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Everything posted by brightshinyshadow

  1. brightshinyshadow

    we apparently sold out in NYC other than like 2 tickets lol we had 2000 people there
  2. brightshinyshadow

    omg it was amazing! heres the order: NIHIL 1. DOGMA 2. RAGE 3. Vortex 4. FADELESS 5. Venomous Spider's Web 6. BIZARRE 7. Dripping Insanity 8. OMINOUS 9. The Suicide Circus 10. Derangement 11. UGLY 12. UNDYING 13. Filth in the Beauty Encore: 14. Agony 15. Cockroach 16. Tomorrow Never Dies
  3. brightshinyshadow

    someone of fbook already did an unboxing and they showed a little of the pv which looks amazing! the concert footage is in it fo rthe person who asked. last nights setlist: the GazettE - WORLD TOUR16 DOGMATIC-TROIS- 22.04.2016 Audio Club (Brazil) SETLIST 01 NIHIL 02 DOGMA 03 RAGE 04 VORTEX 05 LEECH 06 FADELESS 07 DRIPPING INSANITY 08 DEUX 09 OMINOUS 10 INCUBUS 11 HYENA 12 UGLY 13 UNDYING 14 FILTH IN THE BEAUTY Encore: 15 AGONY 16 HEADACHEMAN 17 TOMORROW NEVER DIES
  4. brightshinyshadow

    found this on fbook. I think its correct: WORLD TOUR16 DOGMATIC - TROIS - Mexico - Teatro Metropolitan 15/04/2016 SETLIST 1 - NIHIL 2 - DOGMA 3 - RAGE 4 - VORTEX 5 - FADELESS 6 - LUCY 7 - OMINOUS 8 - CHIZURU 9 - THE SUICIDE CIRCUS 10 - DERANGEMENT 11 - UGLY 12 - BLEMISH 13 - UNDYING ENCORE 14 - HYENA 15 - TOMORROW NEVER DIES 16 - FILTH IN THE BEAUTY I also heard Inside BEast was played but not sure
  5. brightshinyshadow

    ripped it and uploading now https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4_uR-UhIZYUaU9GY2ppS3BpT2M
  6. brightshinyshadow

    0.0 omggggg
  7. brightshinyshadow

    Undying will be played on their interfm show next friday i believe. sucks i cant get it where i live ;.;
  8. brightshinyshadow

    I'm hoping a preview comes out on the 7th along with the itunes preorder i wanna hear even just a tidbit! xD
  9. brightshinyshadow

    It doest cost more to produce i think (at least a little) which is why blu ray is generally more expensive than the regular dvd counterpart plus more people will be able to play the regular dvds as not everyone has a blu ray player. In terms of mass production being regular dvds would keep costs lower for them and us and i think ruki mentioned something about trying to keep costs low for us at least on Undying.
  10. brightshinyshadow

    well relative to the mainstream music industry they still aren't massive plus im assuming blu-ray is expensive to make and they've probably already spent a lot on the movements.
  11. brightshinyshadow

    Use a google chrome proxy extension
  12. brightshinyshadow

    (spoiler maybe idk) i read some twitter comments and asked one person on twitter and they said it was like a continuation of ominous mixed with ugly so like the best of both worlds combining raw with melodic ballad.
  13. brightshinyshadow

    i hope so
  14. brightshinyshadow

    damn wish i lived in japan to go to the free live ;.; but im excited for the live dvd
  15. brightshinyshadow

    its gonna be the best birthday present straight from the gazette! XD
  16. brightshinyshadow

    Right on my birthday and 2 days before i see them live in NY! I'm so pumped! My wallet is gonna be dead tho
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