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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Much better than anything on Sunbather and New Bermuda.
  2. Bear

    Heavy Metal in Baghdad - Filmmakers Eddy Moretti and Suroosh Alvi travels to Iraq to find and meet Acrassicauda, the first and only metal band in Iraq at this time. It's an interesting documentary both when it takes a look at the band and their troubles, as well as when it looks at the situation in general during these times. Recommended. Syrian Metal Is War - Unlike Heavy Metal in Baghdad this doesn't focus on one single band, but the entire Syrian metal scene in a war-torn Syria. Director Monzer Darwish isn't a very talented man and he more often than not struggles to get his camera in focus, but there's a sense of passion here that I feel is missing in Heavy Metal in Baghdad. A Stronger DIY-feeling that I really like. Very interesting both when it looks at the scene itself, but also when it looks as Syria as a country and fucked up it has become. Good stuff this. Heavy Metal Parking Lot - It only clocks in at 17 minutes, but Heavy Metal Parking Lot may be the greatest rock/metal documentary ever made. A very straight-forward documentary as some guys walk around a parking lot before a Judas Priest and Dokken concenrt in the mid 80's and talk to fans who are attending the concert later. The atmosphere is fantastic, the people are fantastic and there's no bullshit. One of those films you have to watch. A must-see for everyone in the entire fucking world.
  3. Bear

    https://www.nesimedia.com/Sigh_-_Imaginary_Sonicscape/p5522147_18514504.aspx Nesi Media, a Chinese record company of some sorts, are releasing a vinyl version of Imaginary Sonicscape. I don't know anything about Nesi Media, nor do I know anything about this vinyl, but Sigh mentioned it on facebook so it's official at least. Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape - Pre-Order 2LP, Ltd 300 White Vinyl with Orange & Green Splatter Asian Exclusive Version. Release Date: May-04-2018 Long time out of print album, first time released in Asia in Vinyl format. I just placed an order and are really looking forward to it. I hope the quality is The Crypt-esque.
  4. Bear

    The Bourne Legacy - Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz acts their heart out throughout the entire film, but even their great efforts isn't enough to make this more than decent. The characters are paper thin and shallow as fuck and the plot is twisting and turning way too much for its own good. It never gets the time to do anything before it jumps to the next. Gets real tiring after a while. I do appreciate the dialogue though. It's concise. I don't get the title of the film either. Yes, it is set in the same universe as the Bourne movies, and yes the actions of Jason Bourne is why everything happens in this film. But still, it got nothing to do with Jason Burne. Wish they'd think up a proper title for the film.
  5. Bear

    Sweet! Shouldn't be long until we get a new cover art then.
  6. Bear

    Maze Runner: The Death Cure - A step up from The Scorch Trials, but another very disappointing sequel to a surprisingly good and entertaining first film. It offers nothing at all, and like The Scorch Trials it doesn't feel like it has anything to do with the first at all. The first had a good concept and all, this has nothing. Boring as fuck. And way, way, way too long. Land of the Lost - Watched this late last night, drunk out of my mind with a friend. Damn, it was so bad. I expected it to be bad, but it was godawful. It had me laughing a few times, but I would not have laughed at it had I been alone. So yeah, poor stuff. CHIPS - A good cast can't save this abysmal crapfest of a film. It's based off an older TV-series, but it captures nothing of that series at all. Crap!
  7. That is amazing. The amount of details, man. Holy shit!
  8. Sweet as fuck as usual from Ghost. Great video too.
  9. Bear

    This looks pretty good tbh. Would love to see a scan in higher quality. But dear god, no genre or scene has as many cover art atrocities as the "jrock"/visual kei scene. Could easily end up blind after watching some of these covers.
  10. Wow! That is actually a huge surprise. Expected you to already be fully into it. Aura Noir is a band that is at the worst, Hades Rise, a very good band. At their best, Dreams Like Deserts, Black Thrash Attack, Deep Tracts of Hell and The Merciless, fucking classic. Dreams Like Deserts - A bit thrashy, but their most black metal influenced album by a long shot. Black Thrash Attack - This is hands down one of the most fitting album titles ever. A pure black/thrash metal assault. Deep Tracts of Hell - Their most violent and chaotic album to date. A lot more challenging and complex than previous album. Less Sodom and Destruction and more...Aura Noir? The Merciless - Their best album if you ask me, and maybe their filthiest album as well. It's the perfect balance between Teutonic thrash ala Sodom and Destruction, Norwegian black metal ala Darkthrone and 1st wave black metal ala Bathory and Tormentor. Check out Sordid and enjoy the homage to Possessed and their "March to Die". Fantastic stuff! And check Nattefrost's verse on Funeral Thrash. Hades Rise - Hades Rise is their most groovy album so far. Overall a lot slower and less thrashy than previous efforts. A tad disappointing as a whole, but it's not bad at all. Just not as good as their other stuff. Out to Die - Out to Die sees Aura Noir pick up the pace again, and it's problably the closest they've been to traditional thrash metal, but without completely ditching the black metal vibes. Good shit! A must-love band for any fan of good black and thrash metal.
  11. Bear

