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Everything posted by emmny

  1. emmny

    *getting my bank account ready to pay obscene shipping charges and wack currency exchange on what will probably a decently priced book*
  2. marty freedman copied aie
  3. emmny

    I FUCKING HATE U SO MUCH they look amazing as usual my evil qweens
  4. cheers to you spilling some tea (your argument is leveraged toward an audience who probably doesn't care to acknowledge their own biases i mean how many intelligent nokubura and deviloof stans are on here tho)
  5. ryu as second vocal is such a cool surprise
  6. the production sounds weird awesome as always though
  7. emmny

  8. they're gonna pull a moran and record a studio version of kids war after they disband
  9. i fucking LOVE zin after lui came with vox he's so sexy but i mean the music is good too lol !!
  10. emmny

    wig entirely snatched after disastrous soundcloud previews
  11. emmny

    i love my boyfriends i cant even say come to toronto qweens because there's an ACTUAL chance kawaii minpha would show up and wreck havoc
  12. emmny

    avanchick tier fuckery would be to cancel a disbandment for the dramaz they're gonna milk it tho, one final album and a goodbye tour (dont expect anything lavish tho they prolly near broke now) + live dist + rarities compilation WAIT ON IT = time well spent. groups who announce disbandments this far in advance usually have legit reasons for doing so, tbh i feel like noah was crunching numbers and realized that avanchick is a flop (relative) and that there's nothing they'd be able to do to change it because of their reputation. they've worked pretty hard to show themselves off as a big band but at this point its been for nothing, if not some mitsu $$$ here and there. their sponsored event live featured legit flops, the biggest band that played other than them was VEXENT...if thats not embarrassing then idk what is. that girl who went off on them and how no big bands wanted to play with them was totalllllly right lolol the evidence is in the events they play. they're still going to the states tho, dw
  13. emmny

    rip kusokei icons avanchick had a shit reputation among...pretty much everyone involved in the scene lol so i don't think noah will join a new band. if anything he'll go solo, he's too good at doing what he does, plagarizing the gazette I MEAN writing catchy af vk songs and his blind girls (what an ironic fan name LMFAO) will follow him regardless. that dude from cindykate needs to make a new band and debut it on that other guy from cindykate's label so he stops flopping. rei should join him, the bassist's good too. idc about the drummer he can go n get a real job i liked avanchick (from a distance) and i hope their new band (sounding like noah minus noah) goes big
  14. emmny

    wonder how the oneman sold, they're back to area LOL i love me some savage so looking forward to the singles
  15. inb4 aie and miya guest guitar spots
  16. emmny

    WIG LMFAO I JUST GOT WHO THIS WAS ABOUT u best believe they on speed dial for them nihongo tips.
  17. emmny

    i think visual kei fans should be institutionalized... but thats a topic for another day! while i like visual kei, i cant stand most of the scene surrounding it and find the fans pathetic. i feel the same towards kpop fans, idol fans and anyone who devotes incredible amounts of money and time towards musicians. i get it, its your time and you can enjoy your leisure however you want but it doesn't change how pointless of a hobby it is. a lot of ex-gya realize this, but between me and you, their attention-seeking personalities latch onto something equally stimulating for this purpose, whether it be hosts or other musical groups. why else do you see girls leaving bands once they become popular? because they no longer get the attention they seek from those dudes, as they're now busy with other things and can't prioritize their old fans like they could when they debuted. imma keep the rest of this to myself *kermit emoji*. This happens a lot among jp fans, thank god they acknowledge how sleezy the scene is...people in foreign fandom dont. In the case of vk, the mechanisms that allow for bandmen to become idolized regardless of relevance are quite different from say, a popular boyband's mob of fans but its the same in that case. its alright to be a fan of something and enjoy it, but if you think really hard about it, what does following a band or artist do for you? more importantly, what does it say about you? there's a reason gya are looked down upon, even by their fellow countrymen. the fact that westerns aspire to that is even worse, like you live in a country where women are slightly more empowered so that they dont feel their best accomplishment is that of following a band of crossdressers traveling the country to rehash slipknot songs YET you still want to do it? lmfao. NOW, this is all incredibly pointed but where it pisses me off is these same loony girls trying to come here and enforce that same shit they do in japan...bitch go hold your fucking president accountable for those damn nukes and leave our shows the way they are. until then, you can be crazy but its not my culture so i can observe u from a distance acting crazy...just dont bring that here and expect people to deal with it because you are amazing jouren no bitch u r a dollar bill for the band. keep in mind this isnt the majority of the people here, as we all like to observe from a distance while tossing some dollaz here and there....as for the minority of you crackheads this does apply to....god will find u at the heavenly gates and see how much ticket stubs you have left over at home and make a SWIFT decision. tl;dr: stop following bands and read a book, get an education, read up about politics, empower yourself because there are better things to do with your time. im a hypocrite...but only a bit
  18. emmny

    definitely not you...BITCH
  19. emmny

    also im gonna get a translations blog running once i get a bit more into learning jp bc i've learned a lot from translating (for fun) cuz no one is translating my flop favs so i WILL
  20. emmny

    totchan literally only gets justice in live audio...dat bass is delicious as usual diru are eternal queens legends ONLY i have no other thoughts.
  21. emmny

    i love rshithead no wonder their stans are suicidal their bandoman sama is a total loon
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