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Everything posted by Himeaimichu

  1. This review was perfect~ I couldn't have said any of this any better. For me though, Zoki No Nozoki Ana was ehh for me, though I do like the songs Zetsurin Full Course (That's the actual name, BTW. Though I can understand why the mistake in the romanisation was made) and Furanfuran very much, Toshabutsu for me really gave me more hope. I really miss their days of Memento Mori though. That's how I got into them. Though I guess AnguraKei doesn't allow the same amount of creativity as a Neo-Kote Kote Kei/EroguroKei crossover does.
  2. Himeaimichu

    I'm so happy for this!! Honestly, after Kuroyuri left Ains, their music did get a little ehh, but the release of Toshabutsu really was one of their most creative pieces. I can't wait for the new release(s) although, Tanuki (ew) claims that Kuroyuri never left Ains, though there is always the distribution deal, but that's a different topic for another time Also, the fact they're in a bathroom of a fast food place explains why the title of their last single was "Vomit and Diarrhea", because we all know what fast food does to you xD
  3. Himeaimichu

    Cool: L'Arc En Ciel The Dead Pop Stars Byakura Guruguru Eigakan Fugazi (Not a Vkei band, but still a really good band) AvelCain Grieva Kuroyuri To Kage. (And no, I'm not including this because I'm a Kuroyuri fangirl. I happen to also find the name having a cool ring to it. I mean, it's Black Lily and the Shadow. It's dark without being too edgy) JyuLie (It can be pronounced multiple ways and have multiple meanings! It can be like the name, Julie, it can be like the month, July, or it could sound like "You Lie". All sort of fitting the type of band JyuLie was) Stupid: Gossip (Even though I love this band... their name is a bit generic. I liked JyuLie's name better because it could be pronounced Julie, July, or Ju (you) lie.) Dir En Grey. (I really love Diru, but seriously, their name is generic, and apparently doesn't have a meaning) Killaneth. (This sounds sooo edgy. It's not even funny xD) Exist Trace (Does this even mean anything?) Asking Alexandria (Who is Alexandria? And what are we asking her? xD) Wagakki Band (Japanese Instrument Band... How generic. Well, judging by their discography, I'm not surprised xD) Black Veil Brides. (Oh look, another generic name for a generic band... And it uses the word Veil. How Metalcore/Post-Hardcore xD) Pierce The Veil (I like this band, but the mention of a veil ruins it. Like, why not Pierce The Keffiyeh? Or Pierce the Mask?)
  4. Himeaimichu

    Same. Though, it'll be tough since Wagakki Band is still experiencing viral popularity explosion (How have they not settled into a relatively stable fanbase yet? xD) but I'm sure they can do it!~
  5. Himeaimichu

    Hopefully for a good while.
  6. Himeaimichu

    It possibly will, knowing Orochi released a music video recently, and I can say, they definitely still got it~
  7. Himeaimichu

    After years of being a one man band, Orochi finally gains a new member. To be specific, a guitarist named Sakurayuki. Ryu, the lead singer, urges all fans to add him on facebook. Sakurayuki's official facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014283130230&pnref=lhc.friends Orochi official facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orochijapan/?fref=ts
  8. IDK. I personally like both bands. Though I'm not too keen on Initial'L's first single, since it's too electronic-y for me, and I'm not a fan of vocoders on vocals. But I would really like to see more of Avelcain. Sure, Karma is not the best screamer, but I like his voice, and I liked Avelcain's music in general, as I am a sucker for any band that uses traditional Japanese instruments and/or themes. I think Lycaon deserved to continue as a band for the same reason Avelcain does. Following their dreams. Of course, if Karma and Zen decide not to form a new band, or choose to retire, they deserve to do that as well. I just hope if AvelCain does make a return, that it'll be an awesome return, and not a disappointing one. I don't want them to pull a Kuroyuri To Kage. (Even though I love Kuroyuri, I miss Memento Mori)
  9. You would think laws would be put in place that prevents stuff like that from happening. Though I do see a potential loophole that could be taken advantage of, it'd be really complicated and probably cause a paradox
  10. I don't believe Tanuki. All Tanuki really is, is just a bunch of people who call themselves fans, but yet post nudes of any Vkei guy anywhere, and also make fun of Vkei guys for possibly being gay. Also, a lot of the rumours tend to be really outrageous in my opinion. Also, according to an interview, each member of the band writes their own parts, but Kuro begins to write most of them, so stress could still be a possibility. I always wondered why Mutsuki left though. I mean, it seems odd he left at the same time as Koyomi. They either could have left for the same reason, whatever that may be, but it's also worth mentioning Mutsuki used to be a session drummer, so maybe he wanted to go back to session drumming. It's also possible he wanted to have a normal job and normal life, which I can understand knowing how stressful Vkei can be. I mean, a lot of Vkei guys turn toward cigarette addiction and alcoholism.
  11. Wait, so their contracts affect them after they disband? Wouldn't disbanding nullify the contract? I'm not very knowledgeable on contracts, so I could be wrong, but it doesn't make sense
  12. Same. That's what got me into them, their traditional style songs like Temari Uta~
  13. As much as I loved Koyomi from Kuroyuri, it's not very possible he'll join another band. I predicted he left Kuroyuri To Kage due to stress and something he was going through in his life, so he sadly retired. The other predicted members seem likely though. He'll probably have one of the guitarists and/or bassist to write songs (Which I hope does happen, because I like authentic music. I hate it when bands have a secret ghost writer)
  14. Himeaimichu

    Black Veil Brides: Back when I thought Metalcore and Emo were the same. (Surprisingly, they're not, they're quite different in origin, but that's another topic for another time) I still like Metalcore and Emo, but not BVB, they've grown generic for me. Wagakki Band: I used to be all over this band, fangirling and such.. then I realise there are way better, more creative bands out there, and Wagakki was making it harder for them to get popular with their surge in popularity. (Kiryu's most popular song is still Etsu To Utsu, surprisingly) and then I found out they had little creative freedom and were overcommercialised. Also, I began getting into their Taiko Drummer's old band, CrowXClass, which I found more creative, and kind of made me mad at Wagakki even more because CrowXClass practically disappeared due to Wagakki. Also, I got tired of their fanbase acting like Wagakki was the first Japanese Folk Metal band, and acting like they were so original, and pretending their covers of Vocaloid songs were the originals written by Yuko herself. DIV: Same with BVB. They grew generic for me. Exist Trace: They also grew generic for me. But Judea will always be an awesome song. Slipknot: I just grew out of them (Though I still love Psychosocial) UNiTE: I used to like them back when I was just getting into Vkei, and I had the "bright" idea to listen to mostly Danger Crue bands, not knowing there was more. Then I found the heavier Tokyo Vkei bands and grew out of UNiTE
  15. Himeaimichu

    Memento Mori: Ozashiki Asobi To Iki Na TABOO AvelCain: Temari Uta Inugami Circus Dan: Dead End Kids All the renditions of Ankoku Sekai Wa Yami (Kuroyuri To Kage, Gossip, Grieva) Kuroyuri To Kage: Gichigichi JyuLie: Haruyo Lycaon: Eros
  16. So the return of Lycaon got me thinking, should AvelCain return soon? They were signed to the same label as Lycaon, and disbanded for possibly the same reason: Being overworked. Of course, Kaede has retired from Vkei, but Karma and Zen haven't retired. They may possibly return in another band. I hope they do because I just got into AvelCain xD Anyways, what do you guys think?
  17. Himeaimichu

    While I do hear a lot of Gazette Influence in the vocals, most of the sound influences come from their old band JyuLie, which was like a cross between Byakura (Which they actually were featured on an Omnibus with), R-Shitei, and The GazettE. In GossiP, the Byakura influence is a bit less since they don't use traditional instruments anymore, but they still embrace R-Shitei's Meiji and Taisho period A E S T H E T I C S. There are also some smaller Eroguro influences, like Inugami Circus Dan and Guruguru Eigakan, but those are mostly aesthetic.
  18. Himeaimichu

    Grieva does have some pretty creative songs here and there. Also, on the topic of Ains bands copying others (Well, except Diaura), I never knew why people assume Gossip was a Gazette copy. Like, the GazettE isn't a Neo Old-School AnguraKei band xD. Also, long time no see, old friend~ Onto le main topic, I was ehhh on Grieva's new single. They're normally a guilty pleasure (in more ways than one xD) for me, as a Dir En Grey fan, but Kyouki's voice and occasional creativity is the pleasure for me xD. But because they're normally a guilty pleasure, I don't listen to them as often as I should. I've been just getting back into modern Vkei bands after binging on Kiryu's old stuff, and Memento Mori/Kuroyuri's old stuff xD. I hope their new single though really makes up for what they've been putting out recently.
  19. You don't have to be logged in to read it, you know? And it's a pretty wordy list, and shortening it would take the comedy out
  20. Thanks~ The reason I had the title like that was purposefully misleading a little bit, as part of the joke. But I didn't want to make people too mad so I explained from the get-go it wasn't all too serious
  21. A small announcement of a change in the list: I changed a few of the mentions in the list to make it less biased toward my love for AnguraKei and EroguroKei, so if you've already read, reread.
  22. Well now I feel like an idiot. xD Sorry. My only explanation is, Poe's law, and I'm really just an idiot who has a hard time detecting sarcasm xD
  23. Well, it was mostly a joking list. I got the idea from Gigguk's "Top 20 Anime that you really need to watch". It was not meant to be a completely serious list. Just a joke list poking fun at the Vkei scene, and expressing my undying love for Angura and EroguroKei xD
  24. There is a list... it's in a link....
  25. To be fair, I got the whole idea from a Gigguk video xD
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