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Soul Calibur 5

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I've been a fan of SC series for a long time, and while I think there have been a number of improvements to the game, there's also been a polarizing amount of drawbacks. The major flaw for me has to be the roster change - with very few actual new characters and the removal of old, unique characters like Talim and Zasalamel. There is also a total of THREE mimic characters. WTF!!??? Fighting games only need one!

I also find fault with the single player modes. The story mode is a joke and there simply isn't anything to keep players busy. Unfortunately online and multiplayer modes are the only things keeping me coming back. I really do miss the little RPG-mini game from SC3...that was pretty amazing.

On the bright side, the character customization is amazing - the best in the series yet. I've seen some pretty amazing creations while fighting online. The stages are pretty amazing and OST is equally stunning. I love the fact that you can select the BGM for each stage and even obtain tracks from previous SC OSTs via DLC.

My character of choice is Hilde. She's not the easiest character to use and requires a good bit of patience, but I'm in love with the aesthetics of her character. Using Hilde works to my advantage since she's not a popular character (I rarely see another Hilde user online), so not many people know how to deal with her moves.

My hated character list consists of Natsu (the new Taki), Nightmare, Seigfried, and Patroklos...I kinda cringe when I fight against people who use these characters online. All of these characters are just ridiculously cheap...especially Natsu...she's super quick, but also far too powerful. Siegfried and Nightmare just have too many unavoidable attacks! =/

Anyways...Who else plays this? What are your thoughts about it? Likes and Dislikes? Favorite Characters? Hated Characters? Online experiences?

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I'm a big Soul Calibur fan (I have 1 on the xbla, 2-3 for ps2, and 4 for 360), but I kinda stopped playing video games for about a year and missed this one. The reviews weren't too stellar, but when the price goes down enough that I'll probably pick it up sometime.

I remember liking Hilde a lot too, but my general characters are Xianghua, Seung Mina (cheap, I know!), Lizardman/Sophitia, Yunseong (spelling?), and I dabbled with Ivy. I understand quite a few characters have been eliminated in this new one though, so I'm not sure how I feel about that...

Btw, sorry I can't contribute much to this topic, but if you were to make a general "fighting games" topic, I'd post a lot, haha. I realized in the past few weeks that fighting games make up the largest chunk of my collection.

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Huge fan of the series ever since the DreamCast days, was really looking forward to it but was let down big time. SC games have always had a huge single player aspect to the game that made it quite different to the other games in the genre but this SC5 pretty much stripped all that out and focused mostly on online.....the story mode we did get was atrocious too.

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But yeah, I played SC 2, 3, and now a bit of 4 and 5, and in many aspects 5 is indeed the weakest of them. I haven't played much of the story yet, but the removal of the indivudal story arcs is a bit disappointing and the game has some aspects that I just find outright confusing. I still haven't figured out what I unlock how and when, and how I can use whatever I unlock. Are there different weapons? What do they do? How do I use them? It's just very puzzling and was much more clearer and obvious in older games. Also, when I'm in Offline Game mode and want to do a quick fight, it wants me to play against other player-generated characters? Wat? I thought it's offline?

Also, removing Taki and semi-removing Kilik (well, he's there, but he - literally - could be anyone), and replacing them by their obnoxious clone versions Natsu and Xiba was just a bad move. Especially since Taki was always my favourite girl to play. ._.

Music is decent, but when the most memorable song is one taken from another game (Venice Rooftops) that's not a good sign.

The good things:

- Ezio!! (He seems a tiny bit OP though? At least I dashed with him through Arcade mode when I was struggling with others.)
- Viola (Hard to control, but much fun! From all the new characters she finally adds a new and unique style.)

- Online playing!!!! I only played a bit against Cat the other day, but it was fuuuuun. Much more interesting than fighting against the CPU. I'm not much of an online player, so I'll probably just play against friends, but still...

So yeah, I'll probably use SC5 mostly for the online fighting, and SC4 for the offline parts.

Also, looking for more people to fight against, if anyone else has the game, add me on PSN and come at me Bro! xD

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Ah, SC...the memories. I have sunk soooooo many hours in to 1 and 2 playing with friends. SC2 was literally the only fighting game that I have ever played that I really spend any time trying to get good at (well, maybe SSB Melee, but I am not sure that fits in with what I am referring to as a fighting game). I used to play mainly Seung Mina and Yoshimitsu and my friend would use Talim. He played on PS2 and me on Gamecube and we would always own each other depending on who's house we were at because of the different controllers.


SC really lost me at 4 which was just so bland imo. It had lost so much of it's fun...you could even say that its soul no longer burned (lololol). With 5 dropping (swapping?) so many characters and still keeping the utterly bland aesthetic I was just kind of done. I am not saying I will never play SC again, but I will say that I think that I would rather play SC2 any day of the week over 4 and 5.

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