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Posts posted by Bear

  1. Some cool news:



    Abyssic - High the Memory


    It took Abyssic no less than 19 years to get their their debut album, and first ever release out, and now their second album is coming, three years later. Their debut album is a pitch black symphonic death/doom album of extremely high quality and I expect no less from this. Should be great. Features members and ex-members of bands like Susperia, Old Man's Child, Sirenia, Dimmu Borgir and Vanaheim. 



    Sperm Angel - II


    Debut EP was fun black/heavy metal, and so is this. Silly as fuck, but catchy and fun.





    House of Atreus - From the Madness of Ixion


    This has already been released. Fairly good death metal much in the vein of Arghoslent, but a bit heavier I'd say.

  2. 3 hours ago, platy said:

    Sons of An Illustrious Father is coming to London in December for a very intimate gig. I never thought it would happen and tickets are cheap as fuck. But I took it for granted that they're barely known and now tickets are sold out. I completely forgot Ezra Miller is gaining a lot of rabbid fangirls with his latest movies. 


    Can't you buy a ticket from someone when the gig is right around the corner? I guess it doesn't work for everyone every single time, but I do this shit all the time myself and have still to miss out on a gig because of it. And I usually get the ticket a lot cheaper. Like half the price or less, so I save a shitload of money doing it as well. Last time I did it was yesterday at Uriah Heep. Show's been sold out for months already and I knew I was going, but I didn't buy my ticket before 7PM yesterday and the gig started 9.30PM :P


    But I can understand why people don't to it, especially if they have to travel a long way and plan a lot of shit (hotels, train/plane tickets or whatever) for the gig.

  3. Not quite metal, but I am getting to see Uriah Heep tonight. Finally! It's not the original line up of course, and only two of the five are original members. But two out of five ain't bad for a band that started in the late 60's, and three of them have been in the band since before my birth so that very much OK with me. The album is surprisingly good, and the classics are, as we all know, just fucking massive. So this should be good.



    Really looking forward to hearing this song live. One of the best and most epic songs ever written by man.



    Only problem I see is that two of the members are way too young. I wish all of the members were older men. It just suits a band like this better. But that's not exactly a big deal as long as they play well, which I am sure they do. 

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtcmvdvvlCg&feature=youtu.be


    DeathKarma- The History of Death & Burial Rituals Part 2 



    1.HAITI - Voodoo 
    Under the influence of narcotics, I follow the rhythm of psychedelic drums, where the dance, death and sacrifice can wake up the dead body from the ground and no other can speak with them like Baron Samedi - A Loa of the Dead. 

    2.TIBET - Sky burial 
    Mantras are spreading over the Tibetan mountains where dead bodies float in the 
    vultures' stomachs. Om Mani Padme Hum. 

    3.SCANDINAVIA - Ship burial 
    Strength, pride and bravery are sailing to Valhalla under the wings of valkyries where Odin is waiting for them. 

    4.NEW ZEALAND - Mongrel Mob 
    Maori rebels, pacific devils, fierce death dealers, savage robbers. United they stand, they would never bend. Howling in the night, wooden coffin in the air… Outlaws, rise! Unite! Mighty Mongrel Mob. 

    5.EGYPT - Pharaohs 
    Eternity is the destination of every pharaoh's soul which is hidden under the pyramid. 

    6.INDONESIA - Tana Toraja 
    The dead ancestor shares the same roof, the same house. This is great respect and act of boundless love in Rambu Soloq ceremonies in Tana Toraja. 

    7.CZECH REPUBLIC - Ossuary 
    The half-blind monk arranges skulls and bones overnight in the lower part of the church. With the sound of organ he creates beautiful death patterns in the shadow of the candles, in the name of God. 

    8.JAPAN - The Sea of Silent Trees (bonus track for Japan vinyl version and CD) 
    High demands, no privacy, no love, no human touch, no dreams, hopelessness, aimlessness, it's not the right way in life, but it's the right path to Aokigahara forest, where the deliverance is waiting for them. 
    “your life is a precious gift from your parents”, “please, consult with the police or call your family before you decide to die” 

    Short samples of each song: https://youtu.be/jtcmvdvvlCg 
    Full Indonesia song: https://soundcloud.com/metaleyewitness/death-karma-indonesiatana-toraja-metaleyewitness-premiere 


    Oh hell yeah! Debut album was good, so I am really looking forward to this and the samples sounds amazing. The full track sounds excellent too. Seem to lean a bit more towards epic and melodic black metal than the debut, but that's cool as fuck to me.

