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Everything posted by Kelrya

  1. Kelrya

    I actually really like that version of The Final. I do agree that most of those remixes are garbage though. Like that awful Inconvenient Ideal organ remix that butchers one of their most beautiful songs.
  2. Kelrya

    Is it just me or are comments moving around and disappearing and reappearing?
  3. Kelrya

    I love both of them. But Midwife was the most experimental song on a very safe sounding album so I appreciate that song a lot. Die’s opening lead is a bit strange though I will admit. Edit: I’m pretty sure I posted this in a different thread.
  4. No I read a summary of the review in Japanese that someone posted on 2ch.
  5. A metal band sounding aggressive, what a terrible turn of events.
  6. There was a magazine review already in Japan. Apparently the album is very aggressive and there are a lot of harsh vocals.
  7. Kelrya

    Didn’t the drama with him happen pre-DEG though?
  8. Kelrya

    The Deeper Vileness is great minus the awful Engrish lyrics. I’m curious if he’ll just replace them with mostly Japanese lyrics for the remake.
  9. Sukekiyo’s demo from January sounded cool but then nothing else came out after that.
  10. That was me. But it probably takes like an hour to whip up a sample video.
  11. Kelrya

    Can we please not. (@nekkichi’s deleted comment)
  12. Kelrya

    Die looks more like a drag queen now than he did then lol. I do kinda miss those costumes though.
  13. Kelrya

    I love their visual kei looks but my favorite albums of theirs by far are Uroboros and DSS. It’s interesting that their looks and their musical quality have an inverse relationship for me.
  14. Kelrya

    They are dressed really badly but I like Kyo’s hair.
  15. Kelrya

    Musically I agree he and the band were at their best then (around 2011) but I hate his gangsta look. Also he just got a new tattoo on the back of his head like a month ago apparently.
  16. Kelrya

    At least it’s better than gangsta Kyo.
  17. Kelrya

    Please no.
  18. Kelrya

    Good lord he looks stupid. Everyone else looks cool though.
  19. I almost shit my pants when I saw the samples pop up at the top of my YouTube feed just now. Then I realized they were the samples for DSS Live at Nippon Budokan
  20. Two weeks until the album comes out, the samples have got to be out today, right?
  21. I accidentally wrote tougher when I meant rougher, I edited the original post. IIRC Kaoru used the word 荒い which to me is a word I would use to describe TMOAB.
  22. Kelrya

    Why is the mix/production on Ningen wo Kaburu so much worse than this and Utafumi, it drives me crazy.
  23. Here is my summarized translation of Kaoru’s recent magazine interview. This is my first time doing this and some things are difficult to say perfectly in English but here it is. The final tracklist wasn’t decided until the end of June. They are pushing this one close to the deadline. Arche was made to be easy to understand. People they have showed the album to have had various impressions or feelings of it (okay...). They wanted to try to not overthink things this time with The Insulated World and make an album that is a bit rawer and more conducive to live shows. TIW is a bit rougher and has a feeling of momentum while still feeling like DEG. Kaoru said he tries not to think too much about the future and his age and make every album as if it were the last, even though that’s not the plan. When writing his songs for TIW, he tried more than usual to not make songs too Kaoru-ish and think more of the other members. The interviewer was surprised that Ranunculus was written by Kaoru. Kaoru said he tried to suppress his personal style and write something different but doesn’t know how different it really is as it’s hard to judge for himself as the artist. With DSS they tweaked and tinkered with the songs until they felt like they were perfect, but this time they tried to not do this too much and have the album have a more live feel. The interviewer wanted to ask why he couldn’t listen to the full album (lol) but said that Ranunculus is so good that he can wait a little bit longer.
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