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Everything posted by wildjokerleia

  1. wildjokerleia

    I did it! I hit the minimum word count to get all the NaNoWriMo goodies! Unfortunately, I still have to finish the novel because it's not finished even after hitting 50,000 words. Oh FML majorly. -_-;;;;
  2. Nope, nope, and nope. I like who I am, though I do wish I had the ability to be a polyglot and learn all kinds of languages, not just Japanese. Being fluent in Spanish would be nice too.
  3. Well now. Ummm, that video was certainly something. LOL. The song was okay, but the video... I think I'm going to remember the video more than the song, honestly.
  4. wildjokerleia

    Language barrier is really a big one. Of the people that complained about the language, their reasoning was because they wanted to be able to understand the lyrics. Granted, I've learned that the best way to hook those interested in listening to jrock isn't through just playing the songs or show them the music videos. No, the best way, in my opinion, is to show them a live performance. Because that really shows off their skills and stage presence the best. <3
  5. wildjokerleia

    I... actually want grandpa-sama's skull sweater. Looks comfy for Christmas time. <3
  6. wildjokerleia

    On random stuff, NaNoWriMo has been going swimmingly well for me. Is anyone else also doing NaNoWriMo?
  7. @Tokage Thank you for the recs. Will definitely check them out, especially the recs for Plastic Tree, D'espairsRay, and Buck-Tick. ^o^
  8. wildjokerleia

    The Chordettes - Lollipop
  9. wildjokerleia

    I like you. That would be the funniest thing ever. <3
  10. wildjokerleia

    The download section disbanded because it wanted to form new sub-sections to promote obscure stuff no gives a care about. So the main download section said fuck it and now there's no download section.
  11. I can't give much advice on the other bands (because they're on my list too), but as for PIERROT, most people I've met and introduced PIERROT to swears up and down that Private Enemy's their best album, though I personally like Heaven ~the customized landscape~ and FINALE more. The Freeze album is, to put it nicely, an acquired taste. Doesn't mean it's bad, just that I haven't found a person that thought Freeze was a good album. Same goes for ID Attack. Speaking of bands that are popular/respected/legendary that I haven't listened to or have only heard a track or two from: Plastic Tree (my intro to them was Baka ni natta no ni. Liked it, but haven't gone searching for more of their stuff and I'd like to) Kuroyume LOUDNESS Buck-Tick Luna Sea D'espairsRay (They're popular and I see so many on here singing their praises that I feel embarrassed for admitting I haven't heard their stuff) Actually, make that every good vk band that has gotten popular since 2007 or so Maximum the Hormone X Japan (only listened to Dahlia) BOOWY
  12. wildjokerleia

    Good luck, Kaya. May he do amazing work no matter where he goes. <3
  13. wildjokerleia

    The Griffon's Market CD. I don't regret getting it for the CRims tracks, but everything else kind of made me go WTF. I honestly would have been happier if it was just a whole CRims album and nothing else. And buying a CD for two tracks out of eight is kind of... yeah. -_-;
  14. wildjokerleia

    Indeed. Drugs are bad and Yoshiki is being a drama llama again. At least Sofia Vergara looks amazing. ^_~
  15. wildjokerleia

    I... haven't read any new jrock fanfics in ages, to be honest. Although I do still read fanfics, I kind of branched out quite a bit beyond jrock. But when I did read jrock fics, it was mainly either Dir en grey or PIERROT fics. I did write a few PIERROT fics, though they're all somewhere on different LiveJournal communities. I haven't bothered looking for most of them, to be honest. ^^;;;;;;
  16. wildjokerleia

    LOL! I feel the same way about my fellow Cubans, where I feel that not having a pressure cooker in the house is just asking for trouble. Well, a different kind of trouble than using a pressure cooker in the first place. XD Canned black beans are fine, especially if seasoned with sugar, vinegar, and olive oil to give it the flavor it needs. The other beans I tend to run into are either red beans or garbanzo beans, but I'm picky about the last two (because they like to throw in veggie pieces, especially onions, and I hate veggies in my beans).
  17. wildjokerleia

    I've seen photos of mass destruction concerning pressure cookers and I don't know how both my mom and grandma manage it. Admittedly, my mom's also the kind of person that likes stuff done quickly, so she'll get the canned Conchita black beans most of the time, just because doing the beans from scratch requires them soaking overnight before cooking them the next day without a pressure cooker. With it, the soaking isn't required. EDIT: Needed to correct myself on the cooking methods. ^^;;;
  18. wildjokerleia

    Yeah, I think I learned how to do that when the rice cooker crapped out on us a few years ago. I haven't had to do that in a while, though, but I still remember how to do it in case it ever happens again. xD
  19. wildjokerleia

    I like cooking, but only when I'm in the mood for it. It's when others ask me to cook that I get kind of surly about it. But I can pretty much almost make everything my mom taught me, from her fruit salad to black beans off the pressure cooker (something I'm not interested in trying completely all by myself, simply because using a pressure cooker scares me) to cooking rice straight off a stove when the rice cooker's broken. Though, these days, the most I cook are ham, egg, and cheese sandwiches, with the eggs over-easy so that the yolk gets all over the inside and edges of the sandwich. xD
  20. wildjokerleia

    Oh damn... On the one hand, I'm surprised that it's lasted for quite a while. But on the other hand, if a mainstay like Fool's Mate couldn't stay running, what chance did/could SHOXX have?
  21. wildjokerleia

    Ass, mainly, out of the choices on the poll. Outside the poll, I like a guy's eyes, smile, and hands too.
  22. wildjokerleia

    I agree with Saishuu on speaking with him regardless. My advice may have been a little too harsh on the matter.
  23. wildjokerleia

    Sometimes, the best you can do is cut him off. If he isn't willing to change, he might drag you down with him. However, if you want to tell him about it, then just be straightforward and direct. But be prepared for an argument/fight, just in case.
  24. wildjokerleia

    ALvino: A school teacher, a prince, and an otaku walk into a recording studio and make cinnamon roll music. Angelo: Revenge is a dish best served after smashing their heads in with the plates over and over again. LM.C: Electro-disco with the occasional guitar and the aesthetics of the girl's toy aisle at Toys 'R' Us after eating too many pixie sticks. Psycho le Cemu: Musical cosplayers with a better budget and the dance moves of a nursing home squad. Fairy Fore: They came, they saw, they burned out too quick. Gackt: Nothing lasts longer than a Gackt and he just keeps going and going and going...
  25. wildjokerleia

    Okay, I have to know what the hell a song called Literacy would sound like. lol. xD
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