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Posts posted by Bear

  1. I'm a bit late to the show, but I just wanted to post here, and these are't necessary the albums I consider the best in each genre, but they are what I consider the most representative for their genre:



    Black metal: Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

    Thrash metal: Slayer - Show No Mercy

    Grindcore: Repulsion - Horrified

    Doom metal: Black Sabbath - Master of Reality

    Death metal: Death - Leprosy

    Post-metal: Neurosis - Souls at Zero

    Screamo: Neil Perry - Lineage Situation

    Death rock: Christian Death - Only Theatre of Pain

    Hardcore: Black Flag - Damaged

    Grunge: Nirvana - Bleach

    Post-hardcore: Fugazi - Repeater

    Progressive rock: King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King

    Neofolk: Current 93 – Thunder Perfect Mind

  2. So, what about hidden gems then? Be it from the 80's, 90's or 00's. There's lots of lesser known bands that never got the attention they deserved, or should be getting more attention.


    One of these bands, in my opinion, are the folk/black metal band Bak De Syv Fjell from Norway, with Kvitrafn (ex-Gorgoroth) on drums. They only released one rehearsal tape and a short EP in the mid 90's. Gives me a little Primordial vibes, but without the celtic part.



    Brilliant EP IMO.




    Gauhaert is another band. They are described as raw celtic folk metal, which I guess isn't too far off. It's a band with Vloekwaard fro the more known cult black metal band Urfaust, and it has plenty of similarities with mentioned band. You have the "drunken" clean vocals just as in Urfaust, and the riffing are similar and all that. Great band.




    Myrkraverk is another. It's basically an Isengard clone so you know what to expect, but a really good one. By Infamroth of the great black metal band Throne of Katarsis



    The new Behemoth video's out today. This was a pleasant surprise. After the bands last three albums I had given up on the band as they are all beyond awful, but this song is actually qiote good. Best since their "Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond)" days. I like how they're incorporating more black metal again. I hope the upcomming album can be an even bigger surprise.


    The video ain't too bad either. A bit hit and miss, but especially the first half are great. Looking good too.

  4. Attack of the Giant Leeches - Another 50's big monster b-film with a low budget, but it is surprisingly good. The monsters looks both retarded and good at the same moment, but they look mutated right. These fucking leeches has got arms. All in all another great 50's big monster flick.


    The Guard - Hilarious crime-comedy and the director debut by John Michael McDonagh, brother of the more known Martin McDonagh (In Bruges og Seven Psychopaths). Great film, and John Michael McDonagh, just like his brother, seems to have a real talent in film making. Impressive. The best about this film is Brendan Gleeson, better known from In Bruges and Braveheart. He's brilliant in this film.


    Con Air - This was the shit when I was younger, but sadly it's one of those films that didn't stand the test of time too well. It's still a cool and entertaining film, but it's just not as good as it was when I was younger. But you gotta love the fact the film has this certain coolness over it, and is macho, cheesy and filled with hilariously bad one liners. Plenty of good actors here too, but Steve Buscemi and Danny Trejo steals the show.

  5. Older Arckanum sure has a place in this thread. Used to be quite an interesting band in the 90's, but I can't seem to enjoy a single thing after his comeback even though I try. TI think the band lost its identity when they ditched the folk influences and became rather uninteresting to me after that. But I recommend checking out the earlier works of Arckanum. Most will probably fall off the wagon as soon as the vocals kick in though.


    And you're not alone about having a trouble with the lyrics as the lyrics are written in old Swedish. Well, used to be at least. For the newer album it seems to be more Icelandic, but I don't know about that. So I think even Swedes have problems with a lot of their lyrics.




    And books like that tend to be quite expensive because of the low quantity actually printed, and when they get sold out they get even mroe expensive. Same goes for all the books by the likes of Michael W. Ford of Black Funeral as well. Not that I know, but apparently the books are really, really expensive. But I don't know much about that either.

  6. Hyrule was very hit and miss. Great when being airy and ambientesque, but when they went away from that I went all "NAAAAW!!!".



    Another band(album!)I love is Zharoze's "1911". Brilliant album! More bands that blends in traditional music in their post-rock?


    By the way, does someone have "1911" in something higher then 192kbps and are willing to upload on mediafire?

  7. That's right. And you're spot on with your description of danish.



    You're right about the other Scandinavian countries (including Finland) are way more known for metal, but Denmark are getting more and more known as well, much thanks to the doom metal festival Heavy Days In Doomtown, which is supossed to be one of the better festival around now, and the generel metal festival Copenhell. I also think Denmark is quite an underrated country as far as metal goes. They've always had some of the best bands in their genre. And as far as I know there's always lenty of dens at Inferno Festival. Well, there's plenty of people from all over the world, so it's not that weird.



    I thought it was a horrible album. It just sounds like a parody album. I'm not a huge Turisas fan to begin with, but I enjoy their debut album a lot. Less jolly folky folk and way more bombastic and huge, if you get what I mean. It sounded more like Bal-Sagoth than their latter works did, which was the key ingredient for me to enjoy the album. The Rasputin cover was great, though, even though the original is a lot better. But yeah, I was not impressed by the new album. Thought it was hilariously bad to be honest. Nothing but a big mess.

