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Everything posted by Kiryu999

  1. Not my kind of band usually but it's cute! I like it
  2. Love the song, I think emotionnal songs like that are the kind of songs that Xaa-Xaa excel at
  3. Kiryu999

    Well.. I can see they tried some new "experimentation" in the production but it's odd, not really liiking it. The songs sound not as powerful as they should be, too bad cuz with their regular sound production this single would be banger
  4. Kiryu999

    So epic ! Lmao
  5. Kiryu999

    It's ok. Nothing really outstanding, the kind of song that your hear once and forget the second it's over
  6. New band "リダフト" (Redaft) have formed and will have their first live on April 9th at Ikebukuro EDGE. Line-up: Vo. AKIRA.JJ (pretty sure he is ex.ジバルト(Gibalte)) Gt. Betch Ba. Akagi https://twitter.com/redaft_official
  7. Kiryu999

    This guy doesn't sound like Saku from Gossip at all, I don't think that's him...
  8. Kiryu999

    I'm not getting the "passionate, depressive metal" in that preview, but it's very short soo curious to hear the full song
  9. Compared to their previous looks you can see the budget is there now
  10. I love this song ! So glad I could see them in Tokyo, their drummer is super nice
  11. Kiryu999

    Not impressed by the preview and that cover is ugly af but still curious to hear the full thing !
  12. Kiryu999

    I hope it's gonna be good !
  13. It sounds okay, the end of the spot is what caught my attention
  14. Kiryu999

    Too bad they are pretty good
  15. Kiryu999

    So that's maybe why the announcement was delayed, something must have happen with Sou I guess 🤔
  16. Saw SHiSHi last night at Shibuya Rex, they were so fun ! The band I enjoyed the most of the event, they have a lot of fans too, the venue was packed for them

  17. Kiryu999

    Yas budget! The song sounds promising
  18. Kiryu999

    MV is pretty but that song, that's a no for me
  19. Tracklist for the live DVD: 1. 青いレインコート 2. コワイクライ 3. ラストダンス 4. カミソリ 5. 大雨警報発令 6. 死にたい 7. ピストル 8. ピチピチチャプチャプランランラン 9. 排水口 10. 不感症 11. 人間界からの手紙 12. 雪時計 13. ぐちゃぐちゃ 14. どす黒い 15. ラブレター 16. 感電、けがのおそれがあります。 17. 寄り道 18. チューリップ 19. マザレナイ 20. のろいうた 21.「うそつき」 22. 反骨ドッグ
  20. Love the look! Especially the slutty one lmao
  21. I can't deal with bandomen wearing cheap ass wigs. and that ugly look, flops
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