    High-Rise - High-Rise is Ben Wheatley's dystopian drama adaption of a novel by the same name from the mid 70's. The film is about a luxury apartment building and its breakdown. The entire film is about class warfare, and the separation of the classes. So it's a very political film. But it's much more. It's also damn good entertainment with a cast consisting of the likes of Tom Hiddleston, Sienna Miller, Luke Evans and Jeremy Irons leading the way through this ice cold, insane dystopian drama. It's a slow-burner and it'll divide the audience, but I liked it very much. It does not reach up to Kill List, A Field in England, Free Fire or Down Terrace, but Ben Wheatley hit the nail on its head once again.
  12. Bear

    http://downloads.tankcrimes.com/album/ghoul-ill-bill Damn! So death/thrash/grind metallers Ghoul just released/are soon to release a split with hip hopper Ill Bill and the Ill Bill track sounds fucking awesome! That's just awesome. Not heard the Ghoul track yet. Just ended up playing Ill Bill on repeat. It's that good!
  13. http://downloads.tankcrimes.com/album/ghoul-ill-bill Damn! So death/thrash/grind metallers Ghoul just released/are soon to release a split with hip hopper Ill Bill and the Ill Bill track sounds fucking awesome! That's just awesome. Not heard the Ghoul track yet. Just ended up playing Ill Bill on repeat. It's that good! New Necros Christos album. Fuck yeah!
  14. Bear

    Free Fire - I don't exactly try to hide my love for Ben Wheatley and his two masterpieces Kill List and A Field in England, as well as Down Terrace, and with Free Fire his back at making top, top, top class films. Free Fire is a Quentin Tarantino-esque gangster comedy and a chamber play with great characters, cool, witty dialogue, a fantastic 70's setting and an awesome visual style. In no way, shape or form does Ben Wheatley try to hide his influences, but nor does he copy them. He turns and twist everything he does into his own with his own character added to the films, and Free Fire is no different. It wears its influences proudly on its sleeve, but does more than enough to add his own twist, turns and character to the film. It's basically one long acting scene, but it works so fucking good. I will have to re-watch it before I call it a masterpiece, but after seeing it one time I gave it a 9/10. Ben Wheatley proves why again why I rank him as one of the most interesting directors of the last 18 years. Daring, bold and original. Will watch High-Rise after I get home from work today. It's another recent Ben Wheatley flick that seem to have been well received by the same type of people who enjoy Kill List, A Field in England Free Fire, Down Terrace and Sightseers. He's one of those that does his own thing, and the majority of his films won't please a big audience. But it'll please a small core of people into the types of films he makes.
  15. I don't expect there to be any fans of Mysifier here, but I'll post some new anyway: The band released two albums in the early 90's the soon reached status as cult albums, and with time they've also turned into milestones of the genre. I loved both Wicca and Göetia, and I feel like The World Is So Good That Who Made It Doesn't Live Here isn't much worse. But a lot of people have problems with the vocals of that album. They took an operatic and theatrical approach and I love it. The demo compilation 25 Years of Blasphemy and War is also damn good! They are also one of the best live bands I've ever seen. Profanus is a decent album too, but I hope a new album is superior to that one. Oh heeeell yeaz!
  16. Bear

    Insidious: The Last Key -Insidious 3 was very disappointing and mediocre at best, topped with the most ridiculous kung fun scene ever placed in a horror film. So I wasn't looking forward to a sequel, until I found out Adam Robitel was directing it. He did really well with, and totally caught me off guard, with The Taking of Deborah Logan which I thought was really good. Like with Insidious 3 the script is lackluster, but it's closer to the two first Insidious in atmosphere and feeling, and Adam Robitel showcases a much better understanding of the horror genre as a whole. There's jump scares, but it's based more around atmosphere, which is what I prefer. The climax is a huge letdown and I did not like the monster much at all. Looked stupid. Not a great film, but it was alright and a big step up from Insidious 3. Both Lin Shaye and Angus Sampson does really well, and the latter is really funny throughout the film. Great character!
  17. Bear