  8. The danish language's horrible. Sounds like they've got a god damn potato down their throat. I can understand it, but written and spoken, but it's still a bit hard.


    That's nice. As far as I know Copenhagen is well known around here for being a great place for all kinds of concerts. I know a lot of people who tend to go over for concerts several times a year, and the boat over the dam (not sure if dam are the right word but I don't care) is always fun.



  9. There's only a couple of bands there I don't know and I will check 'em out. Earth was a ballsy recommendation, when thinking of what kind of music they used to play and play now. Great band, though.


    I haven't tried in a long time, but for some reason I fail to see the great thing about God is an Astronaut, Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Sigur Rós. They should all be my cup of tea, but I find all of them to be rather mediocre. They don't touch me much and fail to relax me. I don't find them to be bad, just a bit boring.

  10. post-9881-0-88252100-1386064020_thumb.jp


    Saw GHOST yesterday and it was immense! The atmosphere were so thick you could touch it even before we got into the place they were playing, and they didn't disappoint at all. The backdrop looked AMAZING, the band looked AMAZING and they sounded AMAZING! Close to perfect set list and it was sold out, something which never happenes here, so that was pretty awesome. The whole thing ended with me (and everyone else) singing when my eye suddenly start hurting. I react by putting my arms back at my chest and down falls a guitar pick. It all ended really well. Happy as fuck!

  11. Amer was just great. I just loved the obvious giallo inspiration, and especially the Dario Argento inspiration. Quite the unique film. Very much recommended!


    Also, you should check out Berberian Sound Studio. Another weird, giallo inspired film. Even better than Amer.

  12. Here's my top three albums of 2013:


    Run the Jewels - Run the Jewels

    Ghostface Killah - Twelve Reasons to Die

    Pest - The Crowning Horror


    I haven't heard a shitload of hip hop thisyear, but I've heard some. But those three are more or less equal. Can't really decide on who's best.


    But feel free to mention a few better (hip hop) albums.

  13. Run the Jewels




    Run the Jewels is a colabration between the recent underground hip hop star Killer Mike and underground master producer/rapper EL-P, who produced Killer Mike's last album, 2012's already classic "R.A.P. Music". They've both got something huge going on nowadays, but this totally takes the cake. Killer Mike's agressive rap over El-P's dark, lo-fi, dirty beats are just stunning. Well, can't forget EL'P's magnificent raps either. The latter gave us Run the Jewel's best verse. Check out the first verse on "A Christmas Fucking Miracle". IMMENSE! The flow on this album, by both guys, are incredible. It's stunning. Breath taking. Amazing!


    Kanye West and Jay-Z get's all the attention, while EL-P is almost overrlooked every single time people talk about producers. Here'a fun fucking fact: EL-P has created one of the world's best and most innovative records, no matter genre. That's not just my opinion, that's a fact. I've had this as y third best album of the year, but I have to admit; that's not true. This is THE album of the year.



    Listen to the opening verse, guys. Listen to that!


    And even better, listen to the opening verse to his song:



    God fucking damn! Album of the year!



    Edit: They released the album for free as well.

  14. Monster from the Ocean Floor - Tip top 50's big monster film. The film's a b-film and had a pretty low budget at times, and you'll notice that a few times. Especially on the monster's movement which was horrible. But other than that I actually think this is a good film. Very, very enjoyable film. The monster looks pretty awesome, and that was the biggest surprise here. Anyway, I enjoyed this hella lot!

  15. Really? I thought Sommaren med Monika was a great film. Not Ingmar Bergman's best film, but a very, very good one nonetheless. I also thought Harriet Andersson was just fabulous in it. I haven't seen nearly enough Ingmar Bergman films, but I've loved every single one and I need to watch a lot more from him. Should have a Bergman marathon soon, and watch plenty of Ingmar Bergman films. I need to finish my "big monster flick" marathon and then my Fritz Lang marathon first.

  16. Attack of the Crab Monsters - Hilarious big monster "z-film" from the 50's. The whole film's a mess to be honest. The monster looks ridiculous, the story's poor and the acting's really bad. But it's such an enjoyable film nonetheless and it works perfectly with a few beers. I loved it!


    I, Robot - A great, really underrated film. It has its flaws, especially the CGI which often looks dated, but that's normal with CGI. The story is great!


    The Mechanic - A remake of the classic 1972 film of the same name with Charles Bronson. This time we get Jason Statham as Arthur Bishop and he does a good jobb. Statham is himself and you know exactly what you get with him. Nothing spectacular and not a film I'll watch twice (the remake however can be watched a lot!), but I was entertained.

  17. I'd recommend you to take a look into their older stuff too, though it depends a little on what you enjoy. It's not like their earlier albums are only "hail the white race kill the niggers 1488!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" or anything like that. But you'll find a song here and there that includes that kind of stuff. Nechrist are their folkiest album, but it never gets over the top jolly and it's a  dark and hard album. It's very balanced and the folk music never takes over. I love it!

  18. May - Woah, this one catched me off guard. A really weird horor drama with a lot of black comedy which goes a lot deeper than just your regular scare flicks. The film is both creepy, disturbing and sad and left an impession on me. Recommended!

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