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Everything posted by suji

  1. livehouse 神楽坂 (Kagurazaka) TRASH-UP!!, established in 1982, has closed as of October 2.
  2. The band has announced that their demo period will end on November 1 after their oneman live at Higashi Kōenji 20000V.
  3. suji

    The pic below thus confirms that "Rituals" will be released in 2 types: instore edition (released on 10/7-20-21)~ & live-limited edition (released on 10/26). Watch these get rereleased on his webshop...👀
  4. ex-カラビンカ (kalavinka) Ba.サヲリーナ (saorina) solo project, "ラブカ" (rabuka(?)), which has been sporadically active for a couple of years, recently released their 1st single, "暗褐色を帯びる口" at their live at Ikebukuro CHOP on September 26. "暗褐色を帯びる口" tracklist: 1.飽くなき者たち 2.青春の錆 [lineup] Ba & Vo.サヲリーナ (saorina) Gt.Ruri Gt.燕瞳 瑶壱楼 (THE NOSTRADAMNZ) Dr.sera (ex-GAMEOVER)
  5. Happy birthday dear! Hope you have a wonderful day! ♥

    1. tetsu_sama69


      Thank you!

  6. suji

  7. suji

    new band "HOWL" has formed in June and they have held their first live on October 2 at 新宿club science, and debuted as an opening act for ギルド (GUILD) on September 28. They are currently signed to Advent Quad Inc. (same label as GUILD) It seems they'll distribute a one-coin CD at their live in November (?) [lineup] Vo.真宵 (mayoi) Gt.旭 (asahi) Ba.ゆうと (yuto) Dr.yuki Twitter OHP
  8. suji

    gossip is not dead x
  9. suji

    A bitter bangya posted this pic of Jey (Fixer) when replying to one of his tweets and captioned it with "shut up ojisan"
  10. suji

    For those unfamiliar with them, the band disbanded back in April 2011. Actually, it's more of a performance at a sponsored year's end event rather than a revival live. There's also a bunch of session bands featuring longtime bandmen that will perform: Other featured bands: トリのセッションバンド (tori no session band) [lineup] Vo.ゆーり (yuuri) (ex-Irokui) Gt.しゅうた (shuuta) (ex-Irokui, Glam Gramm@r) Gt.つかさ(Tsukasa) (ex-Hoshi no House) Ba.リツ (Ritsu) (ex-Irokui, Sonic Death Monkey) Dr.BAN (ex-Lolita23q) ほぼ初対面バンド Vo.ぼんど餅フン太郎 (ex.ずんだ餅フン太郎) Gt.荒牧幸久 (ex.Yeti.) Gt.水田魔梨 (0.1gの誤算 (0.1g no Gosan)) Ba.眞崎大輔 (0.1gの誤算 (0.1g no Gosan)) Dr.ケイタ (EVERSSIC) Vo.鈴木悠太 (ex.HOLIDAY CD OSAKA) NON-DARK-RAY Vo.柳 (ex.MoNoLith) Gt.hide (ex.LAGNA) Gt.莉蘭 (lira) (ex.ELYSION) Ba.テツヤ (ex.パノラマ虚構ゼノン (Xenon)) Dr.Loe (ex.IGGY) 噂話 Vo.緋絽 (hiro) (ヴィルシーナ (Verxina), ex-gossip) Gt.kaname (Sioux, ex-gossip) Gt.シュン (shun) (ex.ヴィドール (vidoll) Ba.ユウトマン (yuutoman) (LIRAIZO, ex-gossip) Dr.Mar (ヴィルシーナ (Verxina), ex-gossip) 裏路地vomit Vo.カイリ (kairi) (ピサロ (Pisarro), ex.SIVA) Gt.SAN (ラッコ (Lack-co) Gt.N∀O (ex.REALies) Ba.RENA (ex.THE BLACK SWAN) Dr.陣 (ex.ギザ (Giza)) 雀夜セッション Vo.雀夜 (suzuya) (ex.トランスノート (trance note), 姫苺 (himeichigo)) Gt.刻 (ex.Black Gene for the Next Scene) Gt.奏音 (ex.VAN9ISH) Ba.真悠 (LAY ABOUT WORLD, ex.トランスノート (trance note)) Drカムイ (kamui) (ex.サウイフモノ (Souiumono))
  11. suji

    OMG ur mind x 😂😂😂
  12. suji

    AWA. has been distributing a live-limited CD, "作詞作曲全部おれ" at their live since September 8, featuring a unique jacket at the special price of 500 yen. [tracklist] 1.shake the hand 2.僕らの歌 3.記憶 support members: Gt.am (ex-Unibirth) Gt.モカ (Moka) Gt.吉 (yoshi) Ba.餅 (omochi) (ex-ユメリープ (yumeleep)) Dr.響‏ (hibija) (だるま喰ったら龍ニ成ル (Dakuryu)) AWA. (at Ikebukuro BlackHole, 9/18)
  13. suji

    Kouji (ex-Synk;yet)
  14. suji

    Twitter account They retweeted a tweet that reposted the link to this thread btw #amifamousnow
  15. suji

    Welcome back! If there's any questions or problems, don't hesitate to message me, or any other staff members with blue/red/green names! ♥
  16. From what I've seen, Mahiro has some sort of eye condition which is progressively getting worse. Google it. pretty sure Baboo is doing well since they're under Maverick I believe also u have a thing for grown men in diapers? that's Creepy
  17. added some anime stuff for u weebs out there, there's also plenty of CDs/DVDs/books/flyers available~



  18. I want to say Marco should take a break because recently Rei has been experiencing problems losing hearing in one ear, but their schedule is packed for the rest of the year (and there's even a 2019 date already set), so I want to keep my hopes up. Also, I see Kiryu breaking up within the next year or so, Mahiro's condition sounds pretty serious and it could only get worse.
  19. ZRAYD members new band, "ao sheep's gestalt" has formed in December 2016 and they have held their first live at 新宿HEAD POWER on 2017/02/11. Their next performance will be at 滅びの美学 (horobi no bigaku) sponsored live,【顕死の会盟 第9幕】on December 9, where they will release a 7-song collection CD. [lineup] Vo&Violyre. まい (mi) (ZRAYD) Gt&Vo. こっぴー (coppy) Ba&Vo. たつや (tatsuya) (ひまわり組 (Himawari Gumi)) Drums. りょうま (ryoma) (ZRAYD) Twitter OHP
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