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Everything posted by NickyJRock

  1. NickyJRock

  2. NickyJRock

    Can you make a download link? *_*
  3. NickyJRock

    Longer previews are out! Enjoy!! http://www.neowing.co.jp/product/SRCL-8893/track?from_cdj=1 Can someone rip these and put them up for download pretty please? i dont know how to do that lol
  4. NickyJRock

    I agree with you1st - DOGMA *August* 2nd - DOGMATIC UN *September-October* 3rd (NEW SINGLE MAYBE) *November* 4th - DOGMATIC DUEX (TOUR PROMOTES THE SINGLE) *December-January* 5th - (ANOTHER NEW SINGLE OR SHORT WORLD TOUR) *February* FINALE (6TH) - (PROBABLY DOGMATIC FINAL ON THEIR ANNIVERSARY 3.10.16 HOPEFULLY AT TOKYO DOME) *March* This is my guess, and there you have it. The ominous year concludes one year from the day it was announced at the anniversary. These 2 singles could be what they're working on in these 5 months since the album must be close to being complete since they debuted a new song and teaser this early.
  5. NickyJRock

    What's the 2ch link?
  6. NickyJRock

    Can you please give be the link to the 2ch page? ^^
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