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STRAIGHTENER-members forming new band

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Two members of ストレイテナー (STRAIGHTENER) have announced they have formed a band with the former serial TV drama-vocalist 伊藤文?? (Ito Fumiaki). Drummer ナカヤマシンペイ (Nakayama Shinpei) and guitarist 大山純 (Ooyama Jun) have joined forces with the vocalist and added bass-player 美登一 (Mito Ichi) from THE RODS to form the band another sunnyday. They also announced that their first album, siesta, will be released on April 13. You can already hear two samples of that album on their MySpace.


samples sound very interesting imo :)

But also, STRAIGHTENER falling apart the ART-SCHOOL-way? Bassist in killing Boy, drummer and guitarist in another sunnyday

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Very nice surprise! I'm glad to see Fumiaki back. Really liked the samples too, although sometimes it sounded very STRAIGHTENER-like and Fumiaki reminded me a little bit too much of Horie Atsushi.

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