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Ada Suilen

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Everything posted by Ada Suilen

  1. Ada Suilen

    At least Grand Pain and Fleur... by the way the setlist is quite good
  2. Diawolf - interesting in its way... A9's Phoenix - it has their typical style but it is good Shortly I am happy of their comeback
  3. Ada Suilen

    Non preoccuparti
  4. Uff... why is it live limited?? They should be more claimed, because have such talent
  5. The Dictator-zettE! Loving it!
  6. Changed my own idea on Pentagon - Call Me :). It is peculiar in its own way, I will follow them :)

  7. Ada Suilen

    Normal samples for me Interested only on the title track tbh
  8. They grow release after release and this song proves it! Very good!
  9. <3 Gypsy <3, followed by Dark Night, Shadow, Baka ne, Anemone, Illusion and Melancholy
  10. Ada Suilen

    I loved his self titled album but the latest singles were so bad... idk what to say...
  11. And now it is three... argh!
  12. Ada Suilen

    Ciao a te Ci saranno gli Adams a Napoli l'1 e il 2 di Maggio, in occasione del Napoli Comic-on. Ma con gli incredibili prezzi che ci vogliono per chi non è di Napoli e tantomeno per entrare alla fiera (pare che siano 12 euro a persona...) è un vero e proprio azzardo... Inutile dire che i prezzi più accessibili aiutano la band a farsi pubblicità...
  13. Ada Suilen

    Not bad... let's wait the full thing!
  14. Ada Suilen

    ViViD and Zoro... 2015 started well...
  15. Ada Suilen

    Fuck. This wasn't needed... Even if they could seem pop-ish i think that this is really bad...
  16. Ada Suilen

    Really good song! It is happening as Inzargi on Megamasso... good performances but in the wrong band I mean that AKi showed really himself with this project, instead of his role in SID.
  17. au revoir? Curious about this one
  18. Ada Suilen

    I would like to have any Misaruka's lyrics because the net doesn't help on this... I need them within Sunday for an article, so please if you can help me. Particular interest for Jester, Jailer of Justice, Rasen and Ariel.
  19. Happy that they release something new LOL!!!
  20. Ada Suilen

    Forse è anche la componente tecnico-artistica che ne rende difficile l'ascolto... Proprio ora riascoltavo dei brani dei Matenrou Opera e risentendoli con attenzione, ci sono delle influenze che in occidente a malapena consideriamo Dai, ma ci sono mai gruppi che utilizzano la tastiera in quel modo?? A quanto ne so io, solo i Matenrou ne sono capaci
  21. Ada Suilen

    Meglio così, almeno possiamo capirci a vicenda, senza che qualcuno strabuzzi gli occhi su nomi come The GazettE e Awoi
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