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Facebook hit with international class action privacy suit

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Anyone outside of the US and Canada can join the lawsuit.


The suit is seeking damages of €500 ($537) per user, and injunctions to be levied on the company for the following breaches:

  1. Failing to get "effective consent" for using data
  2. Implementing a legally invalid data use policy
  3. Tracking users online outside of Facebook via "Like" buttons
  4. Using big data to monitor users
  5. Failing to make Graph Search opt-in
  6. The unauthorized passing of user data to external apps
  7. Its involvement in NSA's Prism program, designed to extract personal data from the public's internet use. (Schrems is pursuing a separate case on this due to be heard by the European Court of Justice.)

Anyone that has a Facebook account can sign up to the suit up until the day oral evidence is given in Vienna. And as a press release announcing the suit points out, if 10,000 of the social network's more than one billion users signed up, it would mean a €5m fee. For a company that bought Whatsapp for $19 billion, that is still not a great deal of money. But the money is not what Schrems is after.
"We are only claiming a small amount, as our primary objective is to ensure correct data protection," he says. "However, if many thousands of people participate we would reach an amount that will have a serious impact on Facebook."

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