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Everything posted by shinobu.

  1. Oh, cool~ I still need to buy their last three singles >_<
  2. Amazing! Solid music and lyrics once more!! I enjoy the lighter side of this mini album! Can't wait
  3. shinobu.

    Thank you!!
  4. shinobu.

    This is my first time preordering from Brand X. I preordered two CDs and one CD that was already released. Paid for them. They were released yesterday, and usually Brand X has been good about telling me when they ship orders and giving me the tracking number. But haven't heard from them. Emailed them. Do they sometimes forget to tell you they've shipped orders?
  5. shinobu.

    Getting better at not gossiping but at times it still comes up >_< always worried about work...why
  6. shinobu.

    Just not gonna care anymore. Keep to myself. Do what I gotta do.
  7. Sounds good from the short preview~ Needa look into this band more.
  8. shinobu.

    Cool look
  9. shinobu.

    This is better than I thought it'd be too... May save up the money for this
  10. When I first got into the scene, my whole family thought I was gay for liking visual kei. My dad ended up really liking Dir en grey. That was about it. Now that I've been away from my family for years, no one really knows about my tastes in Japanese music except for my boyfriend. He thinks it's really cool and even enjoys some of the bands. When coworkers or friends ask me what kind of music I like, I always tell them of the Western artists I listen to. Never saw the point in telling people about something they most likely won't be interested in.
  11. shinobu.

    I just want it to be Friday so I can start moving into my new place!!!!! >_<
  12. haha this is so funny!! the song was hilarious! may have to grab this... of course, the singer's version haha
  13. shinobu.

  14. shinobu.

    Why are people so socially awkward and rude... I get we all can have our moments, but my god! Learn some social etiquette! >_<
  15. shinobu.

    OMG! YESSSS!!!! :D :D :D
  16. shinobu.

    Was never a fan of this band... They're like Megamasso... pumping out releases so quickly >_<
  17. WTF? Is the regular edition / live-limited editions songs become a more popular thing now?! >_< Hopefully not...
  18. Awesome! Still need to buy their first single...haha
  19. shinobu.

    Wow... amazing *~*
  20. ya, gonna go to the post office to pick it up tomorrow
  21. shinobu.

    feel so sick....(>_<)
  22. shinobu.

    Hmmm... They seem interesting. Like the simple look.
  23. Good session bands! Wonder if it'll turn into an official band...
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