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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. I am guessing only VK bands use ????, considering they took over the whole site: http://now.ameba.jp/now/curiousRanking/

  2. Fuark, the synths on 「INAZUMA??sound so good.

  3. Phew, finally decided on a new Avi for the time being. I also found out that Tequila Tokyo will be a much more serious project than I initially expected, and the live shows will involve members flying around the stage? Can't wait to see and hear it.

  4. VK senses are going off; so excited for new SUG and also think new BugLug album will be great.

  5. Just posted about my latest purchase of the SHURE SE315 In-Ear Headphones. If you want to see: http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/24751-headphones/page-3

  6. ??曜日: ITEM NOT IN STOCK。??能????り??????。????。。。

  7. Spring makes all the music sound different. Old feelings arise, new memories will be made.

  8. Wow, they are advertising so many manga about bicycles right now, some seem interesting. Also, tried the manga 「オキテ??ムル??, what the heck... http://imgur.com/sYDmFtN

  9. Wow, so cool; Livehouse with a skatepark inside of it: https://youtu.be/1qUfb1yaMcw

  10. Made a new-and-improved profile page.

  11. Thinking of finally plugging in my PS4. BLOODBORNE IS COMING.

  12. Nominating diamondAss for having my current favorite (aka GOAT) avatar.

  13. First day of truly nice weather. Feel like running away somewhere.

  14. Finally got latest Matenrou Opera. Darn good single, first song is that Avalon style, second has that addictive hook, but oh man the third track with that 80's throwback. Awesome stuff.

  15. Getting too used to staying in and studying, summer is coming and bike riding is sure to change that! Also, seems like everyone just uses their consoles to play that game called 'Netflix'', what the heck!? And finally, want to get into some new bands, been following the same stuff lately which is nice but I feel like there could be new favorites hiding behind every blade of grass, time to cruise Youtube and do some research while I make flashcards.

  16. Now it's time for EXTREME RULES. Going to be hard to top last year, which featured one of the most important battles in World History (Evolution vs. The Shield), but anything can happen!

  17. Regret taking some Luna Sea albums of my phone.

  18. Mayweather Pacquiao. Here we go.

  19. DIV - VANISH ALSDEAD - HEAVEN Royz - 疾風迅雷

  20. ギルガメッシュ - INCOMPLETE ユナイト - STARTiNG OVER シド - darling

  21. Shuffle button, my old friend, we meet again.

  22. Anyone see Shinjuku Swan? Number one in the box office, but I saw the trailers, and was like, what the heck, but it is by Sion Sono, and it DOES have a song by UVERworld in it...

  23. Bracing myself for new Blu-Billion album.

  24. Holy Smokes, Terminator is opening TOMORROW!? This is gonna be EEEEPIC! Arnold and my boy Lee Byung-hun are gonna tear it up.

  25. Million Arthur mobile game worldwide launch on the 18th. Pre-registers get a special Rare card. Good game to pass time, I like collecting the cards and playing with friends.

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