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Everything posted by Koike

  1. Koike

    None of those are really my favourite ones, but I'll go with abelcain. the cabs - haiku about kdyla BUCK-TICK - 形而上 流星-metaform- Dream Theater - The Glass Prison lynch. - Discord Number GALEYD - Slip of my Life 山岡晃 - Prayer (Silent Hill 3 OST) Serj Tankian - Electron 山岡晃 - No one loves you (Silent Hill 2 OST) BUCK-TICK - JUPITER Sugar - SE -engraver- What's up with all this Silent Hill stuff D:
  2. Koike

    Everyone needs some hipster reindeer doge.
  3. Koike

    Just add Michael Bay explosion to the end and it's perfect.
  4. Koike

    Mr. Potato strikes again... high fashion paralyze: spoiled / 蟻は血が重要である / 形の無い 何よりも 愛したのは お前だけが the god and death stars: tonight is the night addle apple Live at LOFT brother mustang and sister ripper (limited edition) elephant DVD side of a complicated night DAWN of the god (white version) deadman: no alternative Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows: Angel of the golden fountain and a t-shirt (seems to be number 196!) Dir en grey: VULGAR (limited edition) These poor things are always in so terrible condition, but this was a decent one.
  5. Received my package and the items were in good condition and packed well. Thanks!
  6. Koike

    Please kill me. I have a meeting with teachers and a doctor in the morning.
  7. Waaaah so many new clothes '^'

  8. Koike

    Spammz and weird curls because of hair tie. Bought a new jacket '^'
  9. Koike

    Potato camera best camera
  10. I think I mentioned D'espairsRay in some other thread already, so I'll go with some other bands which have helped me throughout my life. Placebo copy LAPKO was a huge thing for me when I was 12-14 or something. Angsty teenager, sexuality, why am I different, QQ life is hard; so the melancholy and the lyrics of the songs struck me quite hard. Also Pariisin Kevät. Oh gosh. I didn't really pay attention to the Finnish music scene and I was really into Japanese music when I was 15'ish - then I stumbled upon this band. I got their first CD and got through some of the songs and thought that they sound quite nice and different from the regular pop bands in Finland. Then I just pretty much started crying when this track begun. After that, I've been following them and I think I've teared up at some part of their every album. Most of their songs have entangled with some events and hardships in my life, so they will always be special for me.
  11. None actually. Only reason for me to keep them sealed would be autographs or something like that.
  12. Koike

    The root growth is real
  13. Koike

    Le camwhore strikes again
  14. Koike

    I added you guys on EUW 83 My acc there is Rito Shamaaani and Pocky Monsta on EUNE
  15. Koike

    Banana banana banana @benibana banana @benibana @benibana pie! Haaappy birthday and remember to party hard!

    1. beni


      Arose from the grave *ghostly sounds*

  17. Koike

    Is this Spam Your Selfies Day? [2] And yes, I only happen to have one good mirror :c
  18. Koike

    Yeaa... Closer look on the important stuff 9Goats Black Out - devils in bedside D'espairsRay - Born D'espairsRay - Sexual Beast (1st press) deadman - 701125 deadman - in media deadman - カフカ/モーニス deadman - 雨降りの向日葵
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