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Everything posted by SilverEspeon__

  1. SilverEspeon__

    Oh, alright! That's cool!
  2. SilverEspeon__

    Yeah, it could. We'll just have to wait and see... And true. It's very unfortunate :/
  3. SilverEspeon__

    This is also why I have some mixed feelings about this app (by the way, I read the article before posting this). Like, I don't want to pay for an app that won't even be useful. And even as a fan of YOHIO, this sounds a bit odd in my opinion... And everything seems oddly vague for some reason now that I look back at it... But it has some potential that could make it a decent app. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the final product will be.
  4. SilverEspeon__

    What's "Snapcash"?
  5. SilverEspeon__

    That's why I have mixed feelings about it. I like the idea too, but will the app even be useful or even work? But I guess we'll just have to wait...
  6. (I apologize in advance if this isn't the right place to post this) Um... Even as a fan, I don't know how I feel about this... I feel happy for him, but at the same time, I'm like "Why???"... I get it, it's a Visual Kei app and stuff, but... I just don't know... EDIT: Found an English Version:
  7. SilverEspeon__

    Single is postponed due to technical difficulties. Again. Damn, can never release their songs on their actual release dates, can they? :/
  8. SilverEspeon__

    I've noticed that many people don't like his music. But it's their opinion. I have never got the impression that he's an asshole judging from what the Swedish fans have said... And if the Japanese (who I have heard doesn't like YOHIO very much) have said anything about it, I have probably missed it or I didn't understand. Although I remember that he did take a picture of a Coca Cola can saying "Diva" on it and said that "It describes him very well" at one point... (Though back then I didn't understand what diva was so I didn't get it) If this is indeed true, I hope he really does change for the better (I give all of these claims a benefit of the doubt since I don't know if they are true or not). And I agree that while I like him mostly just for his music, I don't want him to be an asshole either... There has to be a balance (or whatever) between the two. But I don't think I'll be losing respect to him anytime soon unless he does something outrageous or I find out the truth.
  9. SilverEspeon__

    Wow. I have never seen anyone compare YOHIO to Justin Bieber... Holy shit XD
  10. SilverEspeon__

    I am not. I just said I kinda understand, not that I completely understand. I didn't agree with everything he said about her. And I'm sorry for not knowing what qualifies as sexism and what doesn't. Also, I DO find her choice of clothing a bit weird, but that is just my opinion. I don't think it's good to allow kids to see stuff like that... But whatever. I didn't mean it to sound like I was trying to justify sexism with that statement. It was just me expressing my opinion. I wasn't trying to justify sexism. If it came across as if I did, I'm sorry.
  11. SilverEspeon__

    I read about that as well. It's kinda sad. And I know that song is about him as well. I am aware that he drinks (in a picture I saw on Instagram, he looked pretty drunk in my opinion, but I don't know) and that he may smoke (sorry if I'm repeating myself here), but I didn't really find a post about him having the birds and the bees or that he has sent d*ck pics... Are they old posts perhaps? Nicki Minaj I can kinda understand (I don't despise her, but I find her choice of clothing a bit... Weird...), but I don't see why he would mention Lady Gaga... That's odd... :/ But I don't understand sexism that well so I don't know what qualifies as sexism and what doesn't... But like I said, I like him mostly for his music than he himself. I tend to focus a lot more on their work than them as a person, but of course I don't want someone who is rude to everyone either. It has to be a "balance" (or whatever) between the two. That's the main thing. I like seeing other people's opinions (as crazy as that sounds since everyone gets butthurt so easily nowadays...) and see what they think about something! It's actually one of my favourite things! To be honest, I actually didn't really believe that he was as famous in Japan as he claimed he was since I didn't really find any proof of it. But I actually thought he (along with his band) would become more famous in Japan after moving there... But oh well. I actually preferred it when he was in Sweden anyway. Since I don't know if anything you have said is true, I'm just going to assume they are rumors for now. And hey, this could have been much worse. While I am a bit of a fangirl, I'm at least giving this some benefit of the doubt before I see for myself. A blind fangirl would never have done that. But thanks for your opinion and telling me about this! I enjoyed reading it!
  12. SilverEspeon__

    I never got that impression based on what I've experienced... I know it might have been mainly YOHIO who broke up Seremedy based on another band member's blog post (or something) about it, which is kind of sad in my opinion. I know he drinks based on how much he has been going out and partying lately, and I have heard several people saying he smokes, but I don't think he sleeps with his fans... If that was the case, I think someone would at least bring some attention to it... And I have never got the impression that he was sexist... I don't understand Japanese so I can't read anything in that topic sadly... Once again, I never got the impression that he was an asshole... But I'm more of a fan of him because of the music than YOHIO himself so I don't have much of a reason to know. I do respect your opinion, though! But since I don't know if anything you said is true, I really have no opinion on it until I have experienced it myself or seen proof of it (that I can understand of course, the topic you linked me to is in Japanese and I don't understand Japanese)
  13. SilverEspeon__

    I know that I'm going to get a lot of negativity for asking that question. That's why I said I wasn't going to judge anyone for it. The reason I asked this question in the first place was because I was just curious. But I am unfortunately prone to misunderstanding what someone has written because my first language isn't English and I'm somewhat dylexic and create even more misunderstandings because of it...
  14. SilverEspeon__

    I didn't come here to start a fight... I was just curious and just wanted to ask... My first language isn't English and I'm somewhat dyslexic so I'm really sorry if I misunderstood you entire comment.
  15. SilverEspeon__

    What??? "Western gya"? Okay... (I jhaven't really seen that much gossip about him, but that might just be me not actively looking for it) Hmm... I kinda can imagine why now that you have told me all this... But that's not going to change my opinion. (And I'm not going to try to change yours of course. An opinion is an opinion and everyone has one)
  16. SilverEspeon__

    Oh, okay. Just wanted to know. Sorry if it seemed rude.
  17. SilverEspeon__

    I just want to note that I will reply if I have anything to say in response other than "Okay, I can respect that" or "Alright" or "Okay". Just wanted to let you know that.
  18. SilverEspeon__

    I wasn't talking about Seremedy here, I was only referring to YOHIO, but alright. I have noticed that, but to me it came across as if people didn't like it but didn't hate it either. I didn't say I wasn't a fan. I am a fan of the scene. And I have searched for YOHIO several times on this site, and I'm really sorry that I registered just to ask this question, but I was just legitimately curious and I didn't want to go around asking everyone individually and be annoying. And at least I didn't create this account just to go around asking everyone the same question over and over again? Or am I misunderstanding your statement completely? (If I did, I'm sorry. English isn't my first language).
  19. SilverEspeon__

    Please provide an explaination other than this
  20. SilverEspeon__

    (Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. While I have been reading posts on this site, I just recently made an account and I'm new to posting topics on here ) Okay, I just have a question to ask all of you reading this post: I have noticed that the community here on "Monochrome Heaven" doesn't seem to be too fond of YOHIO (and arguably his band DISREIGN) and I'm kind of curious as to why. I'm not asking this just because I'm a fan of him, I'm asking because I'm curious. I know not everyone dislikes him here, but at least of what I've seen, not many seem to actually like him and/or his music. I would love it if you could explain your opinion (positive or negative doesn't matter) about YOHIO (and DISREIGN) and not just say "because he just sucks", "his music sucks", "because he's a weeaboo", "because he's good", etc. because I really want to know your opinions. I'm not going to judge you for your opinions and will respect it regardless if you dislike YOHIO or not. Also, I apologize if there are any spelling or grammar or some general writing errors in this post. My first language isn't English (my first language is Swedish).
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