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Ruha last won the day on April 30 2021

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About Ruha

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday May 27

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  1. How are you discovering new bands? I used to use the recommended videos on youtube, but it does not link any anymore T_T 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jigsaw9


      My main interests are J-music (okay, mostly VK), extreme metal and gothy/post-punky stuff. For the first I use MH, for the others I use websites like Cvltnation, NoCleanSinging and random music related groups I'm a member of on Facebook.


      Anything that doesn't fall into these categories I just stumble upon, by accident. :D 

    3. platy


      I'll search for a song I like on YouTube then click on the playlist suggested by the song. Or I'll go on Spotify and listen to an artist's radio, which is the same as shuffling through similar music by other artists. Sometimes I'll look through download blogs or just the news section here. 

    4. Komorebi


      This very forum, since I avoid youtube.
      Either the news, reviews or DL sections do it for me. Sometimes recommendations from a friend.

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