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Everything posted by Bear

  1. I love reading quotes at the moment. Brilliant.

  2. Bear

    Death Side - The Will Never Die 〜 Single & V.A Collection What a brilliant comilation this is. Three EPs, one split and lots of tracks from "various artists" releases. 85 minutes of classic burning spirits hardcore* of the very best kind. *The whole burning spirits is a term given to a bunch of Japanese hardcore bands after they played a series of gigs named Burning Spirits, I think at least. Burning spirits bands play a raw and furious style of hardcore with a touch of melody and Iron Maiden, topped off with almost flashy guitar solos, and I believe thse bands had a huge influence on the whole neo-rust scene with bands such as Tragedy and From Ashes Rise. The whole burning spirits scene was great. Fantastic to be honest!
  3. Bear

    If I remember correctly, even the titties weren't very good in Friday the 13th remake. It's my least favourite of the four to be honest, including the remake. But I still love Army of Darkness. Great, hilarious film!
  4. Bear

    The Hills Have Eyes - This Wes Craven cult exploitation-horror flick is as good as ever, and is up there with the very best of exploitation-horror. It's up there with films such as Cannibal Ferox, Cannibal Holocaust, I Spit on Your Grave, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Maniac and so on. Heavy on both atmoshere and brutality, The Hills Have Eyes is just a raw, mean and gritty film that'll tear all weaklings apart. It's amateurish and it's raw, but there's something so very honest about it. Classic! Fuck anyone who prefers the remakes to this work of art.
  5. Bear

    KKK: The Fight for White Supremacy - The title speaks for itself. A documentary about the modern KKK with interiews and info on how they are doing in recent times. It doesn't offer aything new and if you've seen a documentary about the KKK before you've more or less seen this, but it's always fun seeing how god damned dumb these people are. It's always the dumbest and lowest who agrees being in films like this. Some of the things said, man. It's so dumb they should get imprisoned just for thinking it. But while the main focus is the KKK, they do interview some black power group and people as well, and they come off as equally stupid, if not worse. Which is sad, because it takes a lot to get down to the level of the KKK. The highlight of the film is when a guy is asked about Hitler because of a picture on the wall. His answer is as sad and funny as it is scary, because the fact that someone truly believes this is rather scary. Not really recommended, unless you've never seen a documentary on the KKK before. If you have you might as well just skip out of this, unless you want to see
  6. Bear

    Just Before Dawn - Underrated and almost forgotten cult film about five campers that are stalked and killed in the mountains, which provides some fantastic sets. Just Before Dawn is an early slasher film from 1981, and while it isn't a great film per se, it's got great atmosphere throughout the film and lots of tension and suspense. I've seen a lot of people call this a Friday the 13th and The Burning rip off, but it ain't anything like that. The film is obviously inspired by the masterpiece that is Deliverance, and even though the director denies seeing any of the films there's something very The Hills Have Eyes- and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre-esque over it, which I think is cool. Our killer is a bit of an oddball and many will probably straight-out laugh at 'em, but he's weird for a reason and it works really well. Adds some needed weirdness to the film. The score deserves a special mention as it is one of the highlights of the film. Apparently many of the ominous sounds in the music score were actually electronically altered audio clips of himself vocalizing droning noises. It makes something special.
  7. Bear

  8. Bear

    Fuck yeah!
  9. Bear

    The Cottage - This film starts off a bit too slow and more or less like a nice and funny, albeit very standard and unoriginal crime-comedy before taking a 90 degree turn into the land of gory horror and macabre comedy, and that's when it becomes truly entertaining. Andy Serkis and Reece Shearsmith stars as two bothers, very different with different interests in life. Both does really well, especially Andy Serkis is fantastic here. They can act, they've got chemestry and they have good comic timing, especially Reece Shearsmith. The film is a bit back and forth in tone and feeling, and some might feel like it's a bit all over the lace, but I really liked this film. Had me in tears at times while it at a few other times gave me the chills. Nicely done! I thought the two chinese guys, Logan Wong and Jonathan Chan-Pensley, were hilarious. Stereotyped as fuck, but hilarious nonetheless. There's a few cool homages and tributes too. Doug Bradley has a cameo and films like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, My Bloody Valentine, Day of the Dead, The Hills Have EYes and Predator are refrenced throughout this film. Very cool indeed. If you're into horror comedies you should do yourself a favour and check this out, because this was truly hellarious!
  10. Bear

