda just over it.
    But I went anyway.
    And I'm so glad I did!!!
    I got there like literally 3 minutes before it started. I was pretty surprised at how full Blaze was to be honest. I wasn't sure where to go cos all the rows had been made already, and it didn't look like there was all that much space left. But I made my way over to kamite (I entered from shimote) cos I remember not being able to see Hal from shimote very well lolol and some girl let me stand next to her <3 
    HAALLLLLLL <3333333333333
    I remember the week before the live I had been listening to Anfiel just to get their music in my head and I really liked unfil. Like from that song, I could finally understand the appeal of Shogo's voice and then it just grew on me more and more. I remember when I first heard him on a PV or something I was like "meh, too nasally," but like despite that, the tone of his voice is super nice.
    Hearing him sing live only reinforced those thoughts.
    Overall though, I actually don't know Anfiel music very well. Other than unfil, when I listened to it, I was just like "oh this is nice," so I couldn't recognize a lot of the songs when they played it, but they were all REALLY GOOD LIVE <3 Like I was trying to remember what they sounded like so I could go check later, but gave up after the 5th song I really liked cos there's no way I'd figure it out haha I'm listening to their setlist now to help me remember what it was like live haha
    So the first song was Lamplight=melody. I actually hadn't even listened to this yet even though I bought it before the live haha, but I'm glad I heard it live the first time! I was still kind of in a weird mood cos of my phone, but like seeing Hal drum just makes me happy <3 And Shogo just sings everything so earnestly! It was enough to make start to forget that I even had problems <3333 I really like the groove of Lamplight=melody like… it's just. So. Pleasant? <3 The more I listen to it the more I love it.
    I really love how Shogo's voice sounds in trigger!! And the change in music when it goes from the heavier sound to the kinda light, clappy sound? I love it so much?? <3333 I think before the live I liked parts of trigger, but after experiencing it, I really appreciate it!!
    I think 迷い姫 was when my mood started to really change, though. Idk something about that song or maybe just the build up to the song? Like somewhere in the middle of this song, I was kinda like "okay fuck it, I'm here. This is great. I'm going to fucking enjoy it." Like why worry about something you can't fix when you could be enjoying what's right in front of you <3 And like, how can you NOT be happy when you see Hal drumming?? HE'S SO HAPPY! And like Shogo is obviously enjoying everything so much too? Okay sorry I kind of only cared about Shogo and Hal this live cos I don't even really know the other members LOL <3
    Lava was really fun live too!! Like I'm really glad it went Red&Black ⇒ Lava? That transition worked really well. Like Red&Black made me continue with my mood change, but Lava kept me in a good place? And then I think I was just "fuck it" about my bad day the rest of the live by that point haha something about the punctuation of the "up to me" part of the song really hit me I guess? Idk <3 Maybe the meaning of "anfiel" is really "AN FEEL" (fail Engrish <3) as in YOU FEEL SO MUCH WHEN YOU LISTEN TO THEM???
    L.O.L.S, despite the title, def sounds good live. The guitar sounds so good in it!!! And I like the staccato feel of Shogo's feeling in parts of the song like, it really pierced me? And the chorus and the instrumentals, and the everything? I feel like this song can just make me forget about everything else <3
    パロニリア is kinda weird for me. Like. I like it, but I don't. haha I feel so weird listening to it, but I like it? haha But it's definitely better live haha <333
    I really liked the punctuation beats of リオ if that makes sense. I think recorded I didn't like the background electronic/synthesized music sounds on parts of the song, but live it was less apparent. 
