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Guest Putra

メガマソ - Loveless, more Loveless

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So this is the review of メガマソ's latest album "Loveless, more Loveless", which came out in February 16th. It's a great album imo, but I'll give a detailed review later. What do you think about the album?

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世界??終??り??ジェリーフィッシュ - I don't like the start, but the prechorus is amazing! And the chorus itself is great. Gou's bass is fantastic as always. Overall it's a nice, medium tempo song. 8/10

Loveless,more Loveless - The chorus is splendid, and the slow part before the last chorus is amazing. Again- a very nicely done song. I also love the ending. 8/10

白銀少女 - Finally the experimental メガマソ sound! This song is amazing. From beginning to end it is a very united and great song. The chorus and all of the other parts interact and fit each one other very well. I also love how the song ends. 10/10

???????????? in TOKYO Night - I LOVE THIS SONG. I mean the chorus is so catchy (at least for me), Gou is a God at bass (as always), Ryouhei's acoustic work is awesome, and the piano/syth is terrific -the song is just perfect. 10+/10

wonder_wall_sunset - Ryouhei playing in his typical style, the overall melody is very メガマソ-ish, though I don't like the chorus. /10

???????? - Such a nice song, though I don't like the chorus too much. But the opening and ending are great.

fate - Dunno. I kind of don't like this song. 6⅞/10

パンデモニウム??発覚。 - I like the beginning, but not the chorus. 7/10

The Requiem - A fast paced song, and a great one! 9/10

?????????????????????挨拶を。 - An amazing slow song. I love the tradition Japanese influence (I don't mean like in Kiryaggra rock, but in many of the sounds and textures they use) 9/10

トワイライトスター - Although it's a great anime song, I don't like it too much, but I fancy the chorus a lot. 7/10

花??ら - A great chorus, but the rest of the song isn't perfect. 7/10

????れSeptemberLove(メガマソfeat. IZAM) - Amazing song. It has an absolutely irresistibly catchy chorus, IZAM fits perfectly, it's done perfectly instrument-wise, and is a really good cover. 10/10


This album is excellent. Even though they don't sound like a couple of years ago, they have kept their personalities in the music, whilst making the music "more buyable". Even though most of the songs were quite regular, there were some really great tracks! This album really is worth the time listening to it, so If you haven't done it yet, I suggest you do. (Also try out their other releases!) Overall rating- /10

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Awesome. So much better than their previous stuff - it's great to like them again. Standout tracks for me are fate (sounds so 90s), wonder_wall_sunset, loveless, more loveless, and shizuka na kuchizuke de...


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世界??終??り??ジェリーフィッシュ - Boring. Loveless, more Loveless should have been the first track. Worst song on the album by far! 3/10

Loveless,more Loveless - Really catchy! Probably my fav. song from the album. 10/10

白銀少女 - After the first few seconds I had the feeling I was listening to a Miyavi song, which I disliked. It gets better after a while and it's a pretty good song after all. 7/10

???????????? in TOKYO Night - I expected something entirely different after reading the title. Kinda reminded me of early アヤビエ. 8/10

wonder_wall_sunset - Not bad, but not really memorable either. 6/10

???????? - Nice beginning and ending, but the rest isn't that special. 5/10

fate - Would have been a great track with a different vocalist. Don't get me wrong, I kinda like Inzargi's voice, but this song is not really suiting him well. 7/10

パンデモニウム??発覚。 - Different from the rest of the songs, but not in a bad way. 7/10

The Requiem - That's the kind of song I want to hear from Megamasso! 9/10

?????????????????????挨拶を。 - I love the use of traditional sounds here. Also kinda アヤビエ-ish. 10/10

トワイライトスター - Sounds too much like an anime opening for me (well... it IS an anime opening after all...) 5/10

花??ら - Not memorable enough to be single, but not bad. 7/10

????れSeptember Love (メガマソfeat. IZAM) - Got that song stuck in my head for days! 10/10

Until - I want more of this! 9/10

Overall: 7.3/10

There are some good and some really awful songs on the album. It's far better than M of Beauty, but worse than the rest of teh albums! (I consider SWEET SWITCH to be better since it has エアステイシヨンダンス which is the best Megamasso-Song ever imho!)

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I'm not in the mood of writing somethin long really, so I will be straight xd

Their best album by far imho. My favorite tracks are loveless, more loveless, The Requiem, Fate, Sumire September love, ???????????? in TOKYO Night and Until.

8.7/10 Great album!

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