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Status Updates posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. Is there a new mobile version to this site? Cause it kinda looks bad...

  2. It's Meghan Trainor cooking class! 


    1. yukidogzombie


      thats really cool

  3. Happy birthday! :drums:

  4. You don't have to be sniobbish just because you're pretty.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Or think you are.

  5. I miss Rentrer en Soi and their passive-aggressiveness.

    1. Spectralion


      I miss Rentrer en Soi period

  6. Don't worry baby, you're still ☆☆☆☆☆ to me ;p

  7. Happy birthday, FryPan :)

  8. So funny to see everyone from Monochrome has friended this guy lolol

  9. Haters gonna hate. Couldn't help it, sorry.

  10. I thought I fell out but no.  


  11. Now that explains a lot.


  12. You are now of the right age to host a pre-school kids TV show… At least by our standards. https://twitter.com/cosmoshiki/status/789302971859243008

  13. Знакомая задница c:

  14. Clubs? Wtf is this, Diners? lol

  15. Why anything I comment on I'm automatically shown as following? 😑

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