    equal. is such a pleasant song!!! Okay I was just listening to it again and like it's so pleasant and then just suddenly part of it hit me like a wall. Like certain parts of Shogo's voice in this song REALLLYYY remind me of Masashi and I literally cannot. This song has so much feels <33333333333333333333333333 I just cannot. I'm sorry I can't really describe it to you. I cannot with this song right now. <3
    虹色絵本 was kind of weird for me. I think this was the only song that sounded a bit off to me. Like the piano didn't match the beat or something. I'm not sure but it kinda threw me off haha and then 本懐 after it with a similar-ish sound. I mean it's good to put songs like that together in the middle of a setlist before bringing the energy up again. I think those two are just not the type of music I'm into, but it was still nice to listen to live. Like you can really feel the groove when it's live <3
    Step bye step on the other hand. I FUCKING LOVE <3 I think when I first heard it, I was like okay, this is good. But my love for it only grew after hearing it live <3 I really like the beat and guitar in it. And like the fast bits that Shogo sings. Okay actually, I think I just like this type of song haha Just listen to it. It's great. If you don't like it, listen to it again. And again. And again. And you will eventually love it <3 This song just makes me happy? <33
    Also. モノポリー. Wtf. Just listen to it. If you like bass. Listen to it. If you like music. Listen to it.  The energy is so good too! And the melody! Everything about it? Like it's good recorded, but it's SO GOOD LIVE <3 Okay sorry, I think I'll say that about every song, but it's true? Like you're missing out on so much if you don't experience Anfiel live <33 But seriously I really like the rise in this song in the chorus? The hook? idk music terminology haha but w/e it is, It makes me feel so much? <333
    Hearing 賛否両論ストラテジー right after モノポリー was really good too! Like they're similar but not and just, go into each other so well. I feel like Anfiel really thought about their set list <3 And I really like how in this song they acknowledge all the members! <333 And that they'll actually point to the next member who has the solo so you will look hah a<3 This whole song is just so uplifting to me? Like okay idk what the lyrics are about cos I haven't looked yet, but like just the music makes me feel like doing shit. like I just feel so motivated? Haha <33333
    I really like the rise and fall in Shogo's voice in Sense of wonder <3 Like, it's impossible to explain, but it's just so perfect? And you can see it on his face when he sings like, he feels everything he's singing? Throughout the live he kept saying like "these are our thoughts, please listen to the lyrics/what we have to say" etc. when he was introducing songs. Tbh, it's hard for me to understand lyrics when most vocalists are singing, but Shogo definitely made me feel something <3
    After Sense of wonder, Shogo was like "oh should we play that song?" and like asked/told all the bandmembers and asked the crowd if it was okay if they could play one more haha <3 The bandmembers looked kinda surprised at the sudden change in set list too haha I'm glad I could hear it though! I think aqua is the type of song that I don't normally pay much attention to, but you can really feel Shogo's emotions in it? idk like okay but you can hear/feel shogo's feelings in everything he sings I think. Like I didn't really notice it when I was just listening to it at home or w/e, but his energy and emotion is so intense? <3 Also, Yukito's guitar solo <3
    Okay so like I loved most of the songs in the main set and learned to appreciate the ones that I was meh about before, but omg the encore <33333333333333333 I literally love ALL OF THE SONGS <3
    ポイズン・ヒーロー wtf. Like why didn't I love this song more before?? They just started playing it and I was like wtf this song is great??? I think it must sound diff live than recorded cos I'm listening to it now and it def doesn't invoke the same emotions, but fuck. It's so good!! I can't even explain what it is about it that I love? Like it's so weird, but so good?? And definitely much better live. I guess it kind of has a similar-ish feel to パロニリア?  I feel like this song gives me a strange rush of adrenaline haha
    And okay, determination and unfil are DEFINITELY some of my favorite Anfiel songs. I LOVE how Shogo's voice sounds in them. I really like the guitar in determination too. I love the blend of really nice melody into heavier sounds. Shogo's voice is so good in determination!! Okay clearly, this live made me fall in love with his voice so hard haha <3
    And unfil. I cannot. I think it's my favorite song from them? <3333 or idk if it's my favorite, but it's definitely left the strongest impression on me for some reason. It's weird cos like I don't think this is the type of song I typically fall in love with? But just I love the stop-go feel of this song and how Shogo's vocals punctuated on beat is so intense? <33 plus like parts of the song just have really good beats? Like this song makes me want to go running or something. I don't know. Haha And hearing it live just gave me chills <3 Every time I hear this song now, I just. cannot.
