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Everything posted by Crube

  1. Crube

    I guess, but none of the tribes aren't really white, so this Tumblie is doing something that they hate what Hollywood does: whitewashing. Also, it's weird how said Tumblie is going to recast other tribes when they are already based off of people of different cultures. What was that one term they keep tossing about? Cultural apporition or something like that?
  2. Crube

    I don't get it.
  3. Crube

    I kind of like owning the physical copy. It just feels weird for me owning something digital with my hard earned monies for some reason.
  4. Crube

    Don't worry, I got into it, but it's one of those weird series that took me more than the first three episodes to get into it. That's what I felt at first. Even the cliffhanger ending is just basically waiting and anticipating because Annie turned into crystal.
  5. Crube

    I finished it after deciding to just continue through it by continuing episode six and up. I mostly waited for the hype to die down and got into it after being coerced by a good friend to watch it. I have to admit that the second opening is a lot better in both the music and visuals because it doesn't recycle animation used in the actual episodes. Also, the second opening reminds me of Galneryus for some reason. I expected as such with a shoujen-esque series. But, I put that aside and actually saw some growth with a lot of the characters that isn't Eren and maybe Mikasa. Although at this point, I honestly don't care if Annie dies or not.
  6. Crube

    This is literally the only scene that I remembered from the first few episodes of Attack on Potatoes. Everything else I just kind of slept through.
  7. Crube

    It's weird seeing so many people finally getting into One Punch Man. Not going to be that nerd that will complain about 'newbies', I'm just glad that it's getting more fans.
  8. Crube

    I got around to completing the first season of Attack on Titan. I didn't re-watch the first five episodes that I slept through and figured that I could sum it up in a handful of words from basic training, potatoes, and crunchy. It really picked up for me after the plugging of the wall. Honestly? It's not the worst thing I've watched, but it's also not the End All, Be All Anime that a lot of people were claiming it to be because well... anime fans on Tumbles are weird to me.
  9. Crube

    I can actually listen to ARCHE though.
  10. Crube

    Awesome setlists, but Un deux as a closer seems kind of odd.
  11. Crube

    *Intro to Cage plays over PA* *Band plays DECAYED CROW after intro dies down*
  12. Crube

    The DEG fanbase is amusing. Back before UROBOROS came out, there were debates on whether or not the band was abandoning their so called original sound as if rock/metal music was a norm in Japan before the arrival of KISS, Iron Maiden, and Deep Purple back in the late 70s and early 80s. Even then, the earliest Japanese rock band, Flower Travellin' Band was influenced by the likes of Cream and Jimi Hendrix. With that said, it strikes me odd that there were DEG fans that just assumed that X Japan and others just all of a sudden played rock music with NO outside influence. Even the band had "Western" influences even before coming to the States for the first time almost a decade ago. When I first heard GAUZE, the production was so lack luster that I assumed that the release was maybe around late 80s and early 90s. I was surprised that the album only came out in 1999. Then again, I don't know much about the behind the scenes of a rock band that just started out in Japan versus a band outside of Japan. It's not the lack of "heavy" music that prevents me from keeping the first album in rotation, just the production value. MACABRE and the releases up to Withering to death. are pretty good, but sometimes I just want more power behind the music. Or as Clarkson would carelessly shout "POWER!" whilst driving a lorry into a brick wall. Or anything infantile that he does for that matter. While VULGAR and Withering to death. were the albums that got me to listening to the band more, it was THE MARROW OF A BONE that got me to listen to the rest of the catalogue without skipping at least seventy-five percent of their music. I still don't get comments like "it's too heavy" or "sound like as if they were glued together" when it comes to tracks in this phase of the band. There are plenty of tracks that could easily fit right in with this phase of the band with modern production and little to no reconstruction. Hydra, Zan, Myaku, and FILTH could fit in with ARCHE and possibly UROBOROS. (Now that I think about it, I'd love to hear a remake of Myaku.) With that said, I honestly can't just choose between the two, but I won't delve into the argument of which era is better. There are a few duds in the early phase, but that won't stop me from listening to it. Incidentally, I would have gotten into the band a lot earlier, but a certain fan girl who insisted that their earlier stuff was somehow heavier than the likes of Pantera and her holier than thou attitude about Japanese music kind of turned me off from Japanese bands. Then again, this is the same fan girl that claims that GACKT was the better singer of the band. Thankfully, I got into Japanese music through the likes of MUCC and Galneryus.
  13. Crube

    I don't exactly hate Jesus Christ R'nR, but I don't actively hit it as the first song when I want to play their discography on random. I just don't listen to it as often when compared to the entire Withering to death album.
  14. Crube

    That's a weird way of spelling Jesus Christ R'nR.
  15. Crube

    Or you know... practice? Neil Peart does an hour warm-up before the shows he play at and he's 63.
  16. Crube

    Welcome to this board. It's usually like this when it comes to certain bands, but don't take it to heart.
  17. Crube

    I still don't understand the censoring. It's one of the reasons why I don't put the song on a high pedestal like a lot of fans.
  18. Crube

    I remember walking from Renton to downtown Seattle one day when Mazyohst came on the MP3 player. I almost forgot that it was even on until that little beep halfway during the song. I want to hear a MW influenced song by DEG now.
  19. Crube

    About right. Not that it is a bad thing in my book though. They have a good spot in my heart mostly because they along with Dio and Iron Maiden were my first concert ever.
  20. Crube

    Still not used to the idea of new music releases on a Friday as opposed to a Tuesday. With that said, I love the new Motörhead album.
  21. Crube

    Best Raw of the Year.
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