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The Workout and Win Stuff thread

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Folks, I'm going to lose some weight.

I'm not overweight.. -or, since I don't own a scale:- I don't look overweight and I'm pretty fit, I think...

I'm 5'3'' and I guess around... ugh, 133 pounds? But not all of it is fat, like, I've got muscles people!


I kickbox Wednesdays and Fridays for two hours and I go for runs on Mon, Thu and Sat (6 miles).

I've been vegan for almost 6 years so I don't really know how to lose weight tbh, but, I'm gonna do it nonetheless!

No, I mean I have an idea, I think my portion sizes are too big haha. My only plan is basically to size those down because I don't eat much fatty stuff such as nutbutter or deep fried veggies.


However, I don't really want to win anything, but posting this hopefully will help me stay on track. Because I totally have a six pack under that layer of fat, guys,... totally....

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