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Everything posted by sarbella

  1. X Japan - Unfinished Decided it when heard the song for the first time!
  2. sarbella

    Oldest Japanese: X Japan - BLUE BLOOD (1989) CD Newest Japanese: hide - Co Gal (2014) CD Oldest non-Japanese: Hanoi Rocks - Self Destruction Blues (1982) LP Newest non-Japanese: Santa Cruz - Screaming for Adrenaline (2013) CD
  3. sarbella

    DMC IS awesome! Haha, Detroit rock city -> Detroit metal city -> Jrock metal city. Thought it was kinda perfect name for the radio show! ;D
  4. sarbella

    Wow, thx guys! So happy this topic reached people! xD I'll choose a nice mix of genres with old and new stuff for you! I'd also like to welcome you all to Radio Säteily's irc channel: http://webchat.ircnet.net/?nick=lempinimesi&channels=radiosateily&prompt=1&uio=d4 Feel free to write in English and make your proposals for songs! ;D Stay tuned! In Finnish: Wow, mahtavaa, että huomasitte tän topikin! Vinkatkaahan kaiffareillekin ja pysykää kuulolla!
  5. Hey what's up ! I'm gonna run jrock related radio channel on my university's radio starting from 10.4.2015. It's in Finnish language, but I think everyone can enjoy the music and I hope Finnish people would pay attention for this! http://www.facebook.com/jrockmetalcity2 Jrock metal city II facebook page http://www.sateily.com University of Lapland's radio page. Just click on the radio! :---)
  6. sarbella

    Hei wanha j-rock fani pyörittää yliopistoradiossa j-rock ohjelmaa! Käykää kuuntelemassa netin kautta, jos täällä joku vielä tän hoksaa. https://www.facebook.com/jrockmetalcity2 <---- Tonne siis! http://www.sateily.com <--- Ja tuolta itse radioon
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