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Schwarz Stein new maxi single "COCOON-Fallen-" release

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it is announced at Schwarz Stein one-man live "GEBET -eins SUN,acht NOIZ,WR-" at Shibuya REX at 2014/03/23 that their new maxi single "COCOON-Fallen-" will be released at 2014/07/02 (1,944yen)



btw they will hold their 3-man presents live "Succubus Garden -Westen-" at OSAKA RUIDO at 2014/07/04 and their presents live "Succubus Garden -Osten-" at Yokohama NEW SIDE BEACH at 2014/07/19 with ZIZ & KEN MORIOKA



SET-LIST at 2014/03/23:


02.Last Hallucination
03.Perfect Garden
04.Release me
07.PREDICT-Rosen Clarion-
Poetry Reading
08.lapis lazuli
09.Emergence of Silence
10.Rise to Heaven-2014-
13.fester love
14.Queen of Decadence
15.beautiful the virgin
17.Syphilis and Disorder


03.New vogue children

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Finally a name!!! Really really excited for the remake, but even more excited for the new song. Think it's Hora's Cocoon with vocals?

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For me the song COCOON Hora me no pleasure, should see him taken more advantage, I hope you like it much more now that will have lyric's and even better sound. 


Succubus I really like the original version hope that surprised the new version, how exciting! 

As always be faithful to Schwarz Stein and I hope this buy somewhere new single. Yay!

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Yeah I figured Cocoon was just Hora's song with Kaya singing over it. And ya know what it works. the production isn't that exciting but Laya sounds wonderful. And the new Succubus is pretty great. The peoduction anyway, Kaya's voice doesn't need that vocal distortion but what can you do it's a part of the song.

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