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Everything posted by MaikoMizu

  1. MaikoMizu

    I had a dream that I was reunited with two girls who I knew in the past. One from middle school and one from high school. I can recall that one was bubbly and always called me by my last name which rarely others did, correct pronunciation and everything. The other one was always mysterious but not in the creepy kind of way but the, "I wonder what her personality is" type of mysterious. Those crystal blue eyes and every time I was going to History we took the same route and she'd glance at me and smile. Faint/quick but it was there.
  2. MaikoMizu

    I enjoy playing Blazblue & Guilty Gear so much more than Smash Bros
  3. MaikoMizu

    Saw Assassin's Creed a few days back on Saturday. It was mediocre to me.
  4. MaikoMizu

    I guess... although I didn't even tell you what happened in the film and you may have a different perspective on the ending of the film. So I don't see it as that. I could but I won't go ahead and tell you about the entire film. You're welcome.
  5. MaikoMizu

    ^ The ending was a bit of twist though. But the movie itself wasn't scary too much.
  6. MaikoMizu

    I saw Lights Out and it was overhyped in my opinion. The movie runs pretty generic from my viewpoint and I won't spoil it for you but out of 10 it gets a 4.5-5/10 (from me).
  7. MaikoMizu

    Yeah... I think it's about time that I stop randomly talking to people on Twitter because this experience happens at least 1-3 times a year... Never ends well either and it is pretty much the same story from their side.
  8. MaikoMizu

    JILUKA releases a new mini-album or full length A few new bands join Starwave Records and take on the heavy metal or power metal genre Still waiting for someone on BP records or ユナイト to release a mini-album since the last few years.... See something with the XodiacK A mini-album for the GazttE
  9. MaikoMizu

    I'm feeling okay with getting 3 out of the 4 classes for next semester. Luckily I only have classes on Monday/Wednesday, that'll make it a-lot more chill versus this semester with classes four days a week at 8:30 AM x_x
  10. MaikoMizu

    As far as musical venues go, for me, I've only been to a few but here's what I can go off of: Midwest Virginia Theatre (Champaign, IL): This is a rather small venue being able to hold roughly 1500 people and a-few musical but mainly theater acts were done there. A few of the local bands played here but it was mainly pop rock. (http://thevirginia.org/) Lincoln Hall (Chicago): I've only been to this venue twice but it's really nice, I must say. Pretty small too, roughly housing close to 500 I believe. This was around 2011 & 2013. Lots of folk and alternative bands. (http://www.lh-st.com/) Western The Strip: Now that I'm in Las Vegas, I've been able to expand my taste in music thanks to the famous/infamous "Las Vegas Strip". I've mainly been able to see cover bands here and there but seeing a band perform live doesn't take away from not being able to go to a real concert. *Megadeth also played at the Hard Rock Hotel but my class schedule didn't allow me to go see them ;-;/ Joan Jett played in Vegas too, around May of this year* If I ever do get a chance to visit Japan though, I'd like to go see a band that performs at Zepp Tokyo or Umeda Club Quattro.
  11. MaikoMizu

    Maybe this already exists?... Any-who, what's your favorite music venue and why? and this isn't limited to Japanese venues either. The venue can be active or shut down too. Some notable Japanese music arenas/venues include: Takadanobaba Area SHIBUYA O (East, West, Nest, Crest) Ikebukuro Black Hole Zepp (Tokyo, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sapporo, Diver City Tokyo, Osaka) Shinjuku BLAZE Shinjuku Loft Shibuya C. C. Lemon Hall
  12. MaikoMizu

    ^ Mass flag videos and get "points" for doing so? First YouTube censors content now this?! Is this a neighborhood watch or something?
  13. MaikoMizu

    ._. Speechless... funny but speechless
  14. MaikoMizu

    (• ε •)
  15. MaikoMizu

    Today was good. I met a bassist today and he said he'd like to jam sometime ^^
  16. MaikoMizu

    1- AKFG 2- Kids Alive 3- Scandal 4- SPYAIR 5- Flow 6- Back-On 7- Access 8- High and Mighty Color 9- Tricot 10- Jun Sky Walkers
  17. MaikoMizu

    The most I've spent on a band is around $160 possibly 200 if I want to add items where they're in a compilation. I'm not exactly sure what it is that I like about the band but their material (music) puts a smile on my face and I still follow their new projects/bands.
  18. MaikoMizu

    In no particular order. 1 - GALEYD 2 - girugamesh 3 - OZ 4 - DELUHI 5 - nil delete heads 6 - Nightmare 7 - LIX. 8 - ALSDEAD 9 - DELACROIX 10 - Luzmelt
  19. How does everyone feel about Children Of Bodom? Frankly, I didn't like their most recent release, I Worship Chaos. I'm more of a Hate Crew Deathroll and Relentless Reckless Forever type of person.
  20. MaikoMizu

    Mebiustrip -encore- DVD
  21. Man... It's only the second day of the semester and I can tell that I'm going to be in for a large amount of work and studying. Volunteering possibly too.

  22. MaikoMizu

    Bio, Econ, Women's Studies and General Studies 300. Okay! Let's tackle this third semester.
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