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Waru Chibi

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Everything posted by Waru Chibi

  1. Waru Chibi

    found some non tagged and stuff and yes mostly by foreigners. Japanese just eat it i guess xD
  2. Waru Chibi

    I am kinda surprised that people here are more looking forward to this than all the shitstorm on twitter. i too find it more interesting than condemnable cause well open your eyes: this is bitter reality and also vk artists are kinda comfronted with the topic cause you never know what bangyas are up to. in any case waiting for the full mv now (ฅ˘ω˘ฅ)
  3. Waru Chibi

    ah it's ex canival luvia not finished yet ~ all tattoos missing and some piercings xD thank you for encouraging me to upload more (⃔ *`꒳´ * )⃕↝♡
  4. Waru Chibi

    i preorded since it's the live from the 「tour」 i went to on the bluray x3
  5. Waru Chibi

    I've been away for 2 years ~ time flies. my collection of dolls is at 50 right now and i put a lot effort in vk bandmen minimee's. sewing their outfits is most fun to me. i also started with wigmaking which makes it a lot faster to get the style i need (over commissioning others to make one). well i thought i share some stuff again ~ at least try don't be to harsh on me! of you think it's just idiotic to style dolls after vk people just be quiet xD my hobby my taste.
  6. Waru Chibi

    I dunno it was pure ugly...(in my opinion) but the fans bought it. When the lady asked me if i want something else (I got a sweatband for 2500 yen) I just said "No"...and she was kind of surprised. If I had not been waiting in the line for 20 mins to find out 3 people before me that kisses was not available anymore i wouldn't have bought anything but yeah... I waited and then i wanted at least something And no i am not goint to buy socks for 40$ xD the new Dummy merch is actually pretty neat. I'd have liked those in November
  7. poor coco as nothing to dress again XDDD Hopefully he's not running into another "Accident" the little trouble maker ^^" Can't wait for their album
  8. Waru Chibi

    I know old topic I was on the (first of four) concert(s) where it was released....20 mins and it was sold out..no kisses for me Same was for Passio v-v the concert merch was super expensive and not even nice - and stuff was already sold out... 12,000yen for a shirt...with just the letters "Dummy" on it...well nope. but first concert where they offered credit card payment *lol*
  9. Waru Chibi

    already ordered both things: single and DVD Asked Kiwamu to add it to the oversea shop and he did yesterday ^^
  10. Waru Chibi

    i hope i can place my preorder really soon
  11. if problems occur i can be your shopping service with no extra costs but the actual price from Neo Tokyo and shipping fees. I can pick it up at the store so there is no extra cost there =3
  12. Did not know that. Since i've always wanted the deluxe stuff version i needed to buy it over the webstore. otherwise there was no way to get it. luckily Neo Tokyo in Munich is an official Dealer for the stuff and not really that much more than the shop costs are with shipping and customs.
  13. Sukekiyo always sells only webstore XD *lol* good I have a very nice contact in Japan ordering all my beloved stuff *fluffs limited penyu shirt*
  14. Waru Chibi

    I am currently waiting to get my ltd edition shipped to EU The regular Edit is nice but it does not have an 8page booklet the lyrics are printed on the cd package which is a digipack looks cool and is nice to have in hand =3 Brand X send a Live Promo CD with Welcome to hell and a photoset with the Mini album I send my friend to their free one man concert.. organisation was horrible....like shedule wasn't kept... she was kind of annoyed by waiting outside one more hour than planned and told on Twitter. Concert was okay she said, some weired breaks between songs where L started talking and then the song continued. She's not a fan so she kept it very neutral. The second live she went to with morrigan was more fun. no weired breaks and the band seemed to be more relaxed
  15. Waru Chibi

    can tell you the 8 page Bookletcard is not available in the normal edition. I got it today and it's a digipack with no booklet at all the lyrics are printed inside the cds. I am currently waiting on the delivery for the limited edition X3
  16. Waru Chibi

