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Everything posted by hitsuji-hime

  1. hitsuji-hime

    Meditation music.
  2. hitsuji-hime

    Disturbed - The Night yep, just got into a Disturbed binge recently.
  3. I loathe the term 'traps' but this band is like a gift from God *_* even though they really aren't that attractive, except maybe for Nono. Anyway, I hope I can hear their music...whenever that will be. ♥
  4. Oh lord...he's changed so much, even his vocals ;A; he used to be good, what a shame. Putting too much effort on trying to be cute.
  5. hitsuji-hime

    Gackt - Fragrance
  6. Yeah. Also, don't say ugh to my husband Gara. Misery?
  7. Noooooooo........ Gara ♥♥♥
  8. hitsuji-hime

    Lin - Beyond the Veil ♥
  9. hitsuji-hime

    And they like to give their songs English titles, which sometimes...doesn't go very well.
  10. hitsuji-hime

    Kisaki Project ft. Jui - fragments voice
  11. Yeah, I guess Mana?
  12. hitsuji-hime

    1. Buck-Tick 2. Lynch. 3. GALEYD 3. Syndrome 4. MERRY 5. Dir en grey 6. Malice Mizer 7. Sadie 8. Liv'ert 9. NIGHTMARE 10. Moi dix Mois
  13. Yes, damn! *_* Kisaki
  14. hitsuji-hime

    1. Buck-Tick 2. Lynch. 3. GALEYD 4. MERRY 5. Dir en grey 6. Malice Mizer 7. Hizaki Grace Project 8. Liv'ert 9. NIGHTMARE 10. 88kasyo Junrei 10. Moi dix Mois
  15. hitsuji-hime

    ^ Bless your precious soul. I actually got chills from listening to this. All of the songs sound amazing, especially SchwarzVrain, jfc. ;w; Glad I spent my money on this (even though I know SchwarzVrain is Kansai-limited, not fair, Kisaki...>>) ♥♥♥♥
  16. hitsuji-hime

    Sleeping Fliers or cheki?
  17. hitsuji-hime

    Kisaki Project ft. Satsuki - Shouei
  18. hitsuji-hime

    Yamiyo no Lion covers Regular Type A Type B
  19. hitsuji-hime

  20. Hell ye (I didn't expect that reaction from seeing Anastasiya, dude, I mean damn) Manila Luzon
  21. ^ Damn, at least post somebody else, shit ;w;
  22. hitsuji-hime

    1. Buck-Tick 2. Lynch. 3. Good Morning America 4. MERRY 5. Dir en grey 6. Malice Mizer 7. Hizaki Grace Project 8. GLAY 8. Liv'ert 9. NIGHTMARE 10. 88kasyo Junrei
  23. Kaya?? On bass?? Holy crap, this lineup is weird to look at...;w;
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