    They played timeless last. Honestly, this is not my favorite song. Not to say that I don't like it. Like it's super pleasant? But musically, it's not my first choice. That being said, something about the lyrics really hit me on certain parts. I was pretty surprised actually cos I didn't think I'd care so much? Like obviously the fans liked it, and I was like okay, and then BAM wtf? haha And I was pretty sad that I didn't know the lyrics so I couldn't sing along with everyone. Shogo looked so happy that everyone was singing for them!! <333
    Overall the setlist was really smart imo. I don’t know the songs very well, but they definitely took me on a ride with them? And it made sense? The songs they played together really complimented and built on each other. Like I was constantly thinking "wait this song is good. No wait, THIS song is so good?" haha <3333 
    And like throughout the live Shogo just looked so happy haha he would randomly go back to Hal and just his arm around him <3333 Or look out at the fans with so much emotion <3333 And Hal drumming!!! <33333333333
    I can't remember what was said when, but during one of the MC's Shogo was like "thank you so much for helping us get to our 2nd anniversary. It wasn't just good things, there were a lot of tough times too… like a certain someone being hospitalized…. *pointed look at Hal*" hahaha <33 He made Hal say a few words and Hal started out all serious about being hospitalized and Shogo was like "wait, wait that's too heavy!!" So then Hal took on a really casual posture and tone of voice and was like "Yeah w/e but I'm the only drummer for Anfiel!!" And I think there was no response? Or something I forget, but then he was like "wait what? Do you mean you preferred Charlie???" haha (Smileberry's Charlie stood in for him while he was hospitalized). Lolol And like there was a lot of awkward pausing like Shogo was looking at him and Hal was like oh am I supposed to talk more? Kind of thing haha <333 Oh and Hal announced later in the evening that his sickness was just, I think the English is enteritis? Basically he prob just had the runs for a few days haha and Shogo was like "he lost 5kg!" and Hal was like "yeah! 5kg!" and Shogo was like "wait really???" and Hal was like "lol idk, but people have been telling me I lost weight" lolol
    During one of the parts where Shogo was getting the crowd pumped up, he came to kamite and had us yell and went to shimote and they yelled too, but like not as lout as us and he was like wtf you can't lose to kamite!! haha I wonder if Yukito fans are just louder? haha Okay but Shogo's really good at getting the crowd pumped haha idk he just makes you wanna yell for them lol And in one of the songs, I forget which one... whichever one has gyakudai, I think like he was falling into the crowd? Or being pulled into the crowd? I was in the back and he's so little it was kinda hard to tell haha <333
    Shogo was really repetitive in the end like "this is our first step" and a lot of things about aiming for their 3rd anniversary at an even bigger venue! <3 They all seemed so motivated and hopeful for the future! I really hope they can make it!! <3333 and just the way Shogo would stop and look at the crowd sometimes as if he was just taking it in and loving everyone <3 Like I'm pretty sure he really loves what he's doing and sincerely loves his fans <3 He must've said "first step" and "3rd anniversary" about 34983720873 times haha
    Mizuki seemed really emotional? Appreciative? Too. Like in the encore Shogo had each of them say a few words and when they all said their piece Mizuki kinda took the mic again and started talking more and Shogo looked at him like "what you're saying more?" lol <3 And at the very end after they had all walked off stage, Mizuki lingered and said a few more parting words of thanks before finally leaving the stage.
    Even Natsume was feeling the love? When it was his turn he was like "I love you all" and Shogo looked at us and back at him and was  like "wtf did you hear that???" haha Like I don't know their personalities much, but it seemed like Natsume never speaks so it was kind of a big deal? Lol <3
    Seriously though, they really love their fans so much!! Like this was only my second time seeing them and I really want to support them so much!! I feel like I've known them for son long and I really haven't at all haha <333
    And now I'm listening to Anfiel at home and like, is it me, or do all songs sound better after experiencing it live and/or falling in love with the band? Most of the live I couldn't even see anyone other than Yukito cos there were some tall people in front of me, but you could still feel the energy and emotion of it all <3 Like I wasn't even that spazzy after the live, maybe a little, but definitely not as much as I usually am haha but like it really helped me get over my problems and make me feel better <3 I think it's amazing that a band I had no emotional attachment to prior could change how I feel in just a couple of hours? I think if it had been any other band after the day I had, I would've just been wishing for the live to be over so I could go home already, but I was actually wishing for it to be longer <3
    And like, Shogo does so many interesting things vocally. Like he doesn't have that super strong belt-out-the-lyrics voice, but there are so many subtleties and nuances that are so much more interesting. When I first heard him I honestly didn't think he was anything special vocally, but his voice is like all those small things that you never notice much when they're there but definitely notice when they're gone. Or like when a cool breeze blows by at just the right time. Or when the sun is just warm enough to feel good, but not so hot as to make you uncomfortable. It's like the epitome of "just right?" <3333 It's so comforting and pleasant <3333
    In conclusion, if you don't like Anfiel cos they are "too happy" or you're one of those people who "likes all the dark, heavy stuff and doesn't do kira/happy" then really, you're just missing out. Like why be angry when you can have all the feels? Don't get me wrong, I like my heavy music too, but idk. it's not like Anfiel doesn’t have heavier aspects to their music. Really, they're just well-rounded. <3 honestly, I think anyone could find a song they like from Anfiel's discog though? Like don't just judge them by a PV you saw. If I had done that, I would never have experienced this live? And I wouldn't have fallen in love with them? And my life would've been a little emptier without me even knowing it? So like.. Just go listen to them. And if you still don't like them, go to a live? Go to a oneman? And you will understand <3
  4. Like
    echo got a reaction from kawa35 in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    Yay! I'm glad you came across them! They're really good and fun live! They've been working really hard on their album and if UNCHAIN is anything to go by I think it'll be a good one! ^__^
  5. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in アンフィル(Anfiel) new album "PARADISE LOST" and DVD release   
    Definitely good timing! Love them more!! <333
  6. Like
    echo reacted to The Reverend in アンフィル(Anfiel) new album "PARADISE LOST" and DVD release   
    Nice! Starting to get into these guys so this is good timing.
