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Saddest video game moments (probable spoilers herein!)

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I don't game as much as most of my friends, but moments in FFVII and FFX strike me as especially well-crafted 'tragic moments'.


For me the saddest moment (or at least one that I can remember offhand) is the 'normal' ending of Fatal Frame 2.


I remember how I almost died when I saw Mayu strangling Mio, which made me realize what exactly the crimson butterfly symbolizes. Of course the way in which the video was so perfectly synced with the sound effects of the ending theme was also excellent - esp. how Tsukiko Amano's vocals came in as the butterfly flutters into the night sky, and eventually everything bleeding into the final credits.



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I actually cried at the end of CoD:MW1 when I thought Cpt. Price was k.I.A


Its hard to explain my attachment to Cpt. Price but lets just say Ive been playing CoD since it first came out on PC around 2001 and to think that Activision/IW killed him off like that really hit me in the feels.


That was until i learned that he actually wasnt dead but captured and being held prisoner in some prison in MW2.


Compared to CoD:1 the franchise has really gone downhill since the golden days of PC gaming

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It wasn't as devastating for me as it was for my daughter. Aeris is/was her favorite character and so we had to play that certain scene after she went to bed, but every single time we played it after that she'd constantly ask, "Where's Aeris? Mommy, otousan isn't playing with Aeris!! Where's Aeris, mommy?" We said that Aeris went back to the flower cart where it was safe, but she'd still inquire about Aeris. She probably realized that we were lying, 4 year olds are sharp!


But I'm a highly emotional person (at times) and can cry easily, so if I listed every game that made me teary eyed, this would be a very long post. XD

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Kind of dumb, but the ending of Final Fantasy 13-2. You go through all of this work and side quests to finally see if you've fixed time, then Serah supposedly dies. What made it worse was that it started off as a happy ending, then it rapidly gets dark and that happiness goes away pretty quickly. Maybe I felt disheartened because I spent a long time playing that game over about a year or so (with several month breaks in between), so all of my work kind of fell apart more or less.



I haven't played through the alternate endings yet, so I cannot say if those are any better.

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I'm gonna have to go with the bad ending of fatal frame 2 :(


Like...you're supposed to say and rescue your sister but if you choose to leave the village your sister just stays trapped there forever... and thats really fucking depressing seeings as she's basically a reincarnation of a failed ritual. in which the person went on a mass murdering spree :(


Also in fatal frame 3 when...

When you wake up to see that Kei has been taken to the manor of sleep forever and he is just an outline of dust on your couch. wow that BLOWS.

(i cant find a video of it unfortunately)


Im not a fatal frame junkie. idk what you're talking about.

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In recent memory one of the saddest moments I've experienced in a video game has actually been the opening scene of "The Last of Us"



This Scene literally made me tear up, and i think it was genius on naughty dog's part to include something so intense and tear jerking right at the very beginning of the game. To me It made Joel's character stand out from the very beginning and really made you feel for him emotionally right from the get go, also it sets up the premise and harshness of the world and setting excellently.



Also the end of Beyond: Two Souls when you choose "life" in the end. It kind of takes an unexpected turn, but it was good! Made me tear up and I was just watching it as a playthrough, that's how emotional I got

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In Dragon Age: Origins DLC The Dakrspawn Chronicles, when I had to kill Zevran I just lost it and stopped playing the game 'cause I ended up bawling like a baby.


In Kingdom Hearts 2 when Axel died. I missed his sass so much afterwards.


Also, the first time I played Oblivion and Martin sacrificed himself. I should've expected his death, though, being voiced by Sean Bean and all :/

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