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Rock music scene in US???

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I have a question to everyone living in US

Is there a rock music scene that is still flourishing in US in the present day? When I mean "rock", I mean pretty hard, heavy, head-banging stuff (sorry that's kind of a vague description but I dunno how else to specify rock ROCK for people who love guitars and shit vs. "rock" that doesn't make people go FUCK YEA \m/(>.<)\m/). It seems that just 5 years ago there were still quite a number of hardcore & punk-type bands that were doing pretty exciting things. But ever since many of them got older and/or broke up, even though I've been living in Chicago, in the past few years I haven't discovered younger bands that are doing stuff in a similar spirit.

I'm guessing that the answer is likely to be "yes, there is a rock scene". Am I just missing out on American rock music scene because I don't bother looking into the hipster scene? (Let's not talk about the ones who are making noise without knowing even a bit of music theory). Or is it because I'm living in Chicago and not in LA or New York? I wonder what kind of music are musicians my age (early 20s) making these days... or at least those who aren't Japanese lol.

I'd like to know, thanks.

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Yes there is. And it's huge.

I grew up in New York with rock and tons of awesome bands. It's not as mainstream as it was back in the radio days, at least not here, but still prevalent. And when you say rock, do you mean everything that falls under the genre? Like hard rock, alternative, alternative metal, shoegaze, experimental, indie, pop-rock, punk-rock, and all that type? Or do you mean metal? Because there are a ton of bands in both genres. And other bands who can easily be categorized under multiples genres.

I don't know about the hipster music scene. Except for like Foster The people who are meh.

Frankly, you should just look around for good rock and metal bands and you'll find some interesting stuff. Use the internet. It shouldn't be that hard. It really has nothing to do with where you live. There's no shortage of amazing rock bands from the U.S. with unique sounds and styles. Which is why I could never really understand when foreigners say that all american rock or metal bands sound the same.

For 2012 alone, the U.S music totally raped the year with amazing releases.

I recommend stuff like Deftones, Tool, Evanescence (first album), Mastodon, Alice In Chains, Thrice, Silversun Pickups, System Of A Down, Disturbed, The Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson(early stuff), Brand New, Interpol, The National, The Killers, Nine Inch Nails, Garbage, The Bravery, Breaking Benjamin, The Offspring, Kill Hannah, She Wants Revenge, Nevermore, Animals As Leaders.

If you want real heavy headbanging stuff; As I lay Dying, Killswitch Engage, Motionless In White, The Faceless, Periphery, Lamb Of God, Devildriver, The Black Dahlia Murder, Between the Buried and Me, Fear Factory, Born Of Osiris, Converge, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Pig Destroyer, and I could go on forever with the metalz.

Those are good places to start.

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Hey Pandabear

Thanks for the recommendations. Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear with my question. I'm sort of looking more for scenes with bands that are still just starting & figuring out what they want to sound like, not for ones that have been around for 10-ish + years and are now the big names in alternative rock. I have listened to a lot of the bands you mentioned above before I got into jrock (mid-2000s, until the bands I really like in the hardcore/noise scene broke up). I guess I'm asking this because I want to know what sort of rock music the younger musicians are playing and whether there will be some kind of "new" style emerging in the near future (you know like when math & metalcore got big was several years ago).


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