    Need to see if I can find some clear boots like dudes on the left!
    (I feel like it took a lot of restraint/journalistic integrity for @hirokito not include a single exclamation point in this thread)
  7. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in アンフィル(Anfiel) new album "PARADISE LOST" and DVD release   
    New look

  8. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in アンフィル(Anfiel) new album "PARADISE LOST" and DVD release   
    アンフィル(Anfiel) will release a new album "PARADISE LOST" (2 types) on 2017/04/19. Limited edition (3611 yen + tax) will include 11 tracks+DVD, while regular edition (3056 yen + tax) will have 13 tracks.
    Live DVD of today's oneman "アンフィル 2nd Anniversary Oneman Live 「Lamplight&feel.-equal-」@新宿BLAZE" will be released on 2017/05/17 (5000 yen + tax).
    Anfiel will also have a fan meeting "祭&feel. 2017 春" at Shibuya Rex on 2017/04/02.
    They will hold a oneman tour "一石を投じる" across Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka in August-September.
    Dates are as follows
    8/19 (Sat) Osaka RUIDO
    8/20 (Sun) Nagoya ell.FITS ALL
    9/2 (Sat) Takadanobaba AREA
    9/3 (Sun)Takadanobaba AREA
  9. Like
    echo reacted to yakihiko in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    OMG @hirokithat's the coolest wall ever! Shogo would probably enjoy to see all your love and support to him
    Happy birthday to this amazing band and may they keep giving us more beautiful songs \(^0^)/ <3
  10. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    today, Anfiel is officially 2 years old (T_T)
    ^ natsume's like "thanks for falling in love with anfiel" and i just cannot ;_;
    they will have their 2nd anniversary oneman at BLAZE later tonight
  11. Like
    echo got a reaction from Mihenno in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    Okay but like, why isn't EVERYONE on that level of love??? <33333
  12. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    Okay but like, why isn't EVERYONE on that level of love??? <33333
  13. Like
    echo got a reaction from Yukimoto in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    Okay but like, why isn't EVERYONE on that level of love??? <33333
  14. Like
    echo reacted to Yukimoto in ビバラッシュ (Vivarush) new maxi-single "オコサマジック" (Okosa Magic) release   
    lol "Maru Maru" Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ LOL
  15. Like
    echo reacted to Yukimoto in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    LOL don't I know it! It's an immense love that can only be satiated with Shogo next to him on a daily basis singing sweet tunes into his ear<3
  16. Like
  17. Like
    echo reacted to Mihenno in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    "Obsessed" isn't the word. xD
  18. Like
    echo got a reaction from Mihenno in ビバラッシュ (Vivarush) new maxi-single "オコサマジック" (Okosa Magic) release   
    @Mihi omg please go listen to them more!!! They're really fun!! <3
  19. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in ビバラッシュ (Vivarush) new maxi-single "オコサマジック" (Okosa Magic) release   
    @Mihi omg please go listen to them more!!! They're really fun!! <3
  20. Like
    echo reacted to Mihenno in ビバラッシュ (Vivarush) new maxi-single "オコサマジック" (Okosa Magic) release   
    omg ive been sleeping on this band or something. This is the first time I gave them a listen and I like them
  21. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in ViV   
    Wataru just posted this really nice montage <3
  22. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in ビバラッシュ (Vivarush) new maxi-single "オコサマジック" (Okosa Magic) release   
    preview of their bonus dvd that you'll get when you purchase their new single
    haha omg i love them
  23. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in Vo.ソラ(sora)(ex-ALIVE) has joined LEZARD   
    ソラ(sora)(ex-ALIVE) will be the new vocalist of LEZARD

  24. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    i will never be able to focus on work again OOPS


  25. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in 弾丸 NO LIMIT (Dangan NO LIMIT)   
    idk why no one has commissioned @echo to write live reports so that we can get more stuff like
    ok seriously though THAT WAS SO FUN TO READ <3333333333333333333333333
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