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Status Replies posted by p0pp3r

  1. Has this song by Metis Gretel been incorrectly romanised? 神罰 It is known as Kamipatsu, but online dicts say it is pronounced as しんばつ.

    1. p0pp3r


      It's Shinbatsu, meaning divine punishment :P 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Man, it's my first day actually on this site since I registered but I find the forum so confusing XD 

    1. p0pp3r


      Alright thanks! took a while to follow your steps but worked haha

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Man, it's my first day actually on this site since I registered but I find the forum so confusing XD 

    1. p0pp3r


      Thanks! I already have 2 questions lol
      1) So I found how to post status updates but um...where can I see other ppl's status updates? You obviously saw mine so I'm assuming they are all posted somewhere in public XD
      2) What's this reputation count under names? Is it just a marker on how many "likes" you get or is there something special to it?
      Let me know and thanks again!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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