    That's actually embarrassing. How the mighty have fallen.
  11. Bear

    There is, but it's not a big part of the game at all, and while I don't like it, it doesn't exactly bother me either. When you shake the controls your character will role, which at times will send you to a premature death. But this is mostly in the begining of the game. As soon as you get used to it it ain't a problem anymore. The positive thing about the motion plus shit on DKCR is that they feel very precise and is super easy to use. Not a problem. The game is easily worth both your time and money. It's that good.
  12. That looks and sounds pretty good for a band who plays their first gig ever, after releasing stuff for 25 years. People are super positive towards the gig as well. This is the first of many, even though the Antifa cunts will do their best to try stop the gigs. Fantastic setlist too: Graveland's setlist: Intro/At the Pagan Samhain Night Born for War Intro/Gates to the Kingdom of Darkness Hordes of Empire Thurisaz Intro/The Night of Fullmoon Ostatri Svit (?) For Pagan and Heretic's Blood Intro/Thousand Swords Black Metal War Outro
  13. Bear

    The Martian - After several mediocre and bad films, who'd have thought Ridley Scott could still make something entertaining? I sure as fuck didn't, which is why I didn't bother watching this. But my girlfriend wanted to see it and that was a wise move. The Martian is Scott's first watchable film since the disappointing Robin Hood (5,5-6/10) and his best since 2007's American Gangster. But I'll never call The Martian a fantastic film. It's overrated as fuck. I thought it started out BRILLIANTLY and it had me in a grip for quite some time to be honest, even though I did ask a few questions. "How the fuck does this botanist know so much about this and that" and "how come this fucking botanist is a genius that puts Einstein to shame?". But those are rather small questions for a big film like this. But I was ultimately really let dwn by the last third of the film, though. The rescue mission gave me absolutely nothing, and I'd rather see him stay on mars doing his own thing until the film ended. Which is why I give this film a 7 instead of 8, maybe even 9. I thought the film was visually stunning and Matt Damon, which I am kinda fond of, is very good here. He drives the film forward with emotion, wit and varriation. Very impressed by him! Aksel Hennie is shit by the way. There was so much fuzz about him in the media following this film, and at the end of the day he had a role so small I could've done it just as well as hi. Ridiculous!
  14. Bear

    I'm not sure what you mean by "good ol' Wii waggling", but the DKCR OST is very old school and classic-sounding. Lots of older DK soundtrack re-worked and stuff. I loved it.
  15. That is easily their best song since Diabolis Interium. Sounds a bit Vobiscum Satanas-esque IMO. It's really a shame that Nail Them to the Cross is also on the album, because that one is mediocre. But I hope the rest of the album sounds like this because then it'll be a good albums despite Nail Them to the Cross.
  16. Bear

    I'm sewing. Jesus, this is hard work. Respect to all sewing bitches out there. Sewing is the devil's work.
  17. Bear

    You know you can easily mod your Wii and get the games for free, right? Mod it and download as many Wii games you want and play them to death. I'd love to pay for every single game I play, but I can't afford it so I've modded both my Wii and Nintendo DS so that I get to play some more games even though I can't afford everything. Anyway, Donkey Kong Country Returns is magnificent. It actually feels more classic Donkey Kong Country than Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!, yet it's surprisingly fresh and original in many ways. They've just managed to capture the spirit and elements that made the three previous games so great to begin with, yet added a shitload of new elements to the game to make it something new, fresh and unique. It's probably the most diverse game of the four as well. Soundtrack is beautiful and the level design is a real treat to both your eyes and mind. My only complaint is the motion controls which could've been a bit better, but they're not bad and it's not at all a problem. And from what I've heard Tropical Freeze is supossed to be even better than Returns. I need to buy a WiiU just to play this game with my girlfriend. Oh yes! Edit: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest is my favourite game, and the bee/honey levels are the best levels ever made for a game. Fucking love them! Well, I love the entire game.
  18. Graveland, formed back in 1991, played their first ever gig yesterday. I'm reading some very positive comments on their debut gig. I hope this legendary gig was documented, probably not for a proper DVD, but at least for an upload to youtube. Would be awesome! As cult as this band is, they never got the reputation they truly deserved IMO. Alongside Behemoth they helped create this unique brand of polish black metal, but I find their style to be a lot more unique than that of Behemoth's early demos and I think it had a lot more influence on the polish scene as a whole. I can of course understand why people would find their early releases completely ridiculous, because the drumming of the older releases truly is ridiculous. But I always liked the drumming. Shabby as fuck, but with lots of passion and charm. But the overall atmosphere of these releases are brilliant. I also enjoy the more epic sound of the later albums. Their progression over the years always felt very natural, from raw black metal to epic mid-tempo black/pagan metal with massive viking-era Bathory-vibes. Rob Darken has stagnated over the years and more or less kept doing the same stuff over and over for the past 18 years. But he knows what he's doing and it's all been quality, so it's not a problem if you look at it like that.
  19. Bear

