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Everything posted by eiheartx

  1. eiheartx

    Welcome back (?!?) to MH and into this beautiful community! Hope you'll participate more in any ways possible and to see what you are offering! Added you on last.fm (our compatibility is great!). Aaaah Batsu, I remember! I've never been registered on this forum but I remember checking some bands thread for informations/pictures from time to time. Hope you'll enjoy your stay! See ya.
  2. eiheartx

    Happy birthday to our ! And also to these lads: pondori (31) StarStory (23) LoserfaceinLove (23)
  3. ? http://syokudaikakkokai.com/mobile/index.html ? Cover(s): coming soon ? Tracklist: 1. 飛????り??僕??テレビ塔?????刺??る 2. 冷蔵庫??中??・・・ 3. 「????も家電??????や???????? 4. ??を家電??????????る 5. 「悪魔??果実?? ? Where to buy: CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,296¥
  4. eiheartx

    A DVD tag would be great too. I know it could be live DVD or documentary DVD but still, an overall tag for DVD would be nice (aside from PV, I mean). edit: eeeeeh the categories are showing up now (for the dl section) on the main page. it's great, we should have the same for the video sections' content.
  5. eiheartx

    Not On Tour - Bad Habits (released date: jun 30) can't wait.
  6. eiheartx

    Happy birthday to: Mycota (26) loveviolence (24)
  7. eiheartx

    what happened? ;-;
  8. eiheartx

    NO. ToT http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/jun/11/christopher-lee-dies-at-the-age-of-93-dracula?CMP=twt_gu&CMP=twt_gu
  9. eiheartx

    Happy birthday to: Mau (29)
  10. eiheartx

    陰陽座(Onmyoza) - 雷神雷舞 (DVD/BR)

    https://www.onmyo-za.net/ Cover(s): coming soon Tracklist: TBA Where to buy: DVD : CDJapan / Brand-x — 6,264¥ Blu-ray : CDJapan / Brand-x — 7,344¥
  11. eiheartx

    陰陽座(Onmyoza) - 風神雷舞 (DVD/BR)

    https://www.onmyo-za.net/ Cover(s): coming soon Tracklist: TBA Where to buy: DVD : CDJapan / Brand-x — 6,264¥ Blu-ray : CDJapan / Brand-x — 7,344¥
  12. eiheartx

    happy birthday to: Izumi (29) deshabillz bountyxhunter (23)
  13. ? http://varyl.net/public/contents/top.html ? Cover(s): A, B ? Tracklist: 1. 虚????る創生 2. 苦悩故??アレルギー体質 3. レムナント (B-TYPE) ? <DVD A-TYPE> 虚????る創生 Music Clip ? Where to buy: CD+DVD A-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,944¥ CD B-TYPE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,620¥
  14. eiheartx

    Moran - 夜明けを前に (CDS)

    ? http://www.moran-web.net/pc2.html ? Cover(s): coming soon ? Tracklist: ・幸????????????尺度 ・TBA ・夜明??を???? ・the scent of dream ? Where to buy: CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,620¥
  15. eiheartx

    Jupiter - TOPAZ (CDS)

    http://jupiter.jp.net/ Cover(s): LE, RE coming soon Tracklist: 1. TOPAZ 2. Iolite 3. Rose Quartz <DVD LE> 1. The Birth of Venus 2. Darkness 3. Red Carnation 4. Shining 5. ARCADIA 6. The History of Genesis (2015.4.29 新宿ReNY「Temple of Venus??より) Where to buy: CD+DVD LE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 3,240¥ CD RE : CDJapan / Brand-x — 1,350¥
  16. eiheartx

    BAROQUE - OPEN YOUR WORLD (...) [Moon] (BR)

    http://www.pigmy.jp/ Cover(s): Tracklist: BAROQUE performing nine tracks included in the album "PLANETALY SECRET" in the same order with the album at a studio on the day of "Moon" from their national tour "OPEN YOUR WORLD AND SEE THE LIGHT." 1: PURIFY 2: PLANETARY LIGHT 3: DREAMSCAPE 4: CELEBRATE 5: SKY WALKER 6: SWALLOW THE NIGHT 7: SILENT PICTURE 8: ORIGINAL LOVE 9: MEMENTO Where to buy: CDJapan / Brand-x — 6,264¥
  17. aaah. finally a good haircut for inzarld :'D so excited. edit: official photos profiles!
  18. Sometimes I wish I was a moderator so I could edit all the titles threads when it's missing the release date, romaji, .... it annoys me so so much you have no idea. xDD

    1. Zeus


      As much as we wish we could do it it's too much work for too little benefit. I will think on this but please start a topic in the Suggestions forum so we do not forget.

    2. Seimeisen


      Romaji is as low as priorities get, but I definitely understand how annoying it is when topic titles don't have release dates. I'll work on that today, if I can.

    3. eiheartx


      I would be glad to help!

    4. Show next comments  114 more
  19. eiheartx

    Happy birthday to: babyruby911 (25) トカゲ (28) arya92 (23)
  20. eiheartx

    what the actual fuck?!?
  21. eiheartx

    Happy birthday to: kingofallpuddin (31) SydneyBoy1101 (25) fragmentedNaito (24)
  22. Why bother to have tags (in 'news') if no one uses it ???? -_____-;;

    1. Zeus


      I'm still working on that

    2. eiheartx


      But it's working properly already, no?

  23. I find it really cool to put it on sale for everyone. Good move.
  24. eiheartx

    Oh really?!? You're impressive. ^^
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