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Everything posted by Vercingetorix

  1. Kinda wish a few more VK dudes were out and about, if only to satisfy my irrational curiosity. I have this vision of peak VK being like '80s UK synthpop, where like 90% of anyone good was gay/bi.
  2. Well I don't suddenly feel like a fucking prophet...
  3. Vercingetorix

    Could fans still not pronounce the name properly?
  4. Vercingetorix

    Better colaps than prolaps, I guess.
  5. Interesting(ish?) announcement about everyone's favorite sentient waxwork. He also just endorsed a new line of dresses from dazzy called MARGARET NOCTURNE... (alas, no new CM song)
  6. Vercingetorix

    Ah, cool insight.
  7. Vercingetorix

    Frankly, if this means an end to the growling, I'm relieved.
  8. Yeah, they seriously need to hurry up and replace him. Having Leda in the studio is great and all, but it's not like he's gonna waste any good ideas on them, and their support gt JaY's greatest achievement is recording 3 albums with LIGHT BRINGER and only co-writing 1 song!
  9. We all know why he really retired...
  10. Those fishing pics were all the proof I needed.
  11. Well there's a name that rolls off a Japanese tongue...
  12. Vercingetorix

    So much for that rebirth.
  13. Vercingetorix

    Goddamn it - thought Ibuki had finally found her band. That said, she's always been a bit of a nomad. Looking forward to her next one.
  14. Vercingetorix

  15. Vercingetorix

    If JaME is to be believed, Mike and Ronnie are actually MASUMI and KeiTaro from HIZAKI's new underlings CROSS VEIN.
  16. Vercingetorix

    Quel fuck?
  17. Never mind all this crap about declining interest in VK/J-Rock: a one-man tour by a second-rate symphonic metal band, especially without their star guitarist, was never gonna sell-out. The sympho metal ship sailed sometime back in the late 2000s, and it never really took off in Japan. Maybe B7K should've booked it a two-man tour with one of those identikit melodeath groups.
  18. Vercingetorix

    @ShanethVarosaAbout JO-JO's charisma - with the exception of the Moulin Rouge MV, I've often found its his wig doing most of the work.
  19. Vercingetorix

    Did rather sting the ears, didn't it? For such a raging Francophile, you'd think he might know the correct pronunciation. EDIT: Turns out the daft bint might just be mispronouncing the romaji "シャトー ".
  20. Vercingetorix

  21. Vercingetorix

    You simply could not make this shit up....
  22. Vercingetorix

    Violet UK?
  23. Vercingetorix

    @Jigsaw9Looks like the drummer also plays in some group called Hot Rod Kixxs.
  24. Vercingetorix

    Oi Közi, you flighty old bastard - any chance you could pick a band and stick with it! Just 'cos the MIZER royalties alone keep your fridge full, that's no reason to keep flitting between projects like you're trying to compensate for Mana's recent drought.
  25. DAISUKE was a member of ROACH - saw something on JaME about him quitting last year.
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