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Everything posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. PsychoΔelica

    Heavenz- Hora How do you get over loss?
  2. PsychoΔelica

    12012 - smile again
  3. PsychoΔelica

    Malice Mizer RENTRER EN SOI Buck-Tick Deadman D'espairsRay MUCC THE NOVEMBERS Fixer NéiL heidi.
  4. PsychoΔelica

    Nice song Hmm if I could have free tickets and reservations everywhere that would be pretty awesome Who from here would you like to meet in real life?
  5. PsychoΔelica

    Haven't thought that far ahead, but if I'll still be alive and healthy that will be good enough. Why did you get your name? (your real name)
  6. PsychoΔelica

    I just did something completely idiotic and now I feel awful for causing damage... Always beat myself up when I break something x.x
  7. PsychoΔelica

    Dir en grey Malice Mizer RENTRER EN SOI Buck-Tick Deadman Matenrou D'espairsRay König MUCC SIVA
  8. PsychoΔelica

    No. How do your tackle fears?
  9. PsychoΔelica

    MUCC - Freesia Rentrer en Soi - Aqua, Metempsychosis, I hate myself and want to die Dir en Grey - mushi, the final
  10. PsychoΔelica

    I was sure that BLOOD disbanded, didn't it? I loved this band up until Fu~ki joined. Though I'm not listening to them all that much now.
  11. PsychoΔelica

    Oh I do that ever since I was 12 I actually meant I want more than to sing in the shower or for odd people in the street lol. That's pretty much just a fantasy though.
  12. PsychoΔelica

    Aww now it's just boring
  13. PsychoΔelica

    D'espairsRay- Lost in Re:birth Heidi. - Last Piece NoGod - Ring-a-Ring-O Malice Mizer - Unmei no Deai 73Shiki- Sakura These are just some of the songs that resonate with me on a certain level. There are much more to list.
  14. PsychoΔelica

    I'd like to play vocals lmao
  15. PsychoΔelica

    To be or not to be?
  16. PsychoΔelica

    I try to ignore their existence if possible. Who would you never want to stay alone with?
  17. PsychoΔelica

    Sometimes I wonder why I still do what I do when I know it's totally useless.
  18. PsychoΔelica

    I always have weird dreams. The last one I can clearly remember was about me being called to the army (although I never realy served there). But I could see the base pretty realistically. I dreamt that when I arrived there I realized that I forgot to pack clothes and that I'd have to go back home to pick them. So I got nervous because it would have taken me half a day. Which was when I woke up.
  19. PsychoΔelica

    Has 73 reputation points.
  20. PsychoΔelica

    Agree on that one. Sometimes I feel like it never ends I wish I could finish everything in hyper speed o_O
  21. PsychoΔelica

    Yes, and I'm pretty good at it I think. Though it can be tiring.
  22. PsychoΔelica

    His growls always make me chuckle because of the chirping sounds in his voice and I just can't take him seriously. I guess I only like his singing when it's not overly operatic or trying to do some special effects As to his visual style I can't seem to like any of his looks at all, with maybe a few exceptions. I don't know her but I think Masha Arhipova (Scream) from Arkona is also pretty amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7fuuDc2hH0
  23. PsychoΔelica

    I thought so the first time I heard it.
  24. PsychoΔelica

    Lol I actually know some female vocalists who can growl just like him or manlier
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