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About Zin

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    Maria's Cross

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    Watching anime (Currently watching Joker Game)
    Listening to rock music, more specifically, Metal.
    Gaming (PS4, 3DS, WII U)
    Favorite Bands- Versailles, Dir En Grey, Slipknot, Rhapsody of Fire, Angra

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  1. Zin

    I might get hate for this, but I have a confession to make. The GazettE is an overrated band. Let me explain. I'm not impressed with any of their PVs at all. I don't think Filth in the Beauty is a masterpiece like many of the fans do. My first reaction was "This guy's English is terrible..." I know that Ruki is Japanese and therefore his English speaking skills wouldn't be as good as native's. What I don't get is why anyone would sing a song in a language they're not familiar with. Many of the songs would be better if they were sung in Japanese, like THE INVISIBLE WALL or Distorted Daytime. In my opinion, he should stick to Japanese. Moving on... What's up with Inside Beast? That is the GazettE's worst song by far. Reminds me of a cross between Lady Gaga and Marilyn Manson. It sounds just like any other pop song. Not to mention Ruki's notoriously bad English. Lyric example: Bite off my skin and cell But you cannot eat my deep inside You kneel down and beg to me [Give me your beast…] GET OUT. NOTORIOUS BABY GAGAGAGAGAGA SEXY GARBAGE [Give me your beast…] What even is this? I don't understand how this band is considered one of the best Visual Kei/Jrock bands of all time. Not all of their works are terrible but most of it is rubbish. Another thing that really pisses me off about this band is that according to Wikipedia, the GazettE is an Alternative Metal/Hard Rock/Nu Metal band. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. You mean to tell me that Cassis, Shiver, Vortex, Guren, Fadeless, Last Heaven, To Dazzling Darkness, and Hana Kotoba all fall under the same genre that is Alternative Metal? BS. If anything they're experimental pop songs at best. I almost forgot to mention the CANCEROUS FANDOM. Dear god, this band attracts the weirdest 13 year old girls. People in the Youtube comments talk about "shipping" the members. Don't even get me started on the number of fanfiction articles people write because of these 5 guys... The fact that the GazettE is more well known, has more fans, and is more popular than Lynch., Versailles, Kiryu, Nightmare, D, and X Japan sickens me.
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