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Everything posted by Kiryu999

  1. Kiryu999

    Song is nice but I liked PHANTOM better. The MV is cool
  2. Kiryu999

    Not into them and this kind of vk in general but strangely I found the song very beautiful, the MV is very pretty
  3. Kiryu999

    I really like it, both clean and harsh vocals are good in this one (except at the end, those high notes yikes)
  4. Sounds promising ! The covers for 俺を必要とする人はこの世の中に居ないよ looks cool
  5. It's ok, I thought they were gonna be a bit more original musically based on their looks but I guess not
  6. It's good! Will follow these guys
  7. Kiryu999

    It's a livehouses tour
  8. This is amazing, I think for the first time I'm gonna buy their single
  9. Kiryu999

    Nothing interesting there, they should have at least add one or two new songs
  10. Kiryu999

    It's kinda cool buuut nothing really stand out in this song
  11. Their look is a bit underwhelming, usually they have very elaborate and beautiful costumes with a lot of details so they look a little basic this time. Curious to hear the mini tho
  12. It's okay, reminds me of rshitei a little
  13. It will be released on 2018.11.03 in 3 types. 1st press CD+DVD (¥3,800+tax): 1. 新SE 2. 有害メンヘラドール 3. 敵刺す、テキサス 4. 月詠センチメンタル 5. 絶対プリティ生命体ー緑川のテーマー 6. 必殺!からくり七変化! 7.【M】1230【狂劇】 8. 神と下剋上 9. ナツイロドロップ 10.Inner Light 11. 君色トワイライト 12. こんな僕ら、どうですか? 13. 21gの感傷 DVD: 1.有害メンヘラドール MV 2.月詠センチメンタル MV +Zeep Diver Cityワンマン秘蔵ライブ映像 Regular edition (¥3,000+tax): 1. 新SE 2. 有害メンヘラドール 3. 敵刺す、テキサス 4. 月詠センチメンタル 5. 絶対プリティ生命体ー緑川のテーマー 6. 必殺!からくり七変化! 7.【M】1230【狂劇】 8. 神と下剋上 9. ナツイロドロップ 10.Inner Light 11. 君色トワイライト 12. こんな僕ら、どうですか? 13. 21gの感傷 Live-limited edition (¥3,000+tax): 1. 新SE 2. NEVER ENDING 3. 【S】0723【終焉】 4. 必殺!からくり七変化! 5. 絶対プリティ生命体‐緑川のテーマ‐ 6. 灼熱する轟音の旋律と毛根に捧げ鎮魂歌~レクイエム~ 7. 月詠センチメンタル 8. 敵刺す、テキサス 9. こんな僕らどうですか 10.Inner Light 11. 君色トワイライト 12. 21gの感傷 13. 有害メンヘラドール
  14. Kiryu999

    I thought it was posted by some gossip/tanuki account at first but no. Respect yourself sis
  15. So they had one look and shot a MV just to introduce their band and tease the vocalist and now they have a completely new look and a new MV for the same song to reveal the vocalist.. I'm impressed
  16. Kiryu999

    Why did he posted these???
  17. Kiryu999

    Reminds me of the look they had for Refrain
  18. アンティック-珈琲店- (An Cafe) will release their best album「BEST 2015〜2018」on 2018/12/05. (2 types) Musing edition: 2CD+2DVD+グッズ (merch) DVD: 2018.4.28 live at日比谷野外大音楽堂 MUSIC CLIP 2015~2018 ¥15,000 Regular edition: 2CD+ライナーノーツ (liner notes?) ¥2,800
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