    Fuking love me some Donkey Kong. I haven't had the chance to try Tropical Freeze yet, but Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! and Donkey Kong Country Returns are all a part of my top 10 video games ever. Video games just doesn't get much more fun than these games. The game play, the overall style of the games, the soundtracks. Phenomenal! Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! is awfully underrated btw. Such a great game! Me and my girlfriend have played through the three first Donkey Kong County games 7-8 times and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3-4 times since we got together three and a half year ago. These four games, along with Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World and Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island are easily my most played games ever. Yeah, well leave out Donkey Kong Returns, but the other 7 are the ones I've played the most for sure. I've probably beaten all of them 20-25 times at least, and I'm still not tired of it. Super Mario Bros. 2 is super underrated as well btw. Brilliant game!
  20. Bear

    Trick 'r Treat - A modern horror classic and a film that should be a part of my horroroctober for sure, just like Halloween. Not only is it a good film, but it's got the spirit as well. Trick 'r Treat is a horror film that lean towards the slasher genrebut that plays around with several different subgenres of horror, and it throws in some great black humour as well. It's bautifully shot, incredibly detailed and lots of fun from start to end. One of the highlight of the film is how the stories are pierced together. They're pierced together in such a fantastic way! It's a shame that the film never got the big release that was intented for it, because this would've been more than just a cult classic today if it had. It would've been one of the big horror films of the 2000's for sure. Brian Cox steals the show!
  21. Bear

    I really enjoy these threads and want to participate, but I just haven't checked out much new music in 2016. I think I've only checked out two releases from march, but I'll make an effort for a change.
  22. It truly does. I just fucking love that they've left some of the more progressive and technical elements behind, at least on these three songs. I just feel like these three songs has a lot more substance than what I've gotten used to from these guys, even though the two previous albums have grown a lot on me over the past year or so. It's packed with a lot more punch and meaning. THe new Rotting Christ sounds fairly good too. Easily their best since Sleep of the Angels, if not A Dead Poem. I really like the ritualistic, canting and almost black mass-esque feeling of the whole album. Positivly surprised for sure.
  23. Vektor sure has stepped up their game for this release. All three songs posted so far are miles better than their pevious stuff. No more joking around trying to be super fancy and unique. It seems to be all about the music now. Alo, the new Bloo Ceremony is fucking excellent. As with previous albums they've gone in a less doomy an metallic direction aiming more towards 60's and 70's rock of different kind, but they're not copying anyone. They've found their own unique sound. They are getting more and more unique with every albums, as well as better and better. Fantastic!
  24. Bear

    Samael ‎– Worship Him - Blood Ritual - Ceremony of Opposites (3x tape box) Perturbator ‎– Sexualizer Perturbator ‎– Nocturne City Perturbator ‎– Night Driving Avenger Tarot – The Warrior's Spell As usual I apologize for the godaawful quality of the picture.
  25. Bear

    Ten episodes in and I am digging this season of Daredevil a lot more than the first one. While not as strong plot-wise, I kinda like the plot more here. A bit more all over the place and because of the many characters it doesn't get to build them as well as in season 1, but they still manage to pick them apart and show us who they really are. And the introduction of several of the characters really helps it out for me. Some really badass motherfuckers here. Not quite as dark as the first, but the overall tone is grittier, more brutal and meaner, with the action sequences being pushed to the max. They're so god damned imroved, whih says alot considering how good the action in season 1 was. Foggy and Karen are more in the spotlight, and Foggy is more than just a comic relief this season which is a big relief. He was probably the weakest link in season 1, but here he's an actual character with a lot going on. Great sets and lovely cinematography as well. So I'll just disagree with everyone else and say it right out: Season 2 > season 1! As with the first season it's so refreshing seeing an american series with good action sequences. The choreography is good, the direction of the scenes are good and they're not cut to death like we're used to in american films and series. They actually film it from distance and let the characters fight without making a cut for every single punck/kick thrown. Kudos to Philip Silvera for this. I wonder if he's found a lot of inspiration in Southeast Asian martial arts films of the 2000's. I get that feeling when watching this.
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