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The Piass

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Everything posted by The Piass

  1. Off-topic but the band partook in the TV programme 「有吉反省会」(Ariyoshi Hanseikai) today. 黒崎眞弥(Kurosaki Mahiro) saw that he was not able to write his name using kanjis. The other members also had their names written in hiragana.
  2. The band have just published a new look ! Furthermore, a new clip called 「敵刺す、テキサス」Tekisasu, Texas) will be published in January 2019. To celebrate their third year of existence, the band will hold a one man live at Zepp Diver City on 2019.03.16. On 2019.02.25, the band will have a free live at Shinjuku BLAZE.
  3. You forgot half the information. Limited edition : 3500 yen + taxes CD : 1.ラズルダズル (Razzle dazzle) 2.着衣遊泳(Chakui yûei) 3.餓えの自覚(Ue no jikaku) 4.Always 5.ラズルダズル (Razzle dazzle) -instrumental- DVD : 1. 「ラズルダズル」 (Razzle dazzle) MUSIC CLIP +OFF SHOT 2. Digest from their man-limited one-man live 『益荒男』(Masurao) Regular edition : 1620 yen CD : 1.ラズルダズル (Razzle dazzle) 2.着衣遊泳(Chakui yûei) 3.餓えの自覚(Ue no jikaku) 4.Always 5.ラズルダズル (Razzle dazzle) -instrumental-
  4. The Piass

    The band will announce their two new members tomorrow !
  5. New track from Sulphur Aeon ! Really great !
  6. if I am right, it means that 侵食(Shinshoku) has a refrain which is new to the world (has not been done yet) and that it is from their second single. For now it does not mean that it will be the name of their single.
  7. No release date has been set yet. The album's theme is the Ispah rebellion (亦思巴奚兵乱(Yìsībāxī Bīngluàn). This rebellion happened during the second half of the 14th century from 1357 to 1366. In 1357, a big Arab/Perian army decided to revolt against the Yuan Dynasty in Quanzhou. 5 years later the army encountered internal conflits which almost led to the destruction of the army. However, they succeeded in waging war against the Yuan Dynasty for another four years until the army was crushed. Tracklist : 01. 1276墟烬 (Upon the ashes and ruins) 02. 狼火 (Flames of war) 03. 御戍 (To defend fatherland) 04. 夷豢篡乱 (The Ispah rebellion) 05. 靖难 (Fight back for the fatherland) 06. 1366闽土净化 (The Massacre feast)
  8. This DVD will include a documentary from their tour in Northern/Eastern Europe/Russia (12 lives/ 4 countries). There will have one CD (9 songs of which 3 are instrumentals) and the documentary. It will be released in March 2019 and will cost 5000 yen.
  9. The Piass

    Yes, this is what I wrote.
  10. The Piass

    Right, it is not kyoo ! Thanks you !
  11. To celebrate their 15th anniversary and their 10th anniversary for being major, the band will release a CD called 「狂王」(Kyou ou) ! Two editions will be available : Special limited edition : gift for those attending their live on 2018.12.21 at 豊洲PIT(Toyosu PIT) CD : 1.組曲「狂王」第一番 ~灯火(とうか)の雄馬~ (Kumikyouku kyou ou daiichi ban tôka no ouma) 2.組曲「狂王」第二番 ~死の影を運ぶ鳥~ (Kumikyouku kyou oudaini ban shi no kage o hakobu tori) 3.組曲「狂王」第三番 ~美醜なる不死の獣~ (Kumikyouku kyou ou daisan ban bishû naru fushi no kemono) 4.組曲「狂王」第夢番 ~旅鼠(レミング)の行進~ (Kumikyouku Kyou ou daiyume ban tabinezumi no kôshin) 5.組曲「狂王」第幻番 ~死出虫の舞踏会~ (Kumikyouku kyou ou daigen ban shide mushi no butô kai) 6.組曲「狂王」第四番 ~黒羊は忠誠の夢を見る~ (Kumikyouku kyou ou daiyon ban kuro hitsuji wa chûsei no yume o miru) 7.組曲「狂王」第五番 ~落陽に哭(な)く蝙蝠~ (Kumikyouku kyou ou daigo ban rakuyô ni naku kawahori) Regular edition : 2500 yen ; it will also be released at their live on 2018.12.21 and you can also order via http://www.rosen-kranz.jp/shop/ from 2018.12.22 at noon. CD : 1.組曲「狂王」第一番 ~灯火(とうか)の雄馬~ (Kumikyouku kyou ou daiichi ban tôka no ouma) 2.組曲「狂王」第二番 ~死の影を運ぶ鳥~ (Kumikyouku kyou ou daini ban shi no kage o hakobu tori) 3.組曲「狂王」第三番 ~美醜なる不死の獣~ (Kumikyouku kyou ou daisan ban bishû naru fushi no kemono) 4.組曲「狂王」第四番 ~黒羊は忠誠の夢を見る~ (Kumikyouku kyou ou daiyon ban kuro hitsuji wa chûsei no yume o miru) 5.組曲「狂王」第五番 ~落陽に哭(な)く蝙蝠~ (Kumikyouku kyou ou daigo ban rakuyô ni naku kawahori)
  12. The Piass

    Yes, when I read that one, I also figured it out.
  13. The Piass

    That's what I had understood, but well, I was not really sure...
  14. The Piass

    The band have announced that they broke up today. The drummer is... うさぎ小屋にぶち込まれ (I do not understand...) The bassist is going to work on a farm. The guitarist has a problem to the jaw ? (龍稀は顎の長さが許容範囲を超え) The singer has a veneral disease.
  15. No, slight mistake. 桜華 means ôka or sakurabana (cherry blossom) and both mean the same thing.
  16. It is written that it will only be available tomorrow at 1 p.m.
  17. The Piass

    According to the tweet, this duo will be time-limited. The CD will only have 300 copies and will be distributed during their lives and at some CD shops.
  18. The Piass

    They picked up the torch from disbanded bands that did the same thing. I had a good laugh watching the video.
  19. The Piass

    『ERs』 will be released on 2019.02.06. (3780 yen ; 1000 copies) CD 1 : 1. 孤慟 -into the vortex- 2. FPD 3. ARBITER 4. アルゲントゥム 5. ニグルム 6. Fis 7. MaercS 8. 感情の果て、悲哀の双生 9. リナリア 10. ロベリア 11. 故慟 -silence of the void- 12. 深淵 13. Libido 14. believe 15. PARADOX 16. shadow CD 2 : 1. 灯火 2. prominence 3. ボクのしたいと、キミのしたい 4. ignited 5. bleed and scream(New Version)
  20. Ayuto got his belongings stolen : his bags (with the key of his home, his mobile, his wallet, make-up, IPOD,costume...), some clothes, some food. He called the police to issue a confirmation of what had happened. He says that it may have been done by a drunkard who mistook his/her belongings with his.
  21. 薫(Kaoru) will release the second part of his autobiographical essay 『読弦 弐』(Dokugen ni) on 2018.12.23. (2700 yen + taxes) Its issue will be "music and human". It will include 208 pages (A5 format), a summary of his column 『薫の読弦』(Kaoru no dokugen) which was serialised in music magazines, a very long and thorough interview of his life, do not really know what it is『これが本当の最終回』(Kore ga hontô no saishû kai). They also speak about "gravures" but I do not know to what they are referring... (今回はグラビアを増ページし、オールロケを敢行。) https://tower.jp/item/4837915
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