    Kill List - Re-watched this modern folk-horror masterpiece a week or so ago. The film starts out like a very traditional thriller but slowly twists and turns until it's full on folk-horror with clean influences from The Wicker Man among others. The grey, modern day suburban setting, the characters, the atmosphere. Ben Wheatley, whom I personally consider a god of modern day horror and cinema in general, knows exactly what is scary and he knows exactly how to work with those elements. Everything is a bit messy, a bit twisted and a bit unclear, but that just adds to the greatness of the film. Masterpiece!
  18. Bear

    Logan Lucky - In many ways this is just Steven Soderbergh repeating himself, as Logan Lucky is just Ocean's Eleven with a different setting, mood and type of characters. The plot, the stylish execution and the nice visual style is the same. But I love Ocean's Eleven so I won't complain. Logan Lucky is a smart, stylish and fun heist film with an ensemble cast lead on by Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Riley Keough and Daniel Craig, and all gets lots of room to play around and do their own thing. Channing Tatum proves that he is a lot more than a pretty face and a good body, and Daniel Craig is super cool and good as the IN-CAR-CER-ATED Joe Bang. While his accent might not be perfect, especially when he has to deliver a lot of lines, he does real good with it. I was really surprised by it. Overall a real nice and good film. Really enjoyed myself throughout its two hour running time. Now You See Me 2 - I wasn't too impressed by the first one, but since I watched it I just had to see this too. And while not a very good film, it's a lot better than the first. It looks and sounds very good, it's well-acted throughout and the chemestry between the "four horsemen", included the hidden fifth, is very good and more or less what drives the film. The thing that really lets me down is the "magic tricks" and how they reveal everything at the end. Like a magic trick it would've been so much better if they had left us wondering about how they did all this and all that. Because the last trick is so far-fetched when you know how they did it, but if they had not told us anything it would've seemed plausible at least. So that's a huge problem. But I'll watch the third one whenever it gets here.
  19. That is awesome. Love the new look!
  20. I don't believe I've seen this video before, but this has to rank among the best metal videos I've seen so far in my life. Totally cool and badass as fuck.
  21. While not a band within the genres mentioned in the OP, I'm still gonna post this band as they're black metal. Wigrid! The debut album were highly influenced by Burzum, and I would guess especially Det som engang var and Burzum/Aske. Albeit with a more depressive twist to it all. The second album is also very Burzum influenced, but it's slower and contains much more traditional depressive black metal riffing similar to what you'd hear in Strid, Nidhoggr and Nyktalgia. I'll have to go with Hoffnungstod as the best of the two albums, but both are absolutely amazing. Hoffnungstod is a modern classic and one of the best black metal albums of the 2000's imo. The reason I had to post this is because I am a huge fan, and I am gonna get dressed and walk up to my local mail office and pick up Discography Box Part II, which is the second tape box that collects every Wigrid and Elfenblut (pre-Wigrid) material, with the exception of the two tracks from the latest split release. I liked the first one a lot, so I will be pleased about getting this too. Like the first box it also contains a 3" CD with a track.
  22. Shining - I'm not the biggest fan of Shining, but I can appreciate the stuff released before The Eerie Cold and the move towards more progressive and rock-esque music quite a lot. But I've always felt like Niklas Kvarforth was a pathetic subhuman and this gig didn't change anything. The band sounds awful, they act pathetic and the entire gig was really embarrassing. My two friends who loves the band agrees, but they were even more negative than me. Says it all. Uada - This gig was just too good. The sound was amazing, the band looks cool and their brand of melodic black metal that sounds like a mix of Mgla and Dissection really does it for me. Superb gig! So my favourite gigs of Inferno: Uada, Grave, Electric Wizard, and to my huge surprise, Emperor.
  23. I actually forgot about Funeral, but I guess that says it all really. Such a forgettable album. As mediocre as music gets. But Moonlover is good. Even the artwork is good.
  24. Yeah, Ära Krâ isn't too bad. Didn't like them at all upon first hearing them, but a few years later I tried again and liked it quite a lot. A good and interesting mix of black metal, metalcore and post-rock. Show Me Wolves and Funeral Sutra are other bands that blends black metal and metalcore in a pretty good way.
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