  5. I think he consider this his most personal work till now, and he just didn't think people would get it because of how personal he is. He said he didn't think the other band members would like it very much either because of how personal it is.

  6. Oh yeah! Production sounds top notch too. Need to listen toit with different speakers and shit, but sounds really neat and crispy.


    I don't think Junichi have ever played better or more interesting than on this either. Sublime performances all over tbh.


  7. This album is something else for sure. Oh dear, oh dear.


    Diverse as fuck, but always keeping a red thread throughout each song which keeps ut together.


    Mirai singing in Japanese is so fucking cool.


    The Jethro Tull influence is quite obvius with the flute, but it sounds immense. You also hear influences from pretty much all the other Sighthings albums.


    Heresy (Part 1: Oblivium) is just stunning. Gorgeous track. The same type of "different" as Somniphobia, The Tranquilizer Song and Nietzschean Conspiracy. Part II and III are also amazing, and together they form something completely unique. Just mindblowing.


    Biggest difference from Graveward is that You's guitar playing is more integrated into the sound. The tracks are suited a lot better to his style. What a guitarist by the way. Does some truly incredible stuff during the album.


    Some ingenius stuff going on with the vocals too. Is that throat singing on several of the tracks?  Sound so good.


    Will write more later when it's gotten more time to sink in. Album of the year tho. Close to perfection and probably one of their best.

  8. Album is out and is, of course, way, way, way better than anything else released in 2018. And as usual they've found a way to renew themselves. A very different Sigh album that is as good as it is strange. 10/10

  9. Finished Black Mirror season 4. Very good as always, but weakest season yet?


    Thought USS Callister, Hang the DJ and Metalhead were really good and stood out, not only in this season, but as some of the best episodes in the entire series. Hang the DJ had a really nice and uplifting tone ala San Junipero, and USS Callister had much of the same feeling to it. It has a certain bleakness and shit, but much of the comedic elements, bright and colorful visual style and ending had much of the same feeling. Metalhead were grim as fuck, but probably the most interesting of the entre series visually. Black and white, minimalistic, beautyful cinematography and just an overall dark and grim atmosphere. 


    Crocodile and Black Museum were both good with both having some major pros, but as a whole they were flaws. The cinematography, bleakness and cast were amazing, but there was something that just didn't fully do it for me. Black Museum had a bit too much "been there, done that" feeling to it although the first short story of the episode was fantastic. 


    Arkangel's among the worst of the series so far. Bottom 2 for sure. Just. Eh?

  10. On 11/5/2018 at 5:50 AM, karai · ebi said:

    My Halloween was pretty disappointing...had a lot of severe weather and tornado type stuff in the vicinity so only got to wear my costume an hour tops. (Well I like the severe weather...but not on Halloween come on!)



    That looks sweet as fuck. Did you make it from scratch, or did you just buy stuff that was ready to be put on?

  11. No biggie. This entire forum is filled with people who do that. But as soon as someone add an opinion of some sorts when posting news and shit, chances of people getting interested is just much higher. Especially if one compare it to someone or something. I tried this in the film threads lately too. Just posting the name of the film and nothing else. I am pretty sure my mini-reviews cause a lot more interest, and my thoughts on the movie might get more people to see/avoid it too even if someone disagree's with the opinion.





    *insert new Soulfly song*

    Soulfly will release their new album Ritual on 08.08-2018






    *insert new Soulfly song*

    Soulfly will release their new album Ritual on 08.08-2018


    Well this was a surprise. Max Cavelera and Soulfly's been becoming more and more metallic with each release and this is easily the most metallic, brutal and old school-sounding Cavalera album since Arise.





    Someone will disagree about the statement made above, but it will win the interest of a few more than the first example and that's all I meant with "adding something". So fucking what if someone disagree and act a bit childish and holier than thou about it? Who cares? It's the internet. If you can't handle stuff like that life just isn't for you.


    Last statement not meant towards you btw.

  12. Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror is just great in all of its awfulness. Awful in every way, still it has one of the most memorable scenes in all of cinema. That scene is just fucking nuts. 

  13. 25 minutes ago, The Piass said:

    I forgot to post this new song from Chapel Of Disease ! Really cool song !

    Their album "...And As We Have Seen The Storm, We Have Embraced The Eye" is set to be released on 2018.11.23.




    That was three words and your post Immediately went from boring to pretty fucking valuable. Just because of your own damn opinion. Nice. Well done. :D


    Will check the song later. Should be good indeed.

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