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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/21 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    VK and Kpop....why?

    i saw a tumblr post addressing this recently as a lot of the fandom are converting their visual blogs to kpop ones. the point they brought up was that its a shame to go from a subculture with so much fun and individuality to a genre with one set ideal of beauty, talent and composition. its fucking true--where else you find bands like buglug, keel, DIV, pentagon, avelcain, DADAROMA, DOF, grieva, gazette and MORE basically all operating under the same label of "visual kei" but with incredible differences in sound and image? from metal to pop to alt rock to jazz to dance rock/electronic its all represented in the current scene. from what i understand, kpop isn't all one genre but its nowhere near the level you see in visual kei. in that respect its hard to compare the two, but either way its sad to see ex-visual fans become huge kpop stans where all the boys and girls look, dress, rap and sing the same with the same cute squeaky clean image. like come on, raise ur freak flag with pride go look like a visual idiot its better than being like allllllll the rest of 'em
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