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Nocturnal Bloodlust - GRIMOIRE

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Don't act like you didn't want to review this! What do you think of their first album!


Not gonna lie, I was disappointed to know that half this album was old songs, BUT since they re-recorded them, I'll let it slide.


Abzu - Don't usually review instrumentals, BUT THIS WAS AWESOME! I had chills! 5/5

Pandemic - Fuck yeah! Cool ass opening riff and then that little instrumental intro part before the verse starts where the piano is playing that creepy tune. BEAUTIFUL! Vocals are excellent...didn't expect any less. On a side note...what's with band titling Pandemic....Alsdead, Nocturnal Bloodlust...I feel like there is another band who did it...ah! f*ck it! this is the best one! 4.5/5

3. Last relapse - First re record. Guitar solo was a nice touch, but I don't think it was needed at all. I would have liked if the original high scream in the second verse stayed the same. I don't like that "OH!" echo thing...4/5

4. Domestic Crisis - This was the new song I was actually really excited for to be honest. I liked the previews chorus a lot.  I don't like this overall instrumental too much except that bridge between the first and second chorus. The chorus was still really great! That "Hey ladies!" "Hey! fellas"...made the song a little silly to me, but it grew on me after a few listens. For some reason though...I felt I was just sitting around waiting for the chorus to start. I didn't feel anything else outside of that and everything else kind of just went by me. 3/5

5. Empty glass - Decent song. I can see this being their mainstream, break out song. "oh, oh, oh!" Is he saying "hell yeah, FUCK YOU/YEAH!"? Either or...bad a**. 4/5

6. Disaster - That synth in the background reminds me of a creepy circus lol. "OH MY GOD!"...I actually don't like this song as much especially those random slowing down parts. It's not that it is bad sounding, but it feels like it doesn't go with the song AT all. Like drop it in at completely random points on the songs. I wasn't really a fan of that crazy screaming breakdown part after the slow down portion either. Decent, but nothing I'll put on repeat. 3/5

7. Sphere - Perfect. Nothing else to say. PERFECT! 5+/5

8. Aster - Didn't think this band could pull off a ballad, but I'm pleasantly surprised with this one. I feel all the emotion and it's lovely to hear more bass and have the guitars take a back seat. Also, I love the drummers way of playing. He has some really distinct grooves when he plays (listen to Sphere for another good example). Beautiful. I felt every emotion in this song! 5/5

9. UNBREAKABLE - next to Sphere THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE SONG! I've played this song today alone...9Xs. Another perfect song. The chorus is amazingly catchy. Very dancey rock song love. Everything fits perfectly. Another brilliant song that has the perfect balance of screams/growls and beautiful singing. 5/5

10. Obligation - Let me just say this off the back...I love the instrumental, but NO NO NO auto tune! I'm not one of those people who hates auto tune, but THIS band does NOT need it at all! It ruined the song for me because everything else was really good. He could have just sung the chorus normally without auto tuning. But outside of that another solid track. 3.5/5

11. Lost Memory - Now here is a hard song where the slow down part nicely tied into the song. Not going to lie, sounds good, but not nearly one of my faves. It's missing something...not sure what it is, but it's missing something to me. 3/5

12. Reverence - I wasn't too happy with the chorus of this song. I dunno...sounded kind of weak to me. The good thing about this band though is they know how to cover themselves really well if something doesn't really go as well (well...in my opinion)...that breakdown part was hardcore! I love breakdowns like that with just random quotes in there. Also, those really fast screaming parts! F*CK yes! Feel like this is a filler though...good filler though... 4/5

13. Bury me - I wish on the pre chorus, he just sung it instead of having a layer of screams on it. My favorite guitar solo on the album because it's absolutely did what it's suppose to do. It really adds to this song where as I feel most of the solos on this album are appreciated but do little to add anything. Solid song. 3.5/5

14. Pleasure of Torture - I feel like I've heard another band do this song...Bring the Horizon "Pray for Plagues" maybe? Another filler song, but decent for just head banging music. 3/5

15. A Day to Re:member - Not going to lie...nothing grabbed me at first until 1:30 when it got really quiet...and then eerie piano mixed with AWESOME! Chorus seems a bit random though. I feel the song has been really dark and then when the chorus hits, it's like we came out the darkness to a beautiful day, but then we go back into the darkness when it ends. I'm not sure how I feel about this song though. It's far from bad, but probably my lease favorite song on the album. 3/5


Overall: 4/5 - WHAT A DEBUT ALBUM! Like seriously! Many bands CAN'T EVEN PULL THIS AMOUNT OF AWESOME even if they are on their 3rd or 4th album! Probably the most exciting musical release to be released this year for me and they didn't disappoint me at all. Little flaws here ad there just let me know the band have room to grow, but they sound immensely professional. For a first album, they've exceed a lot of other groups who are just releasing their first album! EVERYONE shines on this album too! It's not just a particular element that makes these songs strive. Everyone is an equal contributor. Love this album so much! great job! They have every reason to be proud of this!

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^I love how on your review of song 5, you censored ass, but left fuck out there in the open.



Anyways, this album I had absolute high hopes, the highest. After fully listening to the album, I could tell that no matter what, this album would always surpass them. Everyone though that them becoming visual kei meant their sounds was going to go downhill but to me they sound exactly the same. This album was absolute top notch. Insane guitar work from Cazqui and Daichi, amazing vocals by Hiro and Natsu and Masa have their unique touch to the sound. This definitely has to be the heaviest album that is actually superb to come out this year or the last. Looking forward to their future releases and also going to wait for a top quality version of the album to show up.

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I never really listened to NB before this album, but I'm glad I gave it a try. This is an awesome album and is now on my "need-to-buy" list. Epic debut, my favourite tracks so far are PANDEMIC and Aster - the two extremes xD

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