    I bought 3 Cds from her and she was always so kind to me thank you for everything Highly reccommended seller!
  17. Waru Chibi

    hp is http://dictator-c.com news bog is the following いつもTHE DCを応援いただきあ りがとうございます。 THE DCより皆様に大切なお知らせがあります。 この度THE DCは解散する事となりました。 メンバー4人で何度も何度も話し合いを重ね決めた決断ではありますが、これまで応援してくださったファンの皆様、関係者の皆様には突然のお知らせとなりましたことを深くお詫び申し上げます。 解散に当たりまして、 ・3/23にメンバーそれぞれのセッション&THE DC出演の、THE DCメンバー3人(渉,幹,xeno)合同のバースデー主催 ・5/19にTHE DC解散主催 を両日とも渋谷REXで開催させて頂く事が決定致しました。 詳細につきましては後日公開させて頂きます。 つきまして、2/20の渋谷REXワンマン公演「下僕会」が、THE DCワンマン公演はラストとなりますので、是非皆様のお力添えを頂き、ライブを成功させたいと考えておりますのでどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 これまで、DICTATOR CIRCUSより、メンバーと名前を変えTHE DCとして活動をしていく事が出来たのも、ファンの皆様ならびに関係者の皆様のお陰です。 これまで我々の活動を支えて頂きました事に心から感謝を申し上げます。 最後の公演までメンバー一同これまでと変わらず精一杯活動をしていきますので、変わらぬご支援ご声援のほど何卒よろしくお願い致します。 THE DC一同
  18. I like the cover ^.~ the last tour wich ended today had outside dates: akita, Aomori, Sendai, Yamagata, Kooriyama the next tour in april with Morrigan will be Tokyo, Sendai, Osaka, Nagoya, Niigata otherwise they are a tokyo based small band... I love the cover ^.~ they were on tour with morrigan lately. also outside of kooriyama, yamagata, akita, Sendai, Aomori >D next tour with morrigan is also nagoya, osaka,
  19. Waru Chibi

    well you did it because you wanted to do it - no one forced you ^.~ but i know that can be frustrating. i am always getting angry when translating tweets only written in hiragana @_@
  20. Waru Chibi

    they have a contact formular on the hp maybe give it a try through that
  21. Waru Chibi

    i just orderdered today
  22. Waru Chibi

    hopefully they'll come back. it's also kind of in tge hands if the fans.
  23. Waru Chibi

    So here you go with the translation =3 sorry I took so long, because i was so tired during the weekend >_< First of all, I am sorry that it came to this announcement. what concerns killaneth that suddenly... I think no one can really accept reality the announcement status is: from last year on the 29th of October we started, we stop that soon with not even a year (of activity) I think, cause of it was too shortlived I also feel misarable. I think that there is still some way for a bright future for this band. I am still guitarist who wrote the songs for this band. We/I cannot accept the fact that we're breaking up yet but I think it is a breakup because we the members have been these 4 people Also If I am wrong, would you please so kind to hold on a little longer. but.... if it hadn't been for the 4 of us, we wouldn't have been able to call it such a cool band. If someone is missing we'd break up, that was decided from the start on we were a band with such an image! Therefore I don't think, that I have to regret our meeting, and this almost a year (of being active) was also not at all an useless time. Seraph. and Apocrypha are what was left behind in this world and I think, that nothing more than meeting all of the fans, made me happy. although we should have had nothing but hopes I think that, nothing is lost, that now is no way to regret, but a personal feeling whispers, that we have to to run swiftly until the end. Thus from here on it is my own matter (my own point of view), but... I'm seriously anxious/insecure about whether I'll be able to make/have a band that is even better than Killaneth Also if i can't promise and affirm that we/I will come back on stage, The stories/conversations we/I've received so far and those that might be yet to come I/we/ will compare and then considerate I think, if regrets and so on are left over, because thing are left undone, I want to die. Also if it was for a short time, thank you so much for having interest in Killaneth. With only that much left, please remember us/ best regards. Nihit translated with the dear help of my best friend Otouri <3 (thank you so much)
  24. Waru Chibi

    YES and no T^T Bai bai money
  25. Waru Chibi

    you were in london? I was there too. saw them 3 times in EU and it was awesome I hope he moves his ass over here again! xD
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