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Everything posted by Nagisa

  1. Nagisa

    the GazettE - 春雪の頃
  2. Wow! I'm jealous. I have a BA in Japanese too (along with a BA in Electrical Engineering) and I am getting a Master's in Electrical Engineering right now. Honestly I would jump at the chance to go overseas to almost any country really, provided I knew the language and could get a job.
  3. Nagisa

    A MOTH UNDER THE SKIN causes me so much AGONY. It's AN UNBEARABLE FACT that it is going to BREAK ME.
  4. Nagisa

    Last piece of my RG Tron deck:
  5. Nagisa

    Welcome to Monochrome Heaven!
  6. Nagisa

    Really wasn't expecting that. Props to the GazettE for doing something unexpected. Can't wait!
  7. Darn I was hoping for a new release too.
  8. Nagisa

    Hmm, maybe leaks/piracy are really rampant in the US? I've heard that people don't really pirate things in Japan. But then again anyone with an Internet connection can access them, so it is probably not that. Would be interesting to find out what accounts for this disparity.
  9. Hopefully that isn't their new logo. I really like their original one...
  10. Just realized that REMEMBER THE URGE came out before TOXIC. (*_*)

  11. Weird that UGLY hasn't been added to the discography on the GazettE official site. Also interesting that the two versions of the UGLY had the exact same cover art. I know that it was drawn by someone else, but at least on DOGMA the art was extended for the deluxe version. It is weird since this is the first time the GazettE has had the exact same art for all versions of a release.
  12. Nagisa

    Hmm that makes me more interested in hearing it. Is it like GRUDGE on the DOGMA preview? Or OMINOUS (゚∀゚)?
  13. Nagisa

    No. Do you grow any plants?
  14. Nagisa

    No (I only listen to Japanese music) Have you ever seen a UFO?
  15. Nagisa

    the GazettE - 生暖かい雨とざらついた情熱
  16. Has the PV been leaked? I don't want to listen to the song before I get my CD but it would be cool if I could watch the PV.
  17. Nagisa

    Well I found Guren on Yesasia and it looks like Jishuban Club has Hyena, but the other two are pretty old so I probably won't be able to get them. edit:Yesasia is out of stock....
  18. This is the only music forum I know, so I really like it, even though I only joined a few months ago.
  19. Nagisa

    I also read somewhere that some people at the concert in Mexico were recording with their phones during the concert and the band members were not pleased with that.
  20. 4 GazettE CDs from 3 different merchants heading my way!

  21. I see! I always just thought that the title track was the supposed to be the "best" song on the single but it makes sense that they would try use a song that appeals to the most people to promote a CD. And seeing all these positive comments makes me really hyped for this release. I have pretty high expectations for UGLY now. Can't wait!
  22. Nagisa

    I know that there are a lot of sites which sell used CDs but I like to get mine new Many of my possessions are purchased used but not CDs. I know that there is no difference but still.... Also it is weird why the Optical Impression of Guren is available on Amazon for a reasonable price but not the Auditory Impression. I guess with all these video sharing sites having the PV isn't that special anymore, although I want Auditory Impression for the additional song. Thank you for trying to help!
  23. What is the main difference between lead tracks and B-sides? Personally there are quite a few singles for which I like B-sides better than the lead song but are there any concrete differences between the two?
  24. Nagisa

    The Auditory Impressions of Regret, Filth in the Beauty, Hyena, and Guren.
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