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Current Favorite Song & How Would You Improve it Thread

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Pretty much what the title says...


Had an idea of a new thread for the forums and wanted to see how well it would go down.


The songs can be your current favorite song or something that youre currently listening to,


opinions can be negative or positive, try to be a little more constructive (or detailed) if possible rather then just say "I hate the song" or "I hate his vocals" etc etc


Optionally you may also talk about the bands themselves a little and why you like the song or what the song means to you



The Thread is a little way for me to find out just how 'musical' the members here are even though it may mean little to nothing, but humor me :D even though you dont play an instrument it doesnt make you any less musical so long as you have the right kind of mind you could possibly even have the makings of a song writer.


I'll start off with a song ive been VERY obsessed with lately...



Caliban - I Am Ghost






Ive always listened to Caliban since the split programme with heaven shall burn, In the early years they were hella aggressive metalcore band, Over the years they've mellowed out a little and become more melodic instead of straight out aggressive which has pretty much split its fan base, With their success they seemed to have become more 'commercial' and I occasionally question the clean melodies in their last few albums of late but I am neither a lover or hater, For some songs having clean vocals works. It makes the sound a little more diverse. 


I love I Am Ghost because of the lyrics and also the badass drum intro. Even though the composition of the song and musicianship are fairly straightforward with Caliban adopting a more 'Djent' approach to their sound which has yet again split their fan base between those that like djent and those that hate it. The song is very powerful on its own - easily one of the best tracks off the album. Though the vocals could be more aggressive sung with a little more anger especially during the sections where the lyrics go "Fuck you, You let me down...." "I dont believe in God anymore, My sky is falling, darkness falls - walk with me in agony..." I also think that if Howard Jones (formerly of KSE) had provided guest vocals for then it would have been such more amazing as Howard's baritone voice would complement Andreas's vocals just like he did for 36 Crazyfists - Elysium



I get a lot of mixed feelings with this song, Mainly because its a song about betrayal - however generic (& emo) it is these days. Being cursed to walk the earth alone regardless of the 'I am the walking dead' phrase Immortality has its own problems. For some reason it reminds me of my ex and that she betrayed me and i've literally become a ghost/zombie because of the pain of breaking up.


I also love the fact that the song starts off with "Father - forgive me, for i have sinned..."  - The song is more or less like a confession, saying a silent prayer and cursing God for the pain and suffering that has befallen you, slowly bleeding out, going numb and watching your life flash before your very eyes - thinking back to things you should have said and done, thinking if maybe you had been less of an asshole then maybe you wouldnt of died such a shitty death.




Its hard to describe Caliban's musicianship because they havent changed that much over the years apart from adopting more melodies/solos & 'djent' sound - Its just your usual caliban but theyve allowed the drummer to do his thing for this song rather then run with the usual blast beat on the proverbial heavy metal breakdowns..... I feel that caliban have graduated from all that and matured. Even though heavy metal breakdowns can be awesome they're also shitty because anyone can down tune a guitar or bass and just do some chugging, It doesnt take any skill at all.




Ghost Empire is a decent album. though it might not be as great as some of their older albums with only a few tracks on the album that really stand out but its definitely an album that grows on you with every listen.




Anyway, I think ive rambled on enough so please go ahead and share your thoughts. 





Oh and heres the song  :P




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Currently obsessed with: 少年記 - ガゼルバベル

I'm actually obsessed with this band in general, but I'll just talk about their newest single.


It was love at first listen. When I watched the 40 second PV preview, I had to play it another 30 times. I'm terrible with wording, but just those 40 seconds made me realize that this was essentially something I wanted to hear for the longest time. It felt familiar, but new; generic but unique all at the same time. The buildup to the chorus is just beautiful and the actual chorus is just WOW. I never bought anything so fast. It was like 20 mins after first hearing the preview, I went on CDJapan and bought that shit asap.


So as soon as I started listening to the full version of the song, I was like "lolwhatisthis?" The intro is:



I go to the top of the Tower of BABEL with my GAZELLE.

It have two pairs of horns with "emotion".

Sleep in my mind...

I go to the top of the Tower of BABEL with my GAZELLE


in my fate.




I felt awkward for like 5 seconds and I was over it. I kinda feel like it doesn't fit with the rest of the song but it's used to end the song as well so...idk. It sounds like some weird Engrish pop intro and upon my first listen, I wasn't into it. As of right now, It doesn't really bother me but I think the song could do without that but then again, I don't know shit so
Rest of the song is breathtaking. The guitar play and the solo makes me sweat. I wasn't expecting there to be screams/growls because the preview sounded so beautiful and angelic but I'm totally into them so it doesn't really matter. THAT CHORUS THOUGH UGH
I don't really know what the concept is for the song since I don't know Japanese but in the PV, there's a gazelle, the tower of Babel, and the vocalist and his clone(?) which is a shadow of himself I'm guessing. Basically, I feel like it's about inner conflict and battling with "yourself" which is hot. Biblical references in songs are hot too.
This band doesn't have a drummer so it makes me think "What would they sound like with an actual drummer? Better? Worse?"  I like how they sound now without one.  

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I checked out 少年記 because I saw Mi'ihen pushing them, so I was like, oh okay, I am really feeling that Gazelle song.

Maybe another one of my current favorites is Theatre by ViViD, I am always coming back to that.

Or Butterfly Dreamer, or Point of View, both by DIV.

As for Non-Japanese I like 「Closer」 by Tegan and Sara, kinda not my style, but I always followed them since their debut, because their first release had a review in RIDE BMX magazine and I used to listen to whatever they reviewed... So good memories of these groups whenever I get to go riding.

As for changing things in my favorite songs, its not my style to think like that so I just enjoy